Teri Meri Doriyaan 4th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Manveer tells Sahiba that she troubled her family a lot and it’s time to get out of their lives forever by divorcing Angad. Sahiba looks at Angad in a shock. Inder warns Manveer to stop her nonsense, they are in trouble and she is talking about their divorce. Manveer says divorce is the only solution for their son’s problems, even he wanted their divorce and just because Sahiba helped him in his wrong deeds, he is supporting her. Akaal asks her to stop her wrong demand. Manveer says her demand is justified and asks Angad to speak. Seerat asks Angad to tell that he doesn’t want to stay with Sahiba and that he wants to forget her forever. Angad says he said that in anger and didn’t mean it. Seerat says words spoken in anger and drunk are always true. Angad says he never wants to leave Sahiba, it was Sahiba’s decision to leave him. He asks Sahiba to take a decision.
Sahiba says he easily put the blame on her and wants her to take a decision. She asks Manveer to get the divorce papers signed by her son and send it to her. She walks out of the cabin. Angad and Inder follow her. Tech informs them that they found Sahiba’s mobile was hacked and suggests her to log out of all the social media and bank accounts till they find out the hacker. Inder asks what about Angad’s phone. Tech says Angad’s phone is connected to his lapto and they are checking both. She takes Sahiba’s phone and gives her another phone on Inder’s order. Inder requests her to keep it as they need to be connected to each other in this tough situation. Sahiba says she doesn’t want to be connected to anyone and leaves from there. She cries in a lift. Sahiba Ruthgaiya Sahiba Ruthgaiya.. song plays in the background.
Rumi thinks it’s good Sahiba is getting divorce now and follows Sahiba to the college library. Tech informs Angad that there is a reminder in Sahiba’s mobile. Angad checks it and tells Inder that it’s for him, it’s Simran’s birthday after 2 days. Inder gets emotional and says Sahiba thinks about everyone so much. Angad says except him and walks away from there sadly. Sahiba studies at college library. Librarian says it’s time to close the library. Sahiba requests him to give her some more time as she needs to finish pending notes. Librarian agrees and asks her to close the library while leaving. Sahba gets busy again. Rumi walks in and talks romantically with her. Sahiba gets scared and asks who is he. He says he is her Mirza. Sahiba recalls reading a note with flower bouquet and says he is just a stalker. Rumi continues to frighten her with his words while Sahiba scared tries to search him. He tells her that soon she will be divorcing her husband and will be with him forever. Sahiba gets more scared.
Precap: Manveer informs family that she will get Angad divorce Sahiba and marry Seerat. Family is shocked to hear that while Seerat gets happy. Angad forcefully brings Sahiba home and says she will stay here as her life is in danger. Manveer yells this shameless girl can’t stay in this house. Angad warns her to dare not speak a word against his wife Sahiba.
Update Credit to: MA
This sahiba is just soooo annoying.. She keeps abusing angad verbally nd later plays victim
This sahiba has become v irritating, she pretends to be bechari by showing tears then start blaming angad ,she should deal their problems maturily, what is the fun of leaving home,angad is wrong only when he doesn’t ask his mother nd besharam seerat not to talk rubbish abut sahiba,he is a business tycoon he can ask them that he will solve his problem himself, darji doing good towards seerat thrashing her time to time. Manveer’s role nd acting v irritating, sahiba must tell to all abut manveer’s role in simran kidnapping.
I want the old feisty Sahiba back. The old one would probably have revealed everything to Angad by now in her anger instead we have this simp version who just cries always. The old one would have put both Manveer and Seerat in their places by reminding Manveer about the kidnapping and Seerat about ditching Angad and also being a golddigger.
As weird as it might sound i’m liking the Rumi track as otherwise it’s this endless cycle of Sahiba and Angad not communicating and Seerat and Manveer being witches. Id even prefer Jasleen having more screen time if it meant we didn’t have to watch the witches and lack of communication track.
As it currently stands i think the writers will probably drag the current tracks for ages until eventually Keerat lashes out and reveals everything
Instead of asking Angad to sign the divorce papers, I believe Sahiba should sign them first. She is self-sabotaging her relationship. If she truly believes that Angad doesn’t want to be with her, she should end her relationship with him immediately. She should set Angad free. She is being toxic. Why can’t she ever have a conversation with him like a grownup? She always ends up blaming him. I no longer like her character. She’s willing to stay at the hostel despite knowing she’s unsafe there. But she can’t go to Brar Mansion.
to me it looks as if sahiba also wants the divorce but not angad now i start wondering if sahiba ever did love angad sincerely since she left him so easily i don t like seerat romi and manveer but perhaps seerat indeed loved angad sincerely but the way she went about it was comepletely wrong but the way sahiba is behavng now i doubt if she ever loved angad she never even wanted to sleep with him and seerat will sleep with him in later episiodes then i wonder who realy loves who i believe angad loved sahiba but now i wonder if sahiba ever realy loved angad acording to what we are seeing now i don’t think so anymore she might greeve about what happened but it could also be selfpitty that she cannot achieve what she wants i think she misses her parents especialy her father but i don’t know if she realy loved angad with all her heart because she will consent to divorce now we want sahiba and angad together but does sahiba realy want to go back to him or does she just desires to be loved by someone sincerely this romi is a weird crazy man but could she perhaps change him into a normal good loving man and then marry him instead of returning to angad but also the way he is doing things are wrong so the story is full of wrong things at the moment i wonder if makers only like the type of woman like manveer pakhi jasleen and seerat that these woman play evil tricks on the good softnatured woman and always win and get what they want
Sahiba doesn’t value Angad. She acts so stubborn all the time. It’s better if she divorces him. I think she’s trying to get rid of Angad. Perhaps she no longer wants to be with him. Angad has done so much for Sahiba. What has Sahiba done for Angad to prove her love for him? She is only interested in hearing what she wants to hear. She somehow wants Angad to admit that he loves Seerat so that she can say goodbye to him. And live the rest of her life as a victim .
In what world is Sahiba living? A minute ago she was told a guy hacked her phone and stalking her, there she goes to study at library all alone. They whitewashed Angad and made Sahiba crybaby. Manveer cruel, irritating and aportunist who is taking advantage of the couples misunderstandings.
Manveer has forgotten that Sahiba saved her and covered her misdeeds about kidnapping Simran
I think sahiba should reveal to the family what manveer did with Simran and Seerat’s misdeed
@Yara it is true what you said and indeed Manveer is taken advantage of the cuoples misunderstandings and so does seerat and also romi but the worse thing of it all is they will succeed eventualy and sahiba will divorce angad continue living at the hostle and romi will keep on stalking her untill he finaly gets her which will also happen after seerat is maried to angad
I agree, Sahiba has become super annoying. I was sad to see Angad basically leave the decision for divorce up to Sahiba instead of saying no outright, but can’t blame him…how much more can the poor guy take? Though it was sweet to see him still follow Sahiba to the elevator with some hope. Plus, when he said to his dad with tears in his eyes, “Sahiba cares about everyone in the family, except for me,” it was so sad. In any case, I don’t love the fact that they dedicated 10 minutes to the library scene, but at least the staging wasn’t bad for an ITV show. Though, the way Sahiba reacted in the library was completely unrealistic, even for an ITV show….anyone (especially without a cellphone) would be having a breakdown or looking for an exit and she was basically following the stalker and speaking fairly casually….I know she has a strong personality, but that is so dangerous. I’m really just hoping that in the next episode the IT person traces the hacker and tells Angad that person is situated in Sahiba’s hostel and he comes looking for her and brings her home. I agree with @Marlielouise and @Ananya that it doesn’t seem that Sahiba every really valued or loved Angad…or if she did it wasn’t that deep….Bebe was right in being disappointed that Sahiba didn’t want to fight for her marriage….I’m not saying anyone should support a cheating husband, but she could have at least had an honest conversation with him, especially since she always gave Angad lectures about trust and believing her in the past. I’m looking forward to seeing her reaction when she finds out she is wrong and how Angad will react, but I hope she is not too late. Really hoping that the makers try to please fans and show the couple fall in love again in Brar Mansion…let’s see!
Dharji should shut Manveer completelty as he is the head of the house and she has no right to take any decision. Secndly they should kill her off as which man would want to be married to such a arrogant snobish adn disgusting women who thinks she is suprerior to all in the Brar mansion that is why Inder went looking for love somewhere else. Thirdly Keerat shoulod tell Veer that Seerat is the one who has caused all the troubles in Sahiba’s life with Angad.
@agreed sandy but they should not only kill manveer off also sahiba and romi because even if manveer would be killed off which will never happen there still are seerat and romi arround to hurt her i would like keerat to talk to veer that seerat is the blame of all the problems btween angad and sahiba but up to now she is also keeping her mouth shut so who will eventualy realy expose seerat and romi i think nobody unless jasleen knows more then what she is saying but up to now seerat romi and manveer are winning all along and that makes story so boring
@marielouise, seerat and Angad will never be together because she is now in the negative role beside
We all know that Sahiba and Angad are the end game that’s why we all keep watching. We know it and maker’s knows it and they too take advantage of this reality, drag the plot and add more twists and turns to prolongate since audience wants to see the couple united, until they do unite with unrealistic plot, that increases number of episodes.
Atleast they didn’t yet repeated scenes and plots like other series like kkb, KB And BL. I hope they remarry seerat to other household and bring some other plot, hers is very annoying.
Teri Meri… will soon be labelled flop
@ferdousi Abdullahi, that’s what I fear too. Titli is going off air on 27 October, who know whose turn is next on starplus?!
@Yara they should marry seerat out into romi family both of them are just as evil and obseesed with the partner they are chasing seerat is obsessed with angad and romi is obssedecwith sahiba now if makers would marry seerat out to romi that would be a perfect match because he is also from a rich buisiness family so that would suite seerat also very well and both ar just as evil so they realy would suite eachother