Fan Fiction


Hi this is VHM signing in with a new FF ….The concept is given by our friend FFFAN1234 aka Dipti….please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes….I hope you will continue to shower your support as you have always shown for my earlier write ups …….

Please note I May not be regular in posting the episodes due to personal commitments…however I promise I will not keep you waiting for a long time too……..
TAM : Thinking At that Moment / Thought At that Moment
Gauri read the message from Anika ‘’kaam ho gaya’’

Gauri smiled

Swethlana looked at her in suspicion

Gauri ‘’relax swethlana ji…I will leave …but will come back soon ‘’

She took few steps forward and then came back to Swethlana and said ‘’I will come back to permanently kick you out of our lives and this is promise of Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi’’ she winked her eyes and left from there….

Swethlana quickly walked in and without wasting time looked if everything was at place or not….

She went to her bedroom and looked around to find the window open ….she bet down under the bed, removed the tile and saw the file to be in it’s place…taking a deep breathe she opened the file and found the papers to be present….she closed the papers and started arranging everything back still being in confused thoughts.

Swethlana TAM ‘’if these papers are intact why did that Gauri come here? Did she come alone or was she with anyone else? Why is the bedroom window open ?I must check the CCTV footage of entrance first’’

Anika met Gauri at a nearby place where they decided when they were in swethlana’s house and recognised her arrival.

Gauri ‘’Bhaujai everything fine right?’’

Anika ‘’yes…now see what I do with that cheapdi…how dare she troubles my family’’

Gauri ‘’relax Bahujaii…I think we need to head back to Nainital and give these to sasurji’’

Anika ‘’ yes…come let’s go…we need to go till the point where the helicopter is waiting’’

Gauri ‘’bahujaii..chopper boliye…chopper’’ she smiled

Anika ‘’haan let’s move’’’


Shivaay and Rudra thought of getting details about the old lady …while Police were doing their investigation.

Shivaay ‘’Khanna …I need every detail about this lady…from birth till death..and you have only few hours to do so’’

Khanna nodded and started his work with enquiring about the lady while ShivRu left for the guest house to join Om and Tej.


Bhavya reached the police station and met Jhanvi

Bhavya ‘’Aunty ji I need to know some details which might help our case’’

Jhanvi ‘’what details?’’

Bhavya ‘’Aunty ji…look at this ornament?’’ she showed pic in the mobile ‘’did you wear this during the day of murder?’’

Jhanvi ‘’yes ..i did wear this’’

Bhavya ‘’But how did it come to you?’’

Jhanvi ‘’how did it come to me? It’s mine ‘’

Bhavya ‘’Aunty ji …Om bhayya has said that he gave this to swethlana to keep up to her demands when she stayed in OM…then how did this come back to you’’

Jhanvi ‘’what? Om gave this to swethlana?’’

Bhavya ‘’yes’’

Jhanvi was in thoughts

Jhanvi ‘’Wait a minute…now I get it…when I and swethlana were in swethalana’s house in Mumbai during Tej’s fake death drama..swethlana gave me this ornament saying that it is mine and
she needs to give it back to me…I took it back…yes …I took it back from her and from then on it was with me’’

Bhavya ‘’are you sure this happened?’’

Jhanvi ‘’I am 100 % sure’’

Bhavya ‘’thank you aunty ji…please don’t worry ..we know it is all done by swethlana…we just now need to prove her guilty’’

Jhanvi ‘’I have no hopes as she is very intelligent and she can change everything in minutes’’

Bhavya ‘’this time not aunty ji as we all are together against her’’

Jhanvi nodded sadly while Bhavya took leave from her and started towards the guest house.


Swethlana checked the CCTV footage and was shocked to see Anika and Gauri…her thoughts moved to what happened earlier…and she came to conclusion that Anika was present inside the house and was doing something while Gauri was wasting her time , so that Anika completes her work.

(Please note: It is to be assumed that there is no CCTV camera fixed in Swethlana’s bedroom as it is logically absurd)

She again ran to the bedroom and took the file and started seeing the papers…after a few minutes of observations she threw the papers and shouted

Swethlana ‘’Oberoi’s you made a mistake by playing games against me …till now I was only against Tej and Omkara but now all of you will suffer and beg for life from me…I am coming back to make your life hell…just wait and watch what swethlana can do…this time I will take everything away from you and it will start from Jhanvi’’

She broke the vase in anger and called someone……


Anika and Gauri reached the chopper and flew to Nainital.

Everyone gathered at the living room and started letting know what all they found in the day, one after the other…when Anika was about to say … Khanna’s call arrived on Shivaay’s mobile

Shivaay put the call on speaker

Shivaay ‘’yes Khanna’’

Khanna ‘’We couldn’t find much about the lady but two things surprised me the most which I thought will be helpful’’

Shivaay ‘’speak out ..what are you waiting for?’’

Khanna ‘’the lady has partial colloquially…and second she is not the actual mother of Naren’’

Shivaay ‘’This is amazing…I will talk to you later’’ he ended the call

Rudra ‘’colo…what? Colony? What is that? Even I don’t own a colony ‘’

Shivaay ‘’shut up Rudra’’

Anika ‘’yeah even I didn’t understand anything’’

Shivaay ‘’ok fine…will you both stop now and let me explain’’

Everyone went silent

Shivaay ‘’ colloquially means day blindness…and as per the information she has partial colloquially that means she cannot see properly in day…then how did she recognise that they were two people and it was bade papa and badi maa?’’

Om ‘’exactly…that means even she was planted by swethlana as a proof against my mom’’

Gauri ‘’and she is not the actual mother of Naren ji…then why did she say she is mother of him’’

Anika ‘’I have a plan’’

Anika said the plan to everyone and everyone agreed …….

Later they decided to implement the plan to bring the truth out from next day onwards…everyone left towards their respective rooms

Shivaay and Anika came to kitchen at the same time …Anika to eat something and Shivaay to drink water

Shivaay ‘’what are you searching for?’’

Anika ‘’woh…woh…actually I am ‘’

Shivaay ‘’you are feeling hungry’’

Anika ‘’yes…but how do you know’’

Shivaay ‘’I know everything when it’s about you…but what I didn’t know was how can you do so what you did three months back’’

Anika looked at him sadly and said ‘’when you know everything about me then you should have also known that I never do anything without a reason’’

Shivaay ‘’reason? What reason?’’

Anika ‘’nothing…let me find something to eat…I am really hungry’’

Shivaay ‘’why are you doing all this?’’

Anika ‘’what am I doing?’’

Shivaay ‘’Anika …the same Anika who tried to malign my brother is striving to help the same brother…which Anika is true…the one who did that three months back or the one who is before me now’’

Anika ‘’ask your heart Shivaay …answer will be known to you…if you have ever lov’’

She stopped midway

Shivaay ‘’if I have ever what Anika?’’

Anika ‘’nothing’’ she turned to go picking an apple …Shivaay held her hand and pulled her towards him…….she became nervous and looked at him …Shivaay too reciprocated the looks……

Shivaay ‘’if I have ever what Anika? Why did you stop midway?’’

Anika ‘’if you have ever understood me then your heart will give you the answer as to which Anika is true…good night Shivaay…we have much work to do from tomorrow morning’’

Shivaay left her and she walked away while Shivaay was again and again thinking of what she spoke

Shivaay TAM ‘’I know Anika very well…she was always good to everyone..then why did she react like that 3 months before ? what is she hiding ? she never moved on and just to show off she said she moved on….i everyday used to go to chawl and see her …she used to cry staring the sky from the window…I knew her tears were for me…but at Dargah she accepted that she moved on…I tried to get the truth from her and planned her wedding …still she was adamant…thank God she herself stopped the wedding …else an other round of mess might have happened…but still why did she do all that 3 months before….the Anika whom I am seeing now is the Anika I always have known…but why did she change suddenly then…the pain and agony I went through can she ever imagine ?…the pain I am going through now can she ever understand ?….will she ever know the medicine for the pain she gave me is she herself?…can everything get back to normal ever?’’

Tears rolled in his eyes and this didn’t get unnoticed by Anika who hid herself behind the wall just to see if Shivaay is fine…seeing him lost in thoughts Anika too was sad…badly cursing

Anika TAM ‘’I am sorry Shivaay…I wish everything would have happened good for us and we were never separated…I love all the OF members the same way I love you…but then I was held up between my happiness and your pride and I chose your pride above all…i can never let your pride down..i am sorry Shivaay…I am sorry’’

Shivaay came out of thoughts and sensed Anika’s presence and started looking for Anika…Anika too came out of thoughts and left to her room without getting noticed by Shivaay.


The next day arrived and it was time to implement the first step of her plan

Anika called swethlana

Swethlana ‘’Hello’’

Anika ‘’you still in Mumbai…didn’t expect that you are so useless’’

Swethlana ‘’ohh Anika…’’

Anika ‘’yes me…so you now know that those papers are with me’’

Swethlana ‘’yes…and I promise I will take them from you ‘’

Anika ‘’for that you need to meet me …ahaa …no…you need to beg me and if I find pity on you I will give you’’

Swethlana ‘’stop kidding…I know you never go against Oberois …but I am not useless or stupid…you will yourself give me the papers that too begging me to take the papers’’

Anika ‘’ohh really…and why do you think I will do so?’’

Swethlana ‘’because you are stupid…you are in Nainital and I will be meeting you in few minutes from now …get ready’’

Anika ‘’even I am eager to meet you come soon’’

Anika informed everyone that Swethlana will be meeting in few minutes….

Anika ‘’I knew this …I said right she will be back after my call…here she is…time for step 2’’

Om ‘’bhabhi careful…I don’t want you to get hurt’’

Anika ‘’don’t worry Om…it doesn’t matter even if something happens to me …but I promise I will not let anything happen to Jhanvi aunty’’

Om Ru hugged Anika and Anika reciprocated the hug while Shivaay was in thoughts

Om ‘’Shivaay …why are you silent?’’

Shivaay ‘’how come Swethlana can meet Anika in few minutes…I mean she is in Mumbai and from Mumbai to reach Nainital will take much time not few minutes…something is wrong’’

Anika ‘’I said right …he thinks so much that…’’

Shivaay ‘’okay stop it now…I am just venting my thoughts’’

Rudra ‘’relax Bhayya…I guess she said it by mistake or who knows she reached Nainital already’’

Anika ‘’yeah…exactly’’

Shivaay ‘’I can’t take risk…let me call Khanna first’’

Anika ‘’Shivaay we don’t have that time…we need to make our moves fast’’

OmRu agreed to Anika, Shivaay too agreed half heartedly…Anika left to meet Swethlana


Swethlana ‘’welcome Anika…I never knew I would have to tackle you …but you are nothing so I give you a chance …give papers and save your brother’’

Anika ‘’who Sahil?’’

Swethlana ‘’yes…don’t you think you were stupid enough to underestimate me’’

Anika ‘’So you mean to say Sahil is with you’’

Swethlana ‘’yes’’’

Anika ‘’ok…show me the proof I will give you papers’’

Swethlana showed the video while Anika smiled ..

Swethlana was stunned to see Anika so

Swethlana ‘’I can’t believe you don’t care for your brother’’

Anika ‘’call your men and you will understand why I am smiling’’

Swethlana did so and was shocked

Anika ‘’What do you think you are the only intelligent one in this planet…I knew you will try to harm everyone so we made our plan to secure our family…we just wanted to make sure you are satisfied and then implement our now beg me…no no…actually beg Tej uncle and Om for your life’’

Swethlana ‘’you just won a round but I have my own backup’s…wait a moment….’’ She smiled and pointed her finger towards a side

Anika turned to see and was shocked she screamed ‘’OmRu’’

Swethlana ‘’while you were keeping your eyes on me …I kept my eyes on you…the moment you stepped out you know what happened? No …ppcchh…I will tell you…

Shivaay , Tej went to meet lawyers

Gauri and Bhavya went to give food to Jhanvi

Om and Rudra were on their way to the crime spot to find proofs…’’

Anika looked on at her shockingly and slapped her hard

Swethlana ‘’how dare you?’’

Anika ‘’how dare you to touch my devars?’’

Swethlana ‘’give me papers and I promise I will release them’’

Anika looked at OmRu and took the papers out…

OmRu ‘’no Bhabhi…don’t do this’’

Anika ‘’I can’t risk your life…’’ she handed the papers to Swethlana

Swethlana took the papers and started seeing them …when Anika dialled her mobile from behind to Shivaay

Shivaay picked the call

Anika ‘’swethlana you got my papers so release OmRu now’’

Swethlana ‘’what do you think I will leave them…no never…I will kill you too along with them’’

Anika ‘’you can’t do this’’

Swethlana ‘’I will do this’’

Swethlana signalled a person to come
(Please note he is the same person whom swethlana as Kaveri gave money near the crematorium in original IB which was seen by Jhanvi and Dandi)

The person arrived and

Swethlana ‘’Kill all these three as you did earlier’’

Anika ‘’earlier? That means’’

Swethlana ‘’you are very smart and whatever you are thinking is right’’

Anika ‘’ohh bete ki’’

Swethlana stood there smiling with papers in her hand……while the man pointed Gun towards Rudra and Omakara…he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Anika’s chest just above heart when she tried to come in front of them….she collapsed there closing her eyes……

OmRu shouted Bhabhi while Swethlana still smiled and instructed the man to leave Om and Rudra and hide somewhere without being caught and she left from there ……..

Shivaay who was listening everything was shocked and very soon, he rushed to the spot with Khanna and his men and before the man could run away he was caught…

Khanna untied the ropes of OmRu while Shivaay rushed to Anika who lay unconscious.OmRu too saw Anika unconscious and were crying …..Shivaay became numb……


ALL CREDITS TO FFFAN1234 aka DIPTI for the concept !!!

So this was the Fourth part…please let me know how you felt after reading this by posting your opinion in the comment section…I will reply as soon as possible…….


Husband and Daughter - heart of my life Reading and writing - part of my life Parents and God - Light of my life

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