Fan Fiction

Thahaan trust or love (Episode 2)

Hi guys I am back thank you for your comments
I don’t have words to thank you guys so let’s start with the ff

Next day morning in Pandey nivas.
Vasundhara is praying infront of the in-house temple:God everything is going wrong here in these two months i didn’t had the guts to confront kosi for her deeds because of her our thapki left us
Suddenly temple bell rang
A woman enters pandey nivas
Everyone came to hall
Vasu:who are you
Woman:I am Satpura
Kosi devi came down to hall
Kosi devi:I know that you have equal rights in this house only but not on us so we will always remain strangers to you and your family we can have common talks but not family talk
Satpura:I knew that you would never change

Suddenly a girl and two boys enter pandey nivas
One boy is revealed to be john (naman and kosi’s son)
Kosi:John beta how are you i know you will come back
Satpura:what is this kosi now you said that we are strangers and how do you know my family member
Kosi:what the hell he is naman’s son
Kabir is the other boy
Kabir:it was before
All go to their respective jobs
Pandey family was happy that someone who have the guts to confront the deeds of kosi have come

At the dining table
Everyone was sitting to have food
Both the families were in hall but didn’t talk to each other or even smile at each other
John was sitting sadly and not eating food kosi get concerned about it
Kosi:what happened John why you are not eating the food
John didn’t reply
Satpura:John why are you gloomy
John:I am missing her aunty
Suddenly kabir and Neha too said:we too miss her maa
Satpura laugh
Satpura:so what just call her and we all will stay here
Neha:but she will not agree easily
Satpura:she will stay with us that’s final
Kosi and pandey family didn’t show any sign of hearing this
Satpura:kosi do you remember vaani
Kosi:who is that
Satpura:kk’s daughter
Kosi:ah yes
Bihaan:who is kk
Kosi:He is your father’s best friend
Satpura:she changed a lot in two months
Everyone finish their food and sat up to leave

Satpura:I would like to inform all of you that tomorrow thapki will come
Everyone gets shocked hearing the name thapki
Bihaan:which thapki
Satpura:thapki chaturvedi
Bihaan’s eyes get filled with tears
Shraddha(in mind):so thapki you are coming back you will get a big humiliation when you step your first leg in this house

Precap:shraddha planning a party to humiliate thapki thapki entry to Pandey nivas

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