Thapki Pyaar Ki 19th October 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Dadi telling Vasundara that this Karwachauth will bring Bihaan and Thapki closer. She asks her to give saree to Thapki and leave on her to decide. Bihaan and Thapki come out of the net and look at each other. Thapki comes to Vasundara and compliments her. Vasundara gives her saree and says you will look more beautiful. Thapki asks why. Vasundara says every mum in law gives shagun to bahu on Kawachauth, and explains her the rituals. She says its not necessary you wear this, think its for my happiness, not Bihaan. Thapki takes the saree. Vasundara wishes Thapki completes the fast for Bihaan.
Aditi tells Varun that Diwakar has to run from here, we will give him an answer. Diwakar is sleeping. Aditi and Varun open the window and keep a basket, saying it will be fun now. Suman says there is no fan and we are feeling hot. Preeti says Dadi said moon will come soon. Dadi says I just lied to keep you fasting. Vasundara says have patience, moon will come out.
Suman and Preeti get sugar candy floss and want to have it after breaking fast. Vasundara asks them to keep it. The servant says moon has come out and they all go to see. Bau ji asks Thapki to have food. The servant puts the fan and starts it. All the women break fast seeing their husband’s face as per rituals. Thapki sees the moon while shutting the window. She goes out to have food and Bihaan comes there. She takes the water glass which Bihaan kept. She sees his face as he stands behing the pedestal fan mesh. She drinks the water. Mangala………….plays………… The husband do the rituals of making their wives have food. Bihaan takes a candy floss while taking on phone and opens the wrapper. He stands infront of the fan and the floss falls. Dadi and Vasundara come there and see. Dadi smiles seeing the floss going in Thapki’s food and gets consumed by Thapki.
Dadi tells Vasundara that Thapki’s fast got completed, Mata Rani made her fast and broke it by Bihaan;s hand. Vasundara smiles. The police comes there and tells Bau ji thay they have come to arrest Bihaan. They all get shocked. The inspector says we have complaint that he married Thapki by cheating, this is his arrest warrant. Vasundara says you are mistaken. Thapki goes to answer. Dhruv comes there. The inspector asks her to say whats the truth.
She says she did not got cheated and denies the matter. Bihaan asks inspector is he satisfied, will he hear I love you too, and holds Thapki saying they did love marriage. He says its their love marriage and asks Thapki to say how much she loves him.
He says he is lord for Thapki, her day does not start without seeing him, she does not get sleep without seeing him. I m in her dreams, thoughts and see she has kept fast for me too. She looks at him.
Thapki prays to Lord and says Lord be with us in tough time. Paan is drunk and says Bihaan is in pain, he is bearing the punishment for the crime he did not do. She asks what do you mean. He says I mean, Bihaan has done all that because….. and stops.
Update Credit to: Amena
I knew it I even did a betting if thapki keep fast n its completed n fast broken by bihaan’s hand then bihaan thapki bipki will be united n I won the bet sooo… Shock it actually happen
Last scene is superb.
Precap is also superbbb !!!
Lub uhh B 4 Bihaan :-****
Just plug it out Pann…. Why stopped!!!! STUPID….
superb episode… BIhaan u r rocking… love u both bihaan and thapi…
I’m in love with Bihaan’s character. :$
Manish Goplani.. great job man. U r doing great work. Keep it up.
Wow super episode
Yes its gods sake made for each other. thahaan is best they unite sure .fate is wrote in one time
ya thapki starting feeling for bihaan
b 4 bihaan luv u .I knew Thapki would complete the fast .I’m so happy .Their bonding us growing more closer.The Diwaker part was very funny .I laughed so much that I got teary eyed.When Bihaan was telling that he and Thapki did luv marrige I was like shocked that he had so much pluck.
By the way what was Paan goin to say?
DUDE…. Aloke… Watch the precap….
Really superb
Thahaan is better than tharuv
luv u bihaan ,u are superb.,luved the epi
Very lovely epi bipki u r rocks
woow…suprb…yaar,. Last seen waz awozm…
Bihaan..ur so swt……. Lovelly…
B 4 bihaaaan,… Ur rockz…….
Ur moi swt hero…
Lv u tapki nd bihaan..
b for bihan love u yaar
tpk1 tym rating 1.8
Nw rating 2.1
Not baad…. Lvely show…
Not 2.1
its 2.8
Super epii……..
Wow..tday epi rockz..
Nice to wtch bipki 2gether…hope they get together soon..And paan speak the truth plz..but I know he wont speak so soon..plz itz request not to drag now..
Confirmed that no one can separate them now…as thapki’s fast is broken by bihaan n in only true relationship n love it happens…i know is not dat convenient dat paan will spill out evrything coz he took a pause which means sunthing will happen or bihaan will cum n stop him or he will faint without completing but m sure dat after this thapki will be alert n try to figure out evrything as paan told her dat bihaan is in pain n bearing evrything all alone himself n doing this becoz of sumone…so hpe just da way thapki used her mind n investigated to find out dat bihaan is alive she will surely revealed d truth of vasundara…love u thahaan u rock as always…
Thahaan rocks
Bahut accha episode tha
B 4 Bihaan lovely performance especially last scene awesome….thahaan looks so cute…pls paaan reveal d truth
Bad episode I like Dhruv&Thapki together writerji don’t neglect Dhruv
awesome biki……
suprb……ya thahaan.cute jodi
Super episode.
I think thapki find truth about bihan and Vasu and she fall in bihaan.
east or west thahan is the best
bihaan’s character is good ….but not made for thapki.. as thapki doesnt love him n infact she loves dhruv.. dhruv’s character is also superb thn y separate dhruv thapki…dhruv was d first person in thapki’s life who accepted , adored, appreciated, loved , protected her, stood by her ignoring her limitation to speech and loved her truly..even fought aginst thm who made fun of writers should pass such realistic msg n unite dhruv n thapki…. rather thn unrealistic tht marriage taken place so continue any how and adjust for family n bcoz bihaan has done for family accept him….no ways….ONLY DHRUV N THAPKI AS COUPLE CAN MAKE THE SHOW PERFECT..bihaan’s goodness should be considered in a different way as even he doesnt love thapki
Fact is fact yar but even bihaan only hate for thapki y the reason is tharuvs previous relation. Rather druv and thapki never met definitely bihaan likes thapki.
its god wish druv is the only way of thapki reach bihaan….
afterall thahaan is start for feels each other
this is not a real life its all about in writer hand. he is the only man behind this creating such a characters..