First of all ,to all those people who think that thapki pyar ki is a love story ,Sorry you people are mistaken. Tpk was never a love story. Tpk from the very beginning, revolved around thapki and Vasu. It claimed to be an imspirational show..but i dont know from which angle it was an inspiring one ! Tpk is a SAAS -BAHU Drama …This is a fact , which cant be changed.
We fans are being fooled that it is a love story ! To those people who are expecting thahaan love track on the way, Please stop expecting ! I dont understanding why people like the female lead undergoing torture ! The makers are focussing on that type of audience to gain trps..Their prime aim to satisfy them by giving them a pool of heroins tears! Shame on the makers and shame on those people who enjoy these! At first , i thought that thahaan would turn out to be one of the best couples of tellyworld , But the makers killed the jodi. They destroyed the essence of the jodi with their rubbish script ! Manyasa have great chemistry and MAKERS HAVE DESTROYED THAHAAN JODI by not making use of this chemistry!
There is no other show which has crossed 250 episodes and still no love track yet!
You people might be wondering why no love track in this Show till now. The answer is BECAUSE THE SHOW DOES NOT HAVE A LOVE TRACK IN STORE !
The makers of this show thinks that a show can be made successful only with SAAS BAHU DRAMA . Shame on this thought..!! There are many shows which were succesful without this crap , Is pyar ko kya naam doon, Geet hui sabse parayi , Ek hazarom mein meri behna hei ,Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon..etc.
These shows gave pairs who created magic in tellyworld and they do have an inspiring story…even if it is not a love story!! The Makers of tpk.. please try to learn something something from these shows!! To those fans who are expecting these type of magical love story between Thahaan … REALLY SORRY , You are not going to get such a love Story!! But please dont be DISAPPOINTED .. You are surely gonna get a Thapki- Vasu love story ..They are real hero and heroine of Tpk ! A New jodi to our tellyworld.. You can call them
THASU / VAPKI ..its upto you guys!
Hope we get to see a good inspiring love story between Our “VAPKI” !! Only tpk can give us such an eternal love story ..
A word to all the Manishians.. “Please quit this Bullshit show …Make the trps fall..and make the show go off air ! Manish deserves a show much much much better than this crap!
Thanku for reading !
And yes SORRY too !
I agree with u dat Thahaan love track had not started yet but then also I hope that now Thapki will realize her love for Bihaan when Bihaan wil start to ignore her…I heard in SBS news

??? I am also of the same thought..! I used to like it till starting 1-2 months..Bcoz I thought it is different..but gradually they are forgetting the main motive they started with..they included so much crap in between.! But then I suddenly thought it would become good and leave it’s saas bahu drama for sometime..but again they have ruined it.! I watch this show bcoz I like the leads of the show..otherwise I would have never watched it. ??
Vasu and thapki love story, I also guess that they want to show the viewers their chemistry..????
i feel the same way i never watched indian serials until a few months ago. My mom has been watching every serial since she retired last year. i usedes to get mad at her because her life revolved around the times of the episodes.
Then one unforunate day i saw Bhiaan and Thapki together..loved the chemistry. They are fun together, not the other serious couples.. i liked the quick come back Bhiaan. had with Thapki when they argue. .. now i am disappionted.
Very well said…iss tv serials mein aksar eaisa kyu hota hai….????sansar ke har dukh har samasya sirf heroine ko hi aate hai.kitne hi achche kaam karo Rona dhona katam hota hi nahi…..?aur villan sab kitne hi paap kare unke paapo ka gada bharta hi nahi…..balki achche se majese rehte hai…..? aur sachcha pyaar ……kya bataye? ek ladka ladki ek dusre se pyaar karte hai aur shaadi karne hi wale hote hai tabhi us ladki ki shaadi dhoke se kiss
Tabhi us ladki ki shaadi dhoke se kisi aur ke saath karate hai…eise taise karke unke beech pyaar ho jata hai aur pyaar ka izhaar karne hi wale hote hai thabhi nay twist….pati ka pehla pyaar ya patni ke pehle pyaar ki re entry… nahi tho koi accident ho jata hai aur memory loss ka drama …nahi tho koi galat fahmi aur revenge aur kahani fir se vanhi se shuru….aur leap track….hai bhagvaan. …kya kare in makers ka…. this is a common trend of all daily soaps..! Everyone follows the same track at some point of time. But at the end when the series gonna end they do everything right and everything in favour of the person who has his/her name in the title of the show..???
i’m totally agree with you!!! it’s a typical saas bahu drama!!!
Dadi ma ask thapki to go to the vegtable market and bring fruits for pooja, and ask bihaan to go with her, bihaan is full angry comes to room in serch of vehicle key ,tryto find key but couldn’t, thapki say u always serch for key which is infront of your eye, ahe is about to approach the key hanger for key, bihaan reaches first and said I have eyes hand and legs I can do my stuff by my self, thapki said if you don’t wana go with me don’t go, I can tell dadi ma but bihaan you don’t need to say a word about me to any one. In the mean time bihaan recives a call , from some call center man is talking tohim english. He got mad on him and thapki stanches the phone and said, y are u mad athim. It was his job to speak in english. And whats your prob with english I have installedan app in your mobile ,I u try u can learn he say stop …Next scene in veg market bihaan forced thapki to bought fruit without money. Thapkisaid what happened to you. Bihaan said its me real bihaan pandy, I change my self for you, I learnt to be good bcx of u . But what I get in return betrayal. She said I told you my reason and also ask for forgiveness. He saidI don’t care. She said fine I m not going to buy fruits like that, n not especially for pooja. Bihaan said I will not let you buy fruits by right way. She said I will buy fruit by right way, n for this whatever I have to do in fast, I will do.
guys new spoiler
hope u like it
love thahaan
whether writers drag the show but A thahaanian will surely watch the show
love thahaan
love manyasa
agree with u
but we all know thahaan will unite
Thank u so much Anu for this spoiler???.Waiting eagerly for it.???
dont say thanks shruti i m a thahaanian & a member of this tpk family my responsibility to share each & every news of tpk to all of u
Anusha thankyou yar… you always share spoilers and news with us..
keep sharing 
Sorry not anusha! It’s Anu*
Oh..I guess thahaan story starts soon..anyways thanks for the spoiler..???
Of course.Anu u always share if there is any news of TPK.thnx for it.
Yes correct
I saw the location video shoot … only thahaan room scene. …not market scene
arru i always share news with u all
when i get any news
I agree with you.If Thahaan will be separated by any means it’s better to leave this show. Still hope for Thahaan love track only.
im also agree with u………..there is only drama of saas- bahu………… i hate it
But i still love thaaruv…y all u are forgetting dhruv…and his love …..i hate this track…how can thapki forget dhruvs luv for her…and she also loved him…wer is her luv?? ……
for me…saas bahu and suspense is the essence of hindi serial …plain love stories can be boring sometimes without the twists and hardships and intejaar for the millan of the jodis how will the chemistry between two people evolve into great ones.. the ones which will make u cry for them.
You’re absolutely correct ……
Soap opera ko kya hogaya patha nahi……..????????all serial are nonsense drama and dragging. …..
omg … hahaha…
ur ryt
am agree with u… dude !!!!

“vapki” lOve stry…
hahaha…. aYyooo… chirich… chaavum.. njn.!!!
ilove thahan… but now…
jzt hate it…..
SOoo boring…
eThakkayini thahaan eppm onnikummm… olakanthe Mood….
malapuram kati abbum villum… !!!
fUll on waste….
omg … hahaha…
ur ryt
am agree with u… dude !!!!

“vapki” lOve stry…
hahaha…. aYyooo… chirich… chaavum.. njn.!!!
ilove thahan… but now…
jzt hate it…..
SOoo boring…
eThakkayini thahaan eppm onnikummm… olakanthe Mood….
malapuram kati abbum villum… !!!
fUll on waste….
Dr Frd , ur 100 % ryt….. !!!!!!!