Fan Fiction

Thapki pyaar ki + my imagination Episode 7

The episode start with shardda telling thapki not to tell anyone about she is lying about getting pregnant, thapki return home ? Bihaan drop Aditia and tell her to take care of her self and in any time she want to come to home she is always welcome، Aditia thanks Bihaan and go,
Bihaan return home and go to thapki to ask her what happened,
Bihaan: so what happened thapki did you know if shardda is lying.
Thapki: yes Bihaan , suddenly she saw shardda,
Bihaan: what tell me she is lying right.
Thapki: Bihaan you always ask about shardda don’t you want to know about our baby if it good .

Bihaan: thapki what happened to you are okay we were..
thapki try to change the topic because shardda is watching them : Bihaan I know today if it is a boy or a girl .
Bihaan: thapki you killing me I want to know the trut.., thapki cut him the truth of the baby it’s a boy Bihaan aren’t you happy.
Bihaan: thapki am happy looks like you care about our child .
Shardda : I think thapki will not tell Bihaan and she talking about her baby, she goes.
Thapki sees her she run to the door and locked ,
Bihaan: thapki what happened?

Thapki: Bihaan you say you’re genius in one second our all plan gone do you know shardda was watching from the door ?.
Bihaan: what !! I didn’t know and don’t Make fun of my genius brain .
Thapki: okay lets focus I did as you say I recorded her voice.
Bihaan listen to the record shardda saying ‘yes am not pregnant ‘ Bihaan that’s it now we can prove to the family that she is lying he look to thapki she is was worried,
Bihaan: thapki don’t worry shardda can’t harm anyone I promised you that I will fix everything so let get this shardda out of this house.
The family was sitting and watch tv ? Bihaan come and tell them today I heard a beautiful music shardda will you come and play it for us he give her the tape of her voice recorder shardda take it and play it without knowing it is her voice, when it is played she got shocked ?she says to her self NO NO I need to stop it she try to shut down Bihaan come and tell her ,
Bihaan: shardda why your scared it is your voice ,
The family get shocked to her shardda saying she is not pregnant and if thapki tell them she will kill her child, vaus stand up and slap shardda so hard ??
Vaus: I think before you just a evil person but know you prove to me you are devil how you think to kill thapki child’s .
Shardda: I was….
Druve: shut up shardda you also lied about your pregnancy and make Aditia leave.
Shardda: druve I make all this to stay with you please druve give me another chance to fix my mistakes.
Druve: a chance no way shardda you out of chances get out right now .
Bihaan: I tell you shardda one day you will leave this house forever and this day has come ?.
Shardda: I will leave but I promise you all and you thapki that I will return and will get revenge of all of you .
Thapki: shardda you keep this revenge in your mind because you can’t harm our family and my father says good people always get things happen with them and bad people bad things happen to them so even if you try to give pain to our family you can’t.
Shardda: we will see .
Bihaan: bye shardda I will not miss you ?
Shardda left .
Druve : what the different Aditia leave the house already .
Bihaan: I will call her wait a minute I have another plan thapki come I want your help, after Bihaan tell thapki the plan .

Thapki called Aditia and tell her about shardda is lying in druve about getting pregnant,
Aditia: really I will return home .
Thapki but Aditia you said you don’t wanna see druve again so we decided to bring another girl to get marry to him .
Aditia: so fast but druve can wait I will come…, thapki cut her no Aditia he can’t wait in fact the girl will come today to do the engagement ?
Aditia: really ? I will come to see her .
Thapki laughs and close the phone ? and bihaan ask her : did you tell her .
Thapki: yes and she’s is coming.
Bihaan: gajab now my plan will works.
Druve tells Bihaan he cannot do this ,
Bihaan: druve it just acting you need to make Aditia really think you going to marry this girl .

Thapki: like you do with my when Sheena come to the house in the first time.
Thapki recalled the day the family decided to let Bihaan marry Sheena.
Bihaan: yes but this time my brother turn to make his wife back to him.
Aditia come and see the housed decorations and druve dress up to get engaged Aditia ask druve: why druve my values to you really small that you get marry to another girl .
Bihaan and thapki and the family watching them .
Druve look at Bihaan and points to him what he have to says ,
Aditia: answer me druve do you know I came back to see this girl that you get marry to ,
Bihaan point to druve to act angry ,
Druve : so you didn’t come to tell me you’re sorry ,
Aditia: I have to say sorry no you have to say sorry .
Druve: I you the one who leaves the house and stop speaking to me .
Aditia: the really reason to me back that am pregnant druve.
Druve smiling: what for really he hug Aditia.
The family go to Aditia and says Aditia your pregnant we are so happy for you,
Aditia: thanks but druve getting married to another girl.
Thapki : no it was a plan .
Aditia: was your plan druve?
Druve: no it was Bihaan plan .
Aditia : Bihaan ?
Bihaan: sorry Aditia I just want you to back to druve.
Thapki hug Aditia and tell her congratulations ? sister you will become a mother like me .
Vaus: am so happy to have two children in my house.
Suman tell preeti :when our turn will come .
Preeti: no way I don’t wanna get old .
Suman : you will get old one day ?.
Blwender: I decided to do a party for you thapki and Aditia tomorrow.
Vaus: yes and we will make this house full of decorations I will be grandmother ? .
Dadi : it really good news my god let the two of you live happy life and druve and you stoped Bihaan take care of your wife’s.
Bihaan: I take care of her but she don’t care about me .
Thapki give him a look ? and smile.
In the night the family was decorations the house thapki was in a ladder and put balloons ? suddenly the ladder move thapki about to fall Bihaan hold her and shout at her
Bihaan: thapki are you crazy if I didn’t hold you you will fall down .
Thapki: Bihaan am sorry and she tears ?.
Bihaan put her down and remove her tears and tell her thapki plzzzzzz be careful more I will always be beside you but you also need to be careful, thapki hug him and says bihaan if you didn’t come… Bihaan cut her saying shuu.. nothing happened am her with you so our child will be safe he hold her hand and tell her it not the time for my lovely wife to cry it time for you to smile because tomorrow we will celebrate the new members of our family,
Thapki smile and says you’re right Bihaan,
Bihaan: thapki I will go check the light out side you be careful okay .
Thapki:she hold the child and says your father always help you I promise you nothing will happen to you and when you come to this life you will see how your father really care for you.
Meanwhile, Shardda in her house ? and call the worker in thapki house he answered: hello who is this ?
Shardda: what happened in the house ?
The worker: shardda madam they celebrated thapki and Aditia new born baby’s .
Shardda: wait did you say Aditia baby when Aditia get pregnant she get extremely angry she broke the phone ?
The worker: hello shardda madam.
Shardda: I swear Aditia your child will be dead ? by my hand

Thapki sees the guests and she saw a woman that look like shardda, Bihaan challenged thapki to kiss him in cheek in front of everyone.

Hi guys ✋? how are you? I hope you enjoy reading my story ?

Thank you for your comments and sorry if I didn’t reply ??

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