That falling kite- part 8
NOTE: In the previous chapter, the story has taken a leap of 10 years not 8 …I apologize for the typing error.
Buying the paper lanterns for the girl he took hold of his bike and through the snow made a dash towards home.
Though he was not in India and kites were not meant for Germany skies but the lighted lanterns gave the same feeling and with Harsha he felt like he was with his Sona.
He did have a few friends here in Cologne and was in a relationship but he still wanted to visit his long lost family somewhere in slums of Mumbai.
Passing through the chocolate museum as they called the museum he suddenly recalled the hot-headed girl who had been fighting with the guide about the museum history.
A smile made way on his stubble covered cheeks…
Speeding his motorbike he crossed the museum and the little memory.
“So the Indian food in this European city is ready…is that Anika?” hugging her from back he enquired and her lavender flavored body oil welcomed his nostrils.
“Yeah, Gaurav needs to sleep early and that’s why I cooked early.” Tasting the black lentil gravy she answered and turned back.
“I heard you were talking with kids.” She told him coming out of the hug.
“Isn’t it interesting Anika, ten years have passed…so much has changed. I was thinking that only as I thought New Year is about to start.” Taking the seat on the kitchen table he said thoughtfully.
“hmmm… I never thought I would ever be able to see this kind of life and see I am living in this English city for the past eight years.
“I still remember those days, those horrible… and he was cut midway
“No Shivay, those were just tough days…not horrible. You too believe they made us strong. All these years have made us stronger.” She said looking at her kids and especially her son who was laughing at something his sister has pointed out on the television screen.
“so on that note… we have been through so much and now when I have taken this much-needed break…why don’t we focus on us.” Suddenly grabbing her waist he whispered to her.
“Why not but let’s complete our business after flying the lanterns and eating the New Year cake.” And she ran planting the kiss.
The sudden kiss on his chin was a big tease but he needed to wait.
“I know they are going to select you Sona… changing his clothes in their one room rented house he declared.
“I never wanted to do it, I am doing it only because you are insisting.” She answered opening the colorful beads attached to her hairs.
They have just returned after her dance performance for the audition they went to this morning. She never understood why this guy wanted her dance to become her passion… he managed to spend nearly all of his little savings to make her reach the place she gave the audition.
“By the way, there are throwing a little New Year party outside… are you coming or not.” She asked him as she poured herself a glass of water.
The age-old kite covered securely with the poly sheet to protect it from any damage fluttered on the single window.
“I know brother… through this platform, he wants to search you and though I deny I am trying everything to be selected in this dance show.” She told the kite, his brother’s last gift.
“I am tired, I will sleep.,” he told her from the washroom.
“The society will again need us to pretend brother sister and I don’t want that anymore.” He told to himself.
When she was small and his mother was with them people never asked anything but when his mother died suddenly and she has grown old, people looked at them with questioning eyes.
“I could not believe my brother used to be your friend,” frustrated on his answer she spoke.
“I mean all the stories you have told me, he was a fun loving guy, laborious and here look at you… not interested in celebrations, festivals. How even you manage Rangeele?” she asked fluttering his big eyes fully knowing he was going to be angry hearing this pet name given by her.
“Stop …I am telling you how I manage.” and he ran behind her but suddenly his mobile phone pinged showing the arrival of a new message.
“Oye Bandaria….come, read this message. I don’t understand all this khitir pitir in English.” He called her.
Though contemplating on whether it was a ploy to settle the scores or he was indeed truthful she came inside the room and when she was assured he was not lying she came closer.
And started reading the opened message-
“Miss Sonali, you are selected for the audition you gave for DANCING INDIA….
He could not hear more than that…and started dancing on some long lost tune, in some long lost style.
He felt one step closer to meet his friend.
So as I said I have revealed a few things here in this chapter…I hope you enjoy this .
You know what I am amazed of the plays life keeps playing with people; There are times when you think you can’t take anymore but when it passes you think about it sometime alter and muse about it. I always say no one is as weak as they think, we are stronger than we think…we can do anything and destiny can possible everything.
Our prospects keep changing with time, what we thought was the right thing may turn the biggest foolishness after a couple of years.
Also what one wants is not what other is wishing; One’s life could be the death of other.
if I had been writing it months back then maybe its fate would have been different but I am happy with the way I am leading this story.
Through writing, we keep expressing ourselves so bear with me…
I shall be waiting for your response.
With love Morusya.