Recap: Sayyam is scared of Krishna’s reaction, but she ends up telling him that she doesn’t blame him and she takes care of his wounds. Sayyam then finds out she has a fever and takes care of her. Baby wants to find out why Sayyam is in the Birla house.
To visit all previous chapters: Click here for all episodes
Sayyam placed a cloth he’d dipped in a bowl of cold water on Baby’s forehead.
“Sayyam,” she mumbled, “stop fussing over me; I’ll survive,” she laughed weakly, and the teenage boy bit his lip in concern.
“Baby, could you take me seriously for at least one whole minute? You need to take care of yourself.”
“Fine, okay,” Baby coughed lightly.
“You’re all I have left,” Sayyam muttered, dipping the cloth in the bowl again.
“Sayyam, I’ll always be there for you, don’t ever doubt that. We’ll always be there for each other.”
“You sure?” He pursed his lips, “because at the rate you’re falling sick, it’s hard to believe you.”
“I promise,” her eyes twinkled, as he placed the cloth on her head again. She heard him mumbling something about idiotic girls and stupid choices. His jaw was set, as he continued to take care of her.
“By the way, you look s*xy when you’re worried,” she smirked, using all her effort to take a deep breath.
“Baby,” Sayyam groaned, “really?”
“What?” Baby smiled, her eyes closed. Sayyam merely huffed and replaced the cloth, placing the back of his hand to her cheek to check if the fever was getting any better.
“Sayyam,” Baby’s voice was more serious now.
“Mmm?” Sayyam hummed, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“When’s the last time you ate something?”
“Yesterday night.”
“No,” Baby, opened her eyes, frowning up at him. “When is the last time you actually ate.”
Sayyam sighed, “probably yesterday morning.”
“Have they started bothering you again?” Her eyes narrowed, as she tried to push herself off the bed.
“God, Baby, the others aren’t doing anything. I just wasn’t hungry.”
“Dude,” Baby huffed, and Sayyam finally set down the cloth to look at her. Her longer dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and messy fringes fell over the nineteen year old girl’s eyes, as she glared at him. He winced, his hand running through his hair.
“Go. Eat. Now.” She pushed him away from the bed, and he stood up, crossing his arms. They had a short stare off, but it was quite obvious who was winning.
“Ugh, fine,” Sayyam rolled his eyes, while Baby grinned in victory, leaning back against the wall behind her bed.
“Stubborn looks s*xy on you too!” Baby called out as he walked away; she watched him face palm and chuckled to herself, watching him walk away.
~5 years later~
Sayyam jolted awake, his sight falling upon Krishna’s sleeping form. He had gotten absolutely no sleep the previous night and it was taking a toll on him.
He checked his watch, noting that it was still only eleven thirty in the morning. He stood up, stretching out, before deciding to get something to eat for her before she woke up.
He made his way over to the kitchen, and he found Baby sitting on the counter, drinking a cup of coffee.
“Baby,” he acknowledged, his feet refusing to move for a second.
“Sayyam,” she glanced up from her drink, looking a bit startled.
“So, what’s the problem?” He tilted his head in the direction of the coffee, while getting some food from the fridge.
Sayyam gestured to her coffee, “that’s your third cup. You only do that when you’re worried.”
“No, no, it’s nothing,” she rolled her eyes, but Sayyam knew it was all part of the facade.
He grabbed two spoons, balancing the plate in one hand, and headed for the entrance, when Baby spoke up.
“So…Krishna, right?”
Sayyam bit the inside of his cheek, turning towards Baby. “What about her?” He said defensively, his voice sounding strained.
“Oh please,” Baby huffed, “you can’t act around me, it won’t work; you only married her because Yuvaan didn’t.”
Sayyam looked around frantically, making sure no one had heard her. “Will you shut up?” He hissed.
Baby set the coffee down and hopped off the counter, stepping closer to him. “Don’t try to convince me that your marriage is perfect, because I will be the last person to believe it.”
Sayyam frowned slightly as she walked out of the kitchen, she never acted like this. Nothing bothered her his much. “It isn’t,” he called out, making her turn around.
“Mine and Krishna’s marriage. It isn’t perfect, and I’m not even going to pretend. Hell, I’m not even going to try to convince you, because you’re just not worth it.”
Under her steeled exterior, Sayyam saw hurt flicker in her eyes, just for a split second. He watched as she nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, fine. That’s fair.” She looked back up at him, before turning on her heel and heading back to her room.
Sayyam slowly walked back to their room and walked through the doorway to see that Krishna was sitting up.
“Where were you?”
“Getting food,” Sayyam responded, lost in thought, when Krishna began to climb out of bed, glancing out the door while walking towards Sayyam slowly..
“God Krish-”
“What?” she pouted, taking the food from him and going to sit down on a nearby chair. “I actually happen to be hungry,” she stuck her tongue out at him.
He sat down next to her, still thinking about what had just happened in the kitchen.
“You okay?” Krishna asked, her head tilted to the side.
“Yeah, I just-”
“When’s the last time you ate something?’
Sayyam froze. Where had he heard those words?
“Uhh, yesterday night,” he said unconvincingly.
“Sayyam, we both know you didn’t eat anything yesterday night.”
“I guess I haven’t eaten properly since yesterday morning,” Sayyam thought aloud, “I didn’t have any time to eat afterwards.”
Krishna set her plate down, and grabbed the other spoon, with the intention of feeding Sayyam.
“Oye, Khadoos, no arguments this time,” she grinned, feeding him..
He shook his head bemusedly, accepting the bite, when his phone rang. Swallowing the bite in a hurry, he took the call, placing the phone to his ear.
Krishna watched him while he was on the phone, looking at him expectantly when he ended the call and placed the phone in his pocket.
“The hospital; it’s Anjali, today was her next session and I completely forgot,” he rushed around the room, collecting his wallet and keys.
“Can I come?” Krishna stood up in a hurry, suddenly feeling a bout of dizziness. Sayyam steadied her, and sat her down on the bed.
“This,” he gestured at her head, “is exactly why you can’t come,” he stood up, while Krishna sighed cutely. “I’m gonna tell maa to look after you while I’m gone, alright?”
“No! Don’t tell her!” Krishna waved her arms frantically as Sayyam rushed out of the room.
“Sorry, you don’t have a choice,” Sayyam grinned, winking at her, before grabbing his jacket off the rack and racing out.
Something was different about her; she was almost… happier. But whatever it was, Sayyam had a good feeling about things.
The Krishna he knew was back.
Hey Guys, this was kinda a filler chapter, and there wasn’t much “action”, so I’m gonna be posting the next chapter tomorrow
And also, about the title of this chapter: the eye of a hurricane is the calmest part of the storm, even though it is surrounded by raging winds and rainfall. So this is definitely the “calmest” part of the story until I turn everything upside down again…
There is a plot twist coming up, and you guys will never expect it *evil laugh*
Like and comment below!
– Shreya <3
Again Awesome dear…
Liked both the scenes between Sayyam and Baby….And also Sayyam’s care for Krishna…
Waiting for the storm…
Thanks girl, means a lot coming from you??
Hope you’ll like what’s coming
Wow so nice and awesome I loved ur ff so much. I’m so eager to read next update
Thank you?
UMMM so a storm is on the way , ok but that shud defo nt affect Kriyam’s relation , but if I think wisely then what will be the use of storm if Kriyam aren’t affected ????? Silly me !! Anyways shreya u really kept ur words n yea wud be happy to have an update tmrw instead of the scheduled sunday …… tmrw I am free , sunday I hv a commerce olympiad ….so wowwwwy I’ll get to read it tmrw itself but u r updating tmrw doesn’t mean that sunday wud be an off !! I wud defo nt tolerate that shreya ……sunday n thursday u hv to give updates even if u wish to give any other day also , sundays n thursdays r kinda compulsory but any other day wud also b accepted …….waiting dear ….tk cr
Love u
Yup Polly di, I’ll be updating on Sunday as well, tomorrow is just an extra update?
Glad you liked the chapter, and I hope you’ll like the upcoming plot
Hey Shreya, this chapter was awesome as always… Seems like Saiyyam and Baby shared a good bond once upon a time… I guess they were best friends…not sure though…. But it was good to read about them… They cared for each other… And sounds good that someone was there for Saiyyam when he went through a tough phase….
Who was bothering Saiyyam? Why did Baby come to the Birla house? Why did Saiyyam and Baby seperate when they shared such a good bond? Oh my god So much suspense??… You are increasing my curiosity and looks like it’s going to kill me soon….
And the Kriyam scene was well written…and hoping to see more of them in the upcoming chapters…. don’t tell me everything is going to go bad again… You can’t do this??… But I do know at the back of my mind that if there is no action in a story everyone will lose interest in it…. And you always give us something we nevee expected… So waiting for the unexpected….
Thanks Prethiga,? glad that I’m turning up that dial in the suspense of the story
And all your questions will be answered.
There will be a lot of drama coming up soon, but Kriyam is the endgame
Hope you like what’s coming??
Heyy guys, I’d forgotten that I’d not be at home on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and by the time time I remembered, I was in class on Friday and had no wifi. The next chapter is coming out today at midnight
Sorry for the wait!??
hy, we are waiting for epi….
The website was giving me some trouble, but it should be out soon