The apples of my eyes- Riansh OS

The apples of my eyes- Riansh OS

Hey guys I’m back with another OS and this is on Priyanshi_13’s request. I hope you all like this and do comment below on how you find it.

@Priyanshi_13, hope it’s the way you wanted it.

OS Starts

Riddhima was standing close by the window and looking out in to the bright sky. A smile was drawn on her face at the thoughts of her love returning back safely. Vansh was finally returning after 3 years. Riddhima was extremely excited especially because she was eager to know his reaction on her surprise. Her thoughts were broken when tiny hands wrapped around her legs and she turned behind to pick the tiny and cute soul up in her arms.

Riddhima: My Ridhvan is excited! (smiling)

Ridhvan: esh (yes) mummy!! Addy ish (daddy is) coming!

Riddhima: Yes baby, daddy is coming (snuggling her nose in his tummy making him giggle)

Riddhima!! Riddhima! You Vansh is here!!

Riddhima heard Vansh’s voice calling out to her from the living room. He had come back. She jumped in happiness and put down Ridhvan. She walked with him till the terrace and told him to stay there for a few minutes till she tells Vansh. She descended down the stairs in joy and ran up to him. He pulled her into a bone crushing hug. They stood there still, hugging each other and reminiscing all their moments spent together. A few tears made their way from their faces down to their cheeks. They longed for each other, they hadn’t met since 3 years. They soon broke the hug and Vansh cupped his sweetheart’s face and adored it lovingly.

Vansh: I missed you so much sweetheart! (kissing her forehead)

Riddhima: (in tears) I missed you too!

Vansh: Shsh, stop crying! I’m back see! (she nodded) Love you!

Riddhima: Love you too! Sit down, I have a surprise for you. (smiling)

Vansh: Oooh I love surprises! What is it?

Riddhima: A second…! Come down

Vansh stood there in shock, unaware of what was going to happen. Just then he saw a little boy descending down the stairs with his tiny legs. He smiled at his cuteness but still was confused who he was. Ridhvan walked down to him and hugged his legs while Vansh moved his hand around his hair in affection.

Vansh: Who is he Riddhima?

Riddhima: My surprise…..(in tears) our child! Our Ridhvan!

Vansh: What!! (shocked) Our child? (tears) My child? (she nodded)

Vansh kneeled down to be in height with Ridhvan and caressed his face and looked up to Riddhima in pure bliss. He hugged the little child and pecked his forehead a couple of times. His heart fluttered when Ridhvan called him…..

Ridhvan: Addy! (Daddy)

Vansh: Aww my baby!! (smiling with tears) Riddhima when?

Riddhima: Two weeks after you left I came to know that I was pregnant. You know I had no way to let you know that.

Vansh: Riddhima, you took care of him all alone? I regret for not being with you here when you needed me the most! (hugging Ridhvan)

Riddhima: Vansh, don’t be silly, you were on a mission it’s not your fault. Now you can spend all that time with him and me (smiling)

Vansh: Of course sweetheart. Let’s go Ridhvan, daddy is hungry! (chuckling) He wants to eat mumma’s yummy food.

Riddhima: (chuckling) Come let me serve you your favorite dish.

Vansh picked up Ridhvan in his arms while Ridhvan giggled and went to the dining room. They had their meal and relished it. Vansh fed Ridhvan then Riddhima and vice versa. Riddhima along with the servants cleared out everything and went to her room. She went to find Vansh and Ridhvan who weren’t in their room and found them in the play room. She saw Vansh playing with their baby, it was as if Vansh himself had become a child along with Ridhvan.

Riddhima: Come on now, enough of playing. Let’s go sleep! Come on Ridhvan!

Vansh: No way! Baby and daddy still have to play!

Riddhima: Vansh!

Vansh: Riddhima!

Riddhima: Will you take him to sleep or i….(smirking)

Vansh: Nooo, I’m going with him.

They went to the room and all the three lay on the bed while Vansh held Ridhvan close to his chest tightly and narrated a story to him in order for him to sleep. He kissed on his cheeks and noticed Riddhima also fallen asleep, so he pecked her forehead and headed to sleep too. The next morning Riddhima woke up to see Ridhvan and Vansh both missing. She went downstairs and saw the whole living room full of toys and teddy bears and balloons.

Riddhima: Who brought all this? (surprised)

Vansh: your husband!

Riddhima: Vansh, have you brought the whole shop or what?

Vansh: I wanted to but the shopkeeper told me to spare a few things so I did. (smiling)

Riddhima: Vansh but this isn’t goo for….

Vansh: No Riddhima not today. Let me do this for my child, see how happy he is! (pointing) Let me pamper him to the fullest! Let me relive all the moments I missed!

After sometime Riddhima saw a few people bringing shopping bags inside the mansion. She looked at it in surprise and realized leading her to face palm herself.

Riddhima: Vansh now what’s this?

Vansh: Clothes for my baby! Right baby (playing with Ridhvan) He has to look handsome like his dad! And anyway from now on we are going to twin! Let’s go try and show mumma!

Riddhima: Aww my babies! (adoring them)

Riddhima adored them as they came down to living room, twinning. They wore the exact same clothes and looked dashing and cute! Riddhima went and kissed them both on their cheeks and took a picture of them. They spent lots of moments together.

The next day, Riddhima found people walking in and out of one of the room. She went and saw Vansh directing and guiding some men to their work. She entered the room inside and asked Vansh.

Riddhima: Vansh who are these people?

Vansh: These are a team of interior designers that have come. One of the best teams!

Riddhima: Why?

Vansh: For my baby’s room! He’s going to have his own room, designed the way he wants with all that he wants!

Riddhima: (smiling) He’s going to be really excited for this! You’re the best dad!

Vansh: I wish I was! (emotional) I’m sorry for not being there!

Riddhima: Vansh don’t remind yourself of the past!

In the evening Riddhima, Vansh and Ridhvan went to the park for a small outing where Ridhvan insisted of having an ice cream to which Riddhima denied.

Riddhima: No baby, I don’t want you to fall sick

Vansh: I’ll bring it for my baby! (smiling)

Ridhvan: Addy!! Yaay!

Riddhima: Vansh no!

Vansh didn’t listen and brought all flavours.

Vansh: Here for you!

Riddhima: Why all flavours?

Vansh: In case he wants to have any!

Riddhima: Are you serious! Mr Tarkash! (the bodyguard) Please hand these over back and keep only two here!

Vansh: But

Riddhima: Shsh!

Riddhima was standing near the window, inhaling and feeling the cool breeze hit her face when Vansh entered the room and encircled his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his nose in her neck while she lay her head against his hard chest. His kissed her cheek and twirled her around putting his arms around her neck. He leaned over to her face while she blushed heavily. With his husky voice he whispered.

Vansh: (huskily) Sweetheart you always manage to trap me in your love specially by (he signed with his eyes to her cheeks)

Riddhima: Vansh (softly) what are you doing?

Vansh: Romance! (huskily)

Ridhvan: Addy! Mommy!! (entering)

Ridhvan entered the room and Riansh part ways while Vansh murmured.

Vansh: My baby is my enemy! Wow baby! (murmuring) Why are you here Ridhvan?

Ridhvan: Aa! Pway twime! (play time)

Vansh, Riddhima and Ridhvan played every evening together, watched his favourite cartoons and dozed off to sleep in each other’s arms.

After 8 months

One night Vansh got up after Riddhima and Ridhvan had dozed off. He took his camera and clicked a pic of them two.

Vansh: The apples of my eyes! (adoring them) Love you both! I need to go again but I promise I will be back soon.

He exited the washroom wearing his black undercover agent uniform. He picked his rucksack up and wore it on his back. Quietly planted two kisses on his lifelines and exited the mansion, keeping the bodyguards in charge of them and ensuring their safety. Once again waiting to return after…..

The End

I hope you liked this OS and please support by commenting on how you found it. If you have any requests on any OS do let me know.

@Priyanshi_13 I hope you liked this.

Thank you



Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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