Categories: Fan Fiction Original

The best lessons of life ( part 6)

Hi friends..
Sorry for late and short update..

This is the link for previous episode

The episode starts with jhanvi is getting ready for the college.. She is happy on the first day of college because of meeting friends after long gap..
She comes out of room to the bf table..she completes bf in hurry and leave to the college bus with her father (her father I’ll drop her to college bus daily because her house suituiated in main main road where there I’ll b lots of traffic..)..
She gets down the car when he stops in the place where grp of students waiting for their college bus..
She said bye to her dad and starts to move towards the grp when her father stops her for giving pocket money.. She thanks her father and move towards the grp..
She says hi to her friend(Brindha).. Where she s waiting for her arrival..
They start their asusal chatting and wait for the bus..
Bus arrives 10min after… They get into the bus and seat in the seat opposite to the door..
The bus starts to move and it stops in each stop to pickup students.. After two stops from Jhanvi’s stop the bus stops at unusual place to pickup someone..
A girl(rekha) along with her mother enters the bus and stands just one seat before Jhanvi’s seat..
Jhanvi didn’t see her because she is talking to Brindha seriously.. And didn’t notice rekha for 10min…after the chatting with Brindha she turns to other side where rekha is standing..
She is shocked to see her there in college bus…her past came before her eyes back… She gets teary eye while Brindha ask her what happened to her..
Jhanvi didn’t reply to her..but she stared at rekha for a while about last..
Rekha is her close friend from 2nd grade to 10th grade…they r very close to eachother and didn’t give up eachother to others..
Jhanvi recalls her moments with rekha..she also remember that after 10th grade rekha ignored her due to some reason(reason I’ll b given later because it is main suspence of story..) when jhanvi call her in ph..

Jhanvi decides to get rid of past and don’t want to talk about her past to that jhanvi nly think rekha as friend.. And calls her by pulling her shawl because the bus is moving..

Rekha turns and gets shocked to see
jhanvi but she didn’t express anything and showed jhanvi to her mother (her mother knows jhanvi because they two r childhood frnds…)..
After regular chatting jhanvi asks rekha whether she joined in engg coll which is the reason she came in her college bus..(actually the bus for engg coll and polytechnic college r common because in polytechnic college the institution didn’t arrange seperate bus for all bus stop.. So they combined both engg coll and polytechnic college which r opposite to eachother.)
Just then the college bus reaches college campus so v got down from bus where rekha informs jhanvi about doing job in polytechnic college as office assistant due to family status..after that jhanvi leaves to college because she is getting late for class and said bye to rekha and says v I’ll meet when u get job..
Rekha get teary eye because jhanvi didn’t kept anything in mind for what she done in past..she gets job in same college as office assistant..
Jhanvi came to see rekha during lunch break..but she left..jhanvi says to herself that I m worried for her may b she ignored me in past but she is also my childhood friend.. I I’ll never thought I I’ll meet her in this situation.. I came here because of my one mistake but she didn’t do anything.. Please god make her get this job..
Brindha and gauri came to her where jhanvi s standing thinking about rekha still and ask what happened..
Jhanvi didn’t say anything to them but she said about rekha and her family situation.. They console her..after that they left for respective classes..(Brindha is actually different department but she gets friend in bus for jhanvi)..

In evening..
Jhanvi reaches back home when her dad dad ask about first day..her family gathered in hall for her first day experience in department.. First day jhanvi didn’t experience anything odd about department..will it lasts for longer want to see in coming episodes..
She then says about rekha and her new job..she says to her parents that she is worried for rekha when they ask her y she s disturbed wen she said about rekha..
Parents ask her to calm down.. And explain all will have fate written in them for u 1yr of loosing of studies and for her due to family status she wants to discontinue her study that’s the difference..
And they also say to jhanvi don’t leave enimity come between u both because of past.. let it go..renew ur friendship with a supporting gud friend whatever happens…on that day u loose she left ur hand and didn’t give support.. Today she loose please don’t leave her hand and hold her hand tight to give ur support.. This is the best lessons for u both..

Atlast they ask her to think about it and make decisions v just give u our opinion decision is urs they said this and left her alone for sometime..
She reach her room and freshenup and sits on her bed and thinks I m not that weak to leave ur hand wen u need me..I I’ll surely support u rekha..and smiles to herself..
She comes out of room where her parents are doing some electrical work.. She says about her decision.. they get happy and hug her..

What happens in Jhanvi’s 2nd yr college? Will she I’ll b happy in her second yr? What is the shock waiting for her in her department?
To know my full story don’t miss any update..

seniors girls explain to 2nd yr girls about rules in department and different strict staffs in the department.. All girls get scared about this..

Hi friends..
Please leave ur suggestions wen u get bored..sry for first line mistake.. Actually u thought of small update but I hav posted very long episode.. Sry if it is boring..

Credit to : Vibhu


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