Categories: The Buddy Project

The Buddy Project 10th December 2013 Written Episode Update

The Buddy Project 10th December 2013 Written Episode, The Buddy Project 10th December 2013 Written Update

RV is in his room and is all dreamy, looking at Panchi’s pic. There, Panchi is doing the exact same thing (aaah! she looked so pwetty!

hasn't he already proposed? He then jokingly repeats RV's heated proposal to Panchi and RV hits him. RV says he wants to formally propose to her. Piddi says RV can woo a girl in his dreams, why is he asking for Piddi's help? RV replies if it was some other girl, he would've done so in a jiffy! But it's Panchi and he gets immensely scared seeing her. Piddi laughs at this at first but then suggests they go to KD and ask for his expert advice. The two do so. Piddi asks KD what were his feelings when he had proposed to Kiya. KD gets flashbacks from the pre-confession KiSha moments and then to Kiya throwing the review papers at him. KD becomes annoyed and says there are just too many problems going on in his life, Kiya is going away from him and they are talking about proposal and love? Instead they should be the ones helping him cope with his problem! RV scolds him that he came here asking for help and now is being asked to help? KD says the best he can help him is by not helping him at all. Disappointed, the two leave. In the classroom, RV suggests that he'd quickly propose in some dark corridor and get it over with. He will practice by his own while Piddi goes and brings Panchi on the spot. Piddi says he isn't the type to leave his friends in trouble. So, he'll stay and supervise RV's practice. They are in the washroom and RV is playing the guitar and practicing his lines. Piddi tells him to either play the guitar or speak, not do both things together (oh! This was hilarious! ) RV stops playing and says some passionate line of proposal but Piddi rejects it saying it has no emotions. RV gets mad and tells Piddi to scram away as he is the one who hasn't had a girlfriend all his life. He tells Piddi to go and bring Panchi to the spot. Annoyed, Piddi goes away. Panchi is in the classroom alone and Kiya comes there. She asks her what's wrong but before they can speak, Piddi comes there and asks Panchi to come with him. Panchi refuses but Piddi insists. Kiya scolds Piddi for being so stubborn and curses all the boys for their stupidity. Piddi tells Kiya to not curse the entire boyhood for her boyfriend's mistakes and not butt in the affairs of the lowly creatures such as him. He keeps getting RV's calls but Panchi is adamant on not going. So, Piddi forcefully pushes Panchi with him and in Kiya tries to stop him and Panchi is also fighting back. In all this, Panchi ends up kicking Piddi on his rather sensitive area and he passes out in pain. The girls are nervous but Piddi says if she goes with him, he'll be fine. The girls agree and Piddi gets up and stops Kiya from coming with them. He takes Panchi with him. RV is in the corridor and hears footsteps. He STTC that he can't talk to her with open eyes so he'll just close his eyes and get it over with. He does so and a girl, who isn't quite that skinny, passes by him and he stops her by calling her, "Moti." The girl is surprised but before she can scold him, he becomes all passionate and corners her and spills out that he loves her and begs her to not be mad when he opens his eyes and just smile instead. The girl pastes a fake smile on her face and RV is surprised seeing her. The girls blasts him off for first calling her fat and then proposing to her like that! RV apologizes and asks who the hell is she? Which earns him a well deserved slap. RV is shocked with whatever happened. As the girl goes away, Panchi comes him and asks what happened to him and who was the girl? RV is all flabbergasted and he stutters about his feelings but Panchi can't understand. So he puts her hand on his heart and asks what does she hear? Panchi rolls her eyes and replies his heartbeat, if his heart won't beat he'd die. RV says exactly, and his heart beats only cuz of her (jo bhi ho, even in his majorly fumbled state...he ends up saying the most charming or words! ) Panchi is stunned hearing this. Right then, the girl comes with Dean and complains against RV. Dean is surprised seeing RV, the student council president, flirting with girls like that in the dark corridor! RV is shocked and says it was a misunderstanding and cooks up a story that he was just doing his duty as a responsible president by demonstrating what can happen to girls in dark corridors and says the girl did a commendable job in slapping him! Dean is impressed by this and Panchi just goes away. Dean tells him to carry on and let all the girls slap him by trying this method out with them . RV just wants to run away from there and he manages to escape. The boys threesome are in the lab and KD tells them all about Kiya's fake college. He is immensely concerned about her career. RV asks him what should be their plan now? KD tells RV to collect whatever information he can about the college with Piddi and then he'd compile it. They'd make fake ids and send that all to Kiya cuz she might listen to anonymous people than her friends. RV gets a call from Panchi and he rushes away from there while KD insists that they get to work ASAP. On his way to Panchi, he gets stopped by Kiya who wants to ask about KD and if he's okay? RV says KD is all fine and Kiya asks is he really not worried about anything? RV realizes where she is coming from and says of course KD is affected about her going away. Kiya wants to talk about this matter but RV escapes from there. Behind him, Kiya STTC that she doesn't want to make KD unhappy but she also doesn't want to miss this chance. She just wants KD to be happy and supportive of her. RV finds Panchi in the classroom and he hugs her saying he missed her. Panchi is not that comfortable. RV asks her what's wrong. Panchi asks him not to misunderstand her but it all seems so sudden to her. She just broke up with Avi and he broke up with Rukmini and all of a sudden, they are together RV says on the contrary, he feels they took too much time in getting together. They were just with wrong people. Panchi replies that just the way she forgot Avi and he forgot Rukmini, she doesn't want that to happen with them as well. She just doesn't want to lose her best friend. RV tries explaining that that won't happen, they've been together all their life and till today they haven't been separated like with their respective exes. Panchi says she doesn't want to give this a chance of happening. She doesn't want to rush in his relationship. She ain't saying that they shouldn't be in a relationship but for the time being, she just wants to be friends. RV is shocked (and so am I).
Precap – Kiya is blasting off KD for being too adamant on proving the college to be a fake and asks him what does he want to prove with these fake emails and ids? Why just he can’t be supportive and let her go? KD says he won’t try to stop her but he doesn’t want her to risk her future. Kiya coldly says she is risking her future by being his girlfriend. Maybe they should just break up. KD is stunned.

Update Credit to: SpicySugar

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