Fan Fiction

The Dawn (intro)

Hi guys. This is saya here. Well, I like watching CAS. But day before yesterday i.e. 20 april, what the f**k it was??? Seriously. I left it mid-way only, before the first break and after watching the precap, as I was unable to watch so much negativity and such a treatment meted out to Ashok even in precap also. I came here on this page just to view the precap so that I could watch if it was fine enough. A befitting reply… well I continued watching it and I loved it to the core. It would have been better if it would have been purely fictional rather than showing it under historical show and distorting everything up to a great extent.

Now I love to write fictional stories. And after watching Bindusar’s reply to what ashok said and poured everything that he had in his heart I was just shocked. Everyone in this world understands him except his own father. God, what all he said to ashok. I just felt so disgusted and I felt writing something.

DISCLAIMER: the following is purely a work of fiction. Everything is fictional so please I request you all not to link it with history. The story revolves around four brothers…ashok, sushim, shiamak and drupad (I loved his character but the writers… Argh!!!) so in my story ashok’s role will always be played by the sid (I just love this wonder child… his skills are just fab). You may think that I’m crazy as I’m keeping sid also as grown up ashok…but still…sid all the way?

Here we go…

The clanking of the metal swords could be heard of till a great distance. So was the force and effort poured into it that everyone watching it just prayed that the other one is not injured. One final masterstroke and one of them lay on the ground with his sword laying at a considerable distance. ‘Bhrata Ashok,’ he uttered with a smile on his face as he looked up at him. Sweat droplets were still clinging on his forehead as he removed his sword from Drupad’s neck. He extended his hands as Drupad held his brother’s hand and was pulled up by Ashok.

‘Today’s training was great bhrata. I enjoyed it.’ Drupad said with excitement beaming in his face as he wrapped his arms around Ashok’s waist and hugged him. Ashok broke the hug as he bent on his knees and passed on an ever beaming smile at Drupad.

‘You’ll see bhrata one day I’ll win over you in this.’

‘Oh yes!!! You have been saying this from the past two months.’

Hearing him say this, Drupad crossed his arms in front of his chest as he looked away from him and acted to sulk. Ashok held his nose between his fingers as he filled it a bit. Both exchanged a friendly banter between them as they began playfully hitting each other.

Their brotherly bond was witnessed by Sushim from behind one of the pillars in the balcony. Whereas, Siamak was also a witness to this. Evil plans were taking shape in their evil minds as they started scheming in order to separate them and to denounce Ashok from the race to be the contender of the next heir of the crown.

Thank you guys for reading it. I just need your support, love and comments. Whether I’ll continue or not depends on your comments and every type of comment is welcome. So do comment guys because only that will decide the fate of THE DAWN. If I continue, then the next epi will be on 1 or 2 may. Love you all. ?

A final note to all those who liked even a bit of it and love reading more stories: MY LAYERED DEMEANOUR… tis the name of the other story I’m penning down and is being posted on TU. You can enjoy reading it and I’ll be glad.



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