The game of destiny #Riansh #Episode 1

Hey Everyone!! So from here on, Our journey begins!!! Well, If u haven’t read the character sketch yet, go and read it.. So that there’s no room of confusion🤪..Do tell me if title of ff is good, becoz I hv small brain..i can’t think much🤯 …Soo, let’s beginnn💪

Someone entered clinic. A girl was sitting in her cabin with her back towards door!! The person entered into the cabin and At the very moment the person stepped in.. The girl sitting on chair with her back shouted”Boom💥”.before the person can react, the bucket full of water fell on person and she shouted… “Ridimaaaaa😠”(so girl sitting on chair was riddima, a physiotherapist.. Whose clinic name was” The Sharma Clinic”)

Riddima spoke: so how I did your welcome Ishani.. Well not say me thnku for this kind gesture because in friendship, no thnkuu😛 no sorry

Ishani: you stupid, you spoiled my new dress.. Mummaaaaaaa😩.. Wait, I’ll not spare you😡

As soon as Ishani completed her sentence, two girls chit-chatting with each other(sia and sejal💪)… Entered the cabin and As they opened door (ooops, Noooooo😣) The green colored water fell on them

And together they shouted:Riddimaaaaaaaaaaa 😡

Now, Riddima understood that it’s better to run. Becoz they’ll not spare her.

She ran towards door but fell in her own trap.. Due to water she slipped and fell down..

Riddima:(making puppy face) sorry guys🥺.. Please help me to get up.

The girls melted down and three of them lended their hands together to help riddima..

But Riddima was too naughty.. She pulled them all.. And before they could react.. They all slipped and fell on floor.. They all started laughing.

Sia(while trying to stand) :Ridddu, when will u stop your mischievousness.. See our condition(showing her wet clothes)

Ishani:How was you so clear that we were coming.. But if your any patient had entered?

Riddima: See the time Gyaan ki devi.. My clinic time starts from 9:30 am. And it’s just 8:00 am and you three only come this tym to disturb me. I always come early to have a check on reports.

Sejal: what we disturb youuu?

Sia:Stop everyone, You all forgot what we came here for?

Ishani: oops🤦‍♀️!!


Sejal:Now don’t tell me, you forgot.. We all decided that from today onwards.. We’ll join gymm💪

Ishani:yessss you stupid

Riddima:oh god, why I have to join with youu.. Oh all are becoming pig, what’s my fault.. Why I?

Sia: No Ifs or buts… Just join uss..

Riddima:Ok cominggg😒..


A man is shown reading book in Library.

His world of thoughts id broken by voice from behind.


The man thinking “Not again”… And spoke harshly.. ” Yes Aryan”

Aryan:Vansh Bhai.. When will we return home.

Vansh:How many times do I tell you.. Next week Aryan.

Aryan:I miss all my family member. We have been staying away from them since 6 months ”

Before vansh could speak..

Library owner- Sir, please silence..

Aryan:Bhai let’s go to home

Vansh issued that book and moved out..

Vansh:(sternly).. I know.. Whom are you missing.. That ragini🤡..

That’s all for today!! Hope u guys liked today’s episode. Guys, keep showering love so that my confidence boosts up. Byeee😊😘!!


A girl working on her dreams.

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