The game of destiny #Riansh #Episode 3 (A sweet love story)

Hello guys, Hope you all are doing well!! Let’s start with the updates today.I’ll be busy tonight because of my exam tomorrow, So I am posting episode earlier🤗. 


Sia: Okayy bye Ishani, We should leave for home.

Ishani: Guys please let’s go to my house. And riddima it’s been long you haven’t visited our house.

Sia and Sejal: (together) So what about us?

Ishani: (smirks😏) you guys keep roaming around mansion

Sia and sejal: Okay.. So we are not coming.

Riddima: Who was asking you to come😁

Ishani: Thanks guys, That would be favour on us.. Byee

(Ishani and Riddima occupied the car with riddima on driver seat, They begin to start it

Sia and sejal: Waitt… We are coming

Ishani and Riddima couldn’t controlled their laughter and spoke.

Riddima:Okay, sitt!!

(They drove to The house and reached VR Mansion)

Scene 2(New York) 

Vansh woked up. And went out for morning walk. Although, he was walking.. But in his mind he was thinking about his presentation. He dialled up Angre(who’s his PA but vansh refers him as his brother)

Angre: Yes.. Boss

Vansh:How’s our business going in India.?

Angre: Excellent Boss☺

  • Vansh : I’ll be present in tomorrow’s meeting virtually. And now on reaching mansion do call me once.. I will tell you which files to take.

Angre: Okay boss

Vansh disconnected the call. And continued his walk. He was least interested in watching people around, and was just working in his mind.

He reached home and sat in balcony to drink coffee.

Scene 3(VR Mansion)

The girlS entered house. Kabir was in garden working on his laptop.

Kabir: Hello Sejal.

Riddima (To Ishani and Sia) : Are we invisible ishani?

Ishani: Not at all..

Sejal was blushing

While Kabir: (coughs).. I just

Dadi was standing there and observing everything.

” Beta..”

The girls turned and was stunned to see dadi there. They ran towards dadi and took blessings.

Ishani: Dadi, when did you came?

Riddima: How was your tirath yatra dadi

Dadi: I returned in morning only. And riddima beta, my yatra was good🙃

Sia: Dadi, you would have called us. We would came to meet you in morning only

Dadi:Leave that Sia.. Well, how’s your college going on?

Sejal: Dadi, she’s having holidays. And her next semester is starting soon.

Uma: Girllls, Come here we’ll have dinner together.

Girls (together) – coming

The girls enjoyed dinner together and went to Ishani’s room.

While girls occupied room, Ishani came later with halwa in her hands to eat as a dessert. Kabir also joined them

Ishani:You know guys, This halwa is Vansh bhai’s favourite.

Riddima:ohooooo, Ishani Not start it  again. I never met your Vansh bhai and why there’s not his single picture in house?

Ishani: Riddhu, I told you na.. He went 6 months back to new york and we are friends since 5 months only. Well, Bhai doesn’t want his pics in the house in his absence.

Riddima: why, there’s even not Aryan pics in the house.?

Kabir: Because he thinks, In his absence, Some girl might see his pic and would have crush on him😂 (giggles)

Sia: hahaaaaaa..

Riddima: (curious)But there would be his pic in your Mobile🤨?

Ishani: Yeahhh, But I’m not gonna show it to you because of bhai’s promise🙁

They kept chit-chatting.. And then it was tym for sejal, sia and riddhu to leave

Sejal: Ishu, we are leaving now.

Ishani: Well, tomorrow’s weekend and

Sia: Our Night-out🤩

Ishani came to bid bye to girls and they sat in the car.

Riddima: oh no, Ishu I forgot my phone in your room. I am just coming. You all wait here.

  • Riddima went in room and picked her phone and saw that Ishani’s phone was lying there too.

Riddima: (thinking) so today I will definitely see your pic vansh rai Singhania.

  • She quickly opened Ishani’s phone lock. She remembered how she sneaked into Ishani’s phone once when she was opening her lock. She quickly opened her gallery and there was folder named “Brothers”
  • She saw a picture in which a handsome man with goggles on his eyes, wearing black pant-coat and was working on his laptop. Seems like his picture was clicked without informing him.

Riddima: (Thinks)once Ishani told me that his bhai is not photogenic and whichever pics she have of him are uninformly clicked… (Speaking to picture).. Okayy so you are Vansh rai singhania.. Not bad😉

She heard some footsteps and quickly kept Ishani’s phone on bed and just stepped to go out of room.

Ishani came to her room.

“Riddima.. Seriously you took this much time for picking up your phone”

She went inside room and saw her phone was lying on bed.. (Eyeing Riddima)

You would never open my lock riddima.. It’s so difficult 😋.. You know, I am genius, Even if u try opening it 100 times, you wouldn’t 🤭

Riddima (thinks) : I opened it in one go😂.. You fool

They together started moving towards downstairs.

while in new york-

Aryan woke up and came to balcony and wished vansh good morning.

Vansh replied with patting on Aryan’s back.

Aryan: Ouchhhhhhhh😣 mumaaaa..

Vansh : (scared) What happened.

Aryan: Yesterday, because of you I fell when jumped from window. And pain has not gone yet.

Vansh: 😏

Their talk was disturbed by video call of angre.

Vansh answered it!!!

Vansh- Angre!!

Angre: Yes boss

Vansh explained him about files location..

But his eyes fell on girl coming downstairs with Ishani.

  • Vansh: Who’s that?

precap- Riddima calls Vansh. 📞🤩



A girl working on her dreams.

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