The game of destiny #Riansh #Episode 5 (A sweet love story)

I am really grateful to all of you for giving so much love to my ff. If u want any changes then do inform me and keep commenting guys because it motivates me a lot. 

let’s beginn now☺

The girls enjoyed very much. They danced, and sang many songs. Now they were tired.

Ishani: I should leave now.. Guyss!!

Sia: Seriously, Ishani? 🧐

Riddima: Shut up Ishu. It’s late.. You shall stay with us for night.

Ishani: Ok then, I am informing kabir that I am staying here today.

Sejal: No need Ishu. I will tell kabir🙊(realising what just she had blurted)

Riddima:Oh hooo🤪

Sejal left from there.

Sia(To Ishani and Riddima):Let’s go in her room and irritate her more.

Riddima: You both continue. I have some important work. So I’m going in my room.

Ishani: Riddima, I’ll sleep with sia today.

Saying, they both left to pull leg of sejal. Riddima went in her room and started doing work.

(scene-2)….New york. 

Vansh: (murmers but loud enough for Aryan to hear) When did meeting ended?

Aryan: when you were day-dreaming

Vansh: Stop your Rubbish😡 and go to your room

Aryan went from there.

Vansh: (to himself) Should I talk to her?

Aryan was standing behind wall and went straight forward to his room thinking that he have gone mad.

Vansh: I can just message her “hello”.. What’s wrong in that? But why I am thinking this.. I shouldn’t message her, maybe she dialled wrong number. But what is wrong in asking?

He saved her number with his client name, opened whatshapp and messaged her.

(Guys,whenever they will be chatting on whatshapp,I will write their initials “V” and “R”)

V : Hello!!

Riddima received a message notification. She opened the message.

Riddima: (thinks)Who’s this? Ohh, he’s that” Mr. Excuse me”well Ishani you have put me in big trouble 😒.. But I can just say hello.

R: Hii..

Vansh: (thinks)… Oh my god, did she just replied. Waittt Vansh, what are u doing. He smiled.

Aryan passed by vansh room to get water.. And saw Vansh smiling.

Aryan: (thinks).. I am not well. I should rest. I am imagining things😣.

He walked away.

Vansh saw that Riddima is “Typing”.. He was eager to see her message but at same time was nervous that she might…..

R: Sorry, It was a prank call that I did to youu.. Actually my friends gave me a dare. So had to do😊

V: It’s okkk. I must say.. You are a daring person.

R: Seems like I found a New friend.

V: Friend? 😃

R: Yes, We can be unknown friends. Do u have any problem?

V: Of course, Not… That sounds cool😃.

R: I have some work. Good night🙃

V: I live in abroad(although Indian) and it’s morning here🙃…

R: Oopss… Good morning. Byee and forgive me once again..

Their chat was over.. Now Riddima’s Profile was visible to him.

Vansh:(Thinks) Seems like she added my number. Let’s see her profile.

He tapped on profile and saw a girl standing behind teddy bear.

So she is Ms. Daring 😉… It’s cute.

He thought ” But if sometimes, she asked me to send my pic”… I am not having cool pic of mine.

He called out Aryan.

Vansh: Can you click my pic?

Aryan was hell shocked.

Aryan: What?

Vansh handed him his phone and stood in a position.

Although shocked, Aryan clicked his pics.And went to his room.

Aryan(thinks) : What.. The great Vansh Rai Singhania who dislikes clicking pics asked me first time to capture his pic. What… I think I have gone mad.

He went to Vansh.

Vansh was busy in his laptop.

Aryan: Bhai

Vansh: 🙄Hmmmm..

Aryan: Bhai, I am imagining things and losing my mind. I should consult a Cycatrist.. Can you book a appointment for me.

Vansh: (worried)What happened Aryan? Seems like you are not well. You should take rest. I am going to office alone. Call me if need any help..

Vansh took Aryan to his room and made him rest.

Vansh went to office.

Aryan: (Thinks) Why bhai was behaving weird.. But now he is normal. Is there any aatma/bhoot controlling him. Oh goddd, I should help him.

Aryan called Ishani.

Ishani was with Sia and Sejal. She excused herself and went to side.

Ishani: Yes Aryan..All well?

Aryan: Yes Ishu, Sorry to disturb you. Actually, I wanted our family pandit number.

Ishani: All of sudden? Whyyy

Aryan: No, just send me.

Ishani: Okk Aryan.

She sent Number to Aryan.

Aryan called Pandit g.

Panditji: Hello.

Aryan: Panditji?

Panditji: Hmm.. Kon(who)? Itni raat ko

Aryan:Meh Rudra Raisighania ka beta(I am son of Rudra Raisighania)

Panditji: Acha(Okk)

Aryan: I think There’s some bhoot/aatma who entered body of my bhai.. He’s behaving weird.

Panditji: 😧😱…When he will sleep at night. Put a white cloth under his pillow. If it turned red, It means you are right..

Aryan: Okk panditji. Namaste!!

Aryan went to vansh room and kept white cloth under his pillow.

Vansh returned early from his office and went to Aryan.

Vansh: All fine?

Aryan: Feeling better bhai.

Vansh: Want something?

Aryan: No bhai.. You can leave and do your work.

Vansh went and started his work.


It was morning.

Riddima was drinking coffee.

Sejal, Sia and Ishani came.

Riddima: good morning guyz.. So enjoyed last night.

Ishani: Yessssss😌… Well I need to depart now. Will meet in gym at 8:30 am

Sia: Okk.. Byeee

Ishani left.

Sejal, Sia and Riddima went to freshen up..

Riddima received a message and it was from ” Mr Excuse me”..

She checked it..

V: Good morning!!Now, you can wish me good night..

R: Oh good night.. Sweet dreams🥰

V: Thankss😊

R: Seems like you are sad?

Vansh thinks(Surprised) How did she know?

He typed..

V: yes, but How do you know?

Riddima was shell shocked. She doesn’t understand that how did she came to know that he was sad?

She messaged: Just guessed…

V: Oh…

R: But why are you sad? You can share with me.. Afterall, We are friends (although,unknown😂)😉

V: My younger brother is losing his mind, he is imagining things!! He want to consult a Cycatrist.. So was worried.

R: . I am a physiotherapist but also can cure him. But the problem is you are not in India..

V: Oh, Actually we are returning india one day later. So will obviously meet and consult you. Byeee


Riddima (thinks): well, It’s dangerous to chat with unknown people. But don’t know I feel safe chatting with him.

Vansh on other hand also thinks same.

Sia : “Riddima”.. It’s 8:25 come fast..

Riddima, sejal and sia seated in their car drove to gym.

After exercising, Riddima dropped girls to VR mansion and she reached her office.

Precap- Aryan finds cloth under Vansh’s pillow turned red😱. On other side,Ishani, Sia and sejal went to riddima’s cabin and not see her there. Someone tells that she is expelled from her job. 


A girl working on her dreams.

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