The game of destiny #Riansh #Episode 7 (A sweet love story)

First of All, Guys do you remember me or forgot🤭? Actually, This week I was super duper Busy!! Because of Exams, Assignments etc. So, Now I will try to update regularly if possible… 

So As you all know, Vansh is staying away from his family from past 6 months with Aryan. Riddima and Vansh become unknown friends because of dare given by Ishani. Due to this, Vansh changed a bit.. But Aryan’s mind started making stupid theories. He started making illogical things on Vansh. Riddima is suspended from her job. 

Now let’s begin.. Heheeeehe🙃


Ishani(shouting) : Then, what are we waiting for?

The girls reached Mr. Shah’s house.

Riddima: Guys, I’ll go alone. You should wait here till then.

Sia: But whyyyyyy😕

Riddima: Zip your mouth. It’s final, I am going Alone.

Sejal: Now, what can we say, Okk fine but Take care.

Ishani:(handing her something)Here’s the pen drive Of CCTV footage.

Riddima: Oops, I forgot.

Riddima (ringing Door bell).

Mr. Shah:- (opening door) You here ?

Riddima: Sir, I don’t came to waste time here. Let’s go inside and talk!!

Mr.Shah: Come..

Riddima:(putting pen drive in laptop) : Here It is!! That’s he wanted to take revenge from me and he succeeded.

Mr. Shah: I know Ms. Riddima, You are a very good doctor and I appreciate it. But that yug have threatened me, otherwise he would have killed my only daughter. He kidnapped her. So, I was having no option..

Riddima: I understand Sir. But.. My job?

Mr. Shah- Sorry Ms. Riddima, I can’t give you job in my company. But yes, I can return your suspension letter, so you can get job anywhere else.

Riddima: That would be Great help, Sir!!

Mr. Shah- But not than that I have done with youu.

Riddima: Thnkuu sir!!

Riddima left and came outside where the three were waiting for her.

Sejal: What happened?

Sia: what did he said?

Ishani: Will you get your job?

Sia: What about that yug?

Sejal: Did you asked him to send him to jail?

Riddima: (thinking).. I shouldn’t tell them truth otherwise they will be worried.

Ishani: (snapping fingers) Where are you lost?

Riddima: Guys, Seriously.. How can I answer these many questions. And Yes, I got my job back. Mr. Shah said I can join after A week. And about that yug, he landed in his right place 😉..

Sia: After one week, why not from tomorrow.? And How that yug is in jail so easily? I mean his father is minister, na?

Riddima: Stop it Sia.. Leave this topic. Well, Tomorrow’s dadi birthday.

Ishani: Yesssss…..

Riddima: Let’s go to my home and do planning.

Sejal: Wohoo, Girls On Fire🔥


Sejal: So guys, I will be planning party and Riddima will help me.

Ishani: Yeh bhi koi puchne ki baat heh(Is this something to ask..)

Sia: How will we organize party if all family members will be at home?

Ishani: I will take them out for movie. While you two do everything at home… And sia will be with me

Riddima: So, It’s final…

Ishani: Yayyyyyyyy🤩

SCENE- 3(New york) 

Aryan returns…

Aryan: Bhai, I have bought gifts for everyone.

Vansh: Cool!! Have you packed your bags?

Aryan: Yess, Bhai one min coming..

Vansh: It’s Already 11:55 you lazy. We have to reach by 12:20..Then flight will be at 12:30 AM.

Aryan: Just one minute bhai..

Aryan went to his Room..

Aryan(Thinking) : I will also put this rope in my bag. If bhai in airplane, transforms into his monster avatar. I  will tie up him with this.. Wowww.. Aryan you are genius😎

Aryan returned and they both last time bid adieu to their house.

They reached And checked in. And seated themselves in Aeroplane.

Air hostess came to them and asked if they need anything.

Aryan(whispering to Vansh).. – Bhai control, You won’t drink blood. Otherwise they will know your Identity. I know I have kept it as A secret but..

Vansh: Shut up.. Aryan. You know.. You have gone mad. When we will reach India, First I will get you checked up.

Vansh: (To Air hostess) : One cup Coffee please.

Air hostess:(To Aryan Sir) And you Sir?

Vansh: He needs brain.

Air hostess: What sir!!

Aryan: Juice.

Aryan And Vansh land India.

Aryan: Indu, I am back!!

Vansh: Who’s Indu? Oh my god, You are cheating Ragini?

Aryan: Bhaiii.. I mean India.

Vansh: Stupid. Don’t mould name of country At least..

Aryan: Bhai, It’s late. I think we should check in hotel and Rest there. Then, tomorrow we will head to home. Please bhaiii🥺

Vansh: Okkk.. As you Say!!

They booked a room to spend Rest of night.

While Ishani returned Home and Riddima, sejal, sia headed to their rooms to sleep.

Next Morning. (VR Mansion) 

Ishani: Good Morning Maaa..

Uma: Good morning Beta. Let’s go to wish Dadi.

Chanchal: Hmm.. Rudra, Kabir let’s go.

Ishani: Stop Everyone. Actually, we will give her surprise birthday party. Don’t reveal anything to Dadi and don’t wish her too.. We will give her surprise. Let her think That we forget her birthday.

Uma: She herself doesn’t remember her birthday.

Kabir: Ok.. Done!!

Ishani: we will go to movie and Riddima and sejal will see here everything.

Chanchal: Wowww.. Moreover Rudra and Me will see movie together while holding hands.

Kabir: Romantic 😁

Rudra: Shut up Kabaab..i mean Kabir.

Kabir: Papaaaaa☹


Riddima: Let’s go seju and sia.

Sia: Coming

Riddima:Ishani sent me message that she left with family. Join them in threatre. And You take car.

Sia: Byeee Riddima and Sejal.. Plan perfectly.

Sejal: Don’t you trust us. It’ll we best one.

riddima and Sejal reached VR Mansion while family left for movie. 


Vansh and Aryan drove to VR Mansion.

Vansh:(thinking while driving): And I will meet you soon Ms. Daring😉. I miss your voice. We haven’t talked.. I mean we chatted but My heart is longing to hear your voice again. I almost forgot it.. But that sweetness and charmness in your voice will help me to identify you.

Aryan(shouting) : Bhaiiii.

Vansh(applying brakes) : What happened Aryan.

Aryan: I forgot to buy gift for Dadi.

Vansh: You Idiot. I will drop you to mall. Return home by Auto. I will not be waiting for youu.

Aryan: And, Your gift for dadi?

Vansh: I already bought it. I am not like you.

Aryan: Ookk… Drop me.I will manage returning home.

Vansh: You have to!!

Vansh dropped Aryan and headed towards VR Mansion.

In VR Mansion. 

Riddima and Sejal completed with the decorations. And it was looking beautiful.

Sejal: It’s fabulous…

Riddima: Hmm..By the way What gift will you give to dadi?

Sejal: Oh no, I forgot.

Riddima: Oops, Go fast and buy it. I have already bought it.

Sejal: Whatt!! You didn’t reminded me.

Riddima: I told you many times but you didn’t pay attention.

Sejal: I am going . Will be back soon.

Riddimma messaged Ishani.

R: When will you come home? .

I: We already headed towards home. Will be there in 10 mins. Be ready with confetti. I will make Dadi Enter first in the house.

Riddima switched of all lights and went aside with popper in her hands.

Meanwhile Ishani and family members stuck in Traffic Jam. Ishani messaged Sejal that they will be late by half an hour not knowing that she went to Mall. Sejal didn’t saw the message as she was busy driving.

Vansh Reached VR mansion.

Vansh: Finally, I reached. I missed you VR Mansion. He took one bag out of car thinking it’s his(but was of Aryan)

He headed towards door. And……

Precap: Riddima hugs Vansh thinking him to be Dadi. Later, She ties him to chair. 

Guys, There will be Riansh meet in Next episode. Actually, I didn’t wanted there meet to be split into 2 episodes. So wrote today’s episode short. But next update will be longer. Till then, Byeeeee👍


A girl working on her dreams.

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