The key to the chamber of love (Ep 7) Great sacrifice for my love

Hi guys i am so sorry for not uploading for a week as i told u guys last time i will upload every sat-sun i wasn’t able to do it for sun last week so hopefully this week 3 ep will be written hope you all enjoy. Also i am sorry to those who i couldn’t reply or did late replies plzz don’t get offended by it. Also thank you so much and yes my lil finger has recovered. 😂🤣😁😆😅ps:- Riansh on OTT platform are going bomb 🥵🥵

Ep begins…

Ridhimah for the whole day didn’t open her room door or come out neither ate anything she was lost in her own thoughts. She was continuously remembering Ridhbir moments  …the day she proposed him…when they 1st met…just then Mr&Mrs Sharma knocked on door which bought her back to reality .

Mr&Mrs.Sharma (Worried)- Ridhu is enough now you have to open the door. At least talk to us plzz!

Ridhimah got up and slowly opened the door. MR.Mrs.Sharma were so worried about her and seeing her at this state made them terrified. They got her a glass of water and made her drink it.

Both the parents caressing her hair said:- Beta what happened you have been so worried and tensed since the visit of Vansh. Did he say anything. Are you happy with this wedding?? If not tell us we promise we will respect and accept your decision.

Before they could say anything she burst out crying. She became pale and so tried that fell asleep on her mothers lap. All this was eye witnessed by someone and that someone was non other than Vansh. Yes hadn’t left the place since afternoon he told the driver to take Dadi safely back home whilst he made an excuse that he had important work to do and would arrive later,

Vansh POV

I saw her crying for hours…and seeing her in this state my heart started paining  but i didn’t know why ..i should be happy instead of being hurt …its her fault she should of listened to me at first place but did she? No she didn’t? Anyways tomorrow is a big day and our wedding i can’t wait to see Kabir jealous as i am going to get married front of his eyes and that to with his gf or should i say ex gf  and Bhabhi to be!

The next morning in Vr Mansion……

Everyone are busy doing the arrangement for the decoration where as Vansh is at his study room talking to Angre.

V- Angre how is she! I mean Ridhimah.

Angre:- Boss she is fine but still heart broken and isn’t talking to anyone as Mr.Sharma said. But…Boss are you sure you want to marry her and that too forcefully..(Before Angre could say anything he was cut in between)

V- Angre ik exactly what i am doing do u understand!

A- Yess boss i am sorry.

They leave from there to get ready for the wedding where as Kabir is in his room trying to call Ridhimah.

K- Ridhimah pick up the phone damn!

A voice- She won’t!

Kabir turned back to see vansh standing next to the door.

K- What!!!

V- Yes you heard me right half bro! As you know today is a very special day…and i don’t want my wife to be disturbed by anyone so i cut of the internet wires also no one is allowed to go out today except from me!

K- What nonsense is this and what do you mean your wife ! Wait a sec do you mean Ridhimah! No u can’t do this Ridhimah only loves me she too proposed me how could you vansh!

V- Well..well.well…kabir you should say Ridhimah Bhabih instead and yes i am getting married to her within an hour! As you know ur big bro is very generous he invited u for the wedding plzz don’t forget to come and see her getting married in front of your own eyes and you won’t be able to do anything. He smirks and leaves…

Kabir had no words to say he felt helpless yet he didn’t give up …he decided to make a plan in which he will help Ridhimah escape and they can both get married instead.

Later in the evening everyone arrived at Vr mansion even the Sharma family …

Everyone arrived in the hall even the Pandit ji… Ridhimah’s Family arrived . Vansh who was coming down the stairs saw Ridhimah he was mesmerised by her beauty yet she was broken she had a glow on her face. She didn’t dare to look at him after all that had happened.

Ridhima’s POV

I was helpless and weak ..i had no choice left but to marry this Monster only to save Kabir. Why God why…why did u make my life so miserable from childhood till now i only wanted a  family that u gave and i am really happy nd appreciate it but now you made me end up in such situation that i feel like to suicide but not marry this beast .

Her thoughts broke when she came back to reality… Vansh announced everyone to come to the hall and told pandit ji to start the ritual. Vansh was staring at Ridhimah and mesmerizing her pure beauty whilst Ridhimah and Kabir were staring at each other  and smiling.

They started the wedding ritual when suddenly the light turned off ,everything went dark around them. Vansh ordered Angre to check as soon as the lights were back Vansh turned to see Ridhimah but she wasn’t there . Everyone were shocked seeing Ridhimah disappear while Vansh wasn’t he turned to see Kabir missing too and instantly realised that it was their plan to escape the wedding.

Vansh’s Pov

As soon as the lights were back i looked behind to see Ridhimah but she was missing and also Kabir then i realised it could of been there plan from the beginning. I will see Kabir later but now Ridhimah you have crossed all the limits you shouldn’t of escaped and messed with have to pay for this .

Saying this he and Angre left to find Ridhimah leaving her parents and rai Singhania’s worried and shocked.


Vansh finds Ridhimah and gets married to her whilst Kabir had escaped. The Rai Singhania’s welcome them as Husband and wife!

Thank you guys hope you enjoyed it  and take care byee  😍😘🥰🤗

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