The Legend Of The Hatred (Chapter 1)

Hai guys, so here the 1st chapter ❤️


A girl in her early twenties lies on a bed and in a deep sleep until her alarm destroys her nice sleep ( yes this sleeping beauty is none other than Riddima )

Riddima’s pov

Oh god this alarm is the curse in my life… no Riddu this is your destiny , now get up and start your daily routine … I am such a lazy girl who doesn’t care about anything except foods and my price charming…. oh wait today is 22nd January that means I can meet my prince charming tomorrow …  Let me introduce my love my prince charming , but don’t stare at him too much he is mine

Yes my prince charming is Aryan Raisinghania . The famous singer in India . I gave my heart to him the very first day I heard his songs. But destiny did not allow me to meet him as I have to come London for my studies …..

But my destiny is not cruel much , as tomorrow he will perform in our university and then I can meet him . And after that I will express my feelings to him ( oh god I am going crazy )

Author’s  pov,

Riddima entered to the class and sat beside her bestie Sejal .

Sejal : you are late again Riddu , please be responsible otherwise you will face a big problem in future

Riddu: oh stop your nonsense seju , what is this ? you know I don’t care about my future ..

In another place

A man in black full suit is doing something in his laptop and screamed suddenly,

” angre , angre come here …” his tone can make someone unconscious. ( he is our king Mr . Vansh Raisinghania )

( most trust worthy person of vansh .. they share a bond like brotherhood )

Angre: Boss , what is the matter ?

Vansh : Angre send me the person who checked this file

Angre : ok boss

( after two minutes )

the clark  : sir did you call me ?

Vansh: yes what the hell is this .. YOU know I hate late and careless people. This file is to be submit yesterday , but you did it today and send it to me with out cheking it again

the clark: sorry sir , yesterday my daughter was not well so I had to go home early that’swhy

vansh angrily stop him and ” I don’t want to hear any excuses , you are fired now you can be with your daughter whole day ”

clark : sorry sir please forgive me. How I raise my child without money sorry sir please forgive me , don’t do this

Vansh : get lost ( he was really angry , in his life he hate careless people )

Then a girl came to his cabin,

( Ragini Sharma , she is Vansh’s father’s friend’s daughter and always tries to flirt with him , but never gave a damn look at her )

Vansh : Ragini what is this misbehavior ! I told you to knock before come , am I right ?

Ragini : Areee Baby , I don’t think future Mrs. VR has to knock before come, am I right?

( this made vansh irritated , he never fall in love and Ragini ‘s presence made a hatred towards love )

Vansh: please leave me alone Ragini . I am not in a mood to talk with you so please ( vansh said it in his VR tone and glare at Ragini and this made her legs to leave vansh cabin )

In RA mansion ( Riddima ‘s parents house )

Deep : Arohi come fast , our little angle is calling us. ( Riddu ‘s father call her mom and others in immense happiness )

Riddu : dad how are you ?

Deep ; fine my princess what about you ?

Riddu : I am fine dad , mom where is others ?

Arohi ; they went out side dear , anyway we were talking about you ( hearing this Deep shook his head )

Riddu ; about me areeee bagavan , what a miracle my so called family remembered me …. ( she said it in a playful tone to tease her mom and dad )

Deep and Arohi ; shut up riddu there is no second we do not remember you

Riddu : I konw it dad but give me some time after the graduation your princess coming to you , bye mom Sejal is calling me bye dad love you alll…………

( she cut the video call by saying like that . but the truth was that she could not control her tears by remembering her family . she is such a over sensetive person , she is a cheerful girl but she can not see others in pain and that makes her weak )

In VR mansion

Dadi ; Vansh beta , why you look so worried ?

Vansh ; no dadi , actually tomorrow I have to go London for am important meeting , even dad and chchu have to go to Delhi for a meeting , so  I am worried for others security ….

Dadi ; so Aryan is here , isn’t it ?

Aryan ; no dadi I also have to go London for a concert

Vansh ; Aryan you didn’t told me ( he says in an annoying tone )

Aryan ; sorry bai I forgot it

Siya and Ishani ; we want something from both of you

Aryan ; ok babies


In Riddima’s apartment

Sejal ; it seems like you can’t wait until tomorrow to see that Aryan

Riddu ; seju call his name with respect like Mr . Aryan Raisinghania

Sejal ; whatever , he is not handsome like his brother

Riddu ; who the hell handsome than my prince charming

Sejal ; his elder brother Vansh Raisinghania . He is handsome , smart , .. ( Riddu’s blood is boiling now she screamed ,)

Riddu ;”‘ enough sejal enough I don’t want to hear a single word about him from you . My prince is the best and it is the final”

( but Sejal again and again remind him to Riddu to tease her , and she show his pictures and tell her that she follows Vansh in Instergram )

( all this made Riddima Annoyed and become really angry as she has a quality that she can’t bear anyone who insult her likes)

( Riddu is a cool girl but sometimes she is a short tempered girl . This quality of her leads her to a big problem as she not responsible to think twice before doing )

In night Riddu thought about sejal’s statements of Vansh and she also searched him in Instergram …

Riddu’s POV,

Vansh Raisinghania my foot, how the hell he thinks of him,, I can assure by looking his Instergram that not only Sejal but lots of girls like him . Don’t they have eyes? see how handsome my price charming …. are they brothers ? like seriously , my soul will not get any peace without doing eneything against him,.. I hate you Mr . Monster Raisinghania ……

If I can insult you in front the whole world I will do it surely . wait …. wait…. oh my god thank you for giving me such a mischievous brain …

You think you are the best and nobody can make you fall am I right ?

Now wait and watch what is  this Riddu doing to you …. Spent your night peacefully because may be this is your last day you sleep peacefully…………

Your count down Start Mr. Vansh Raisinghania ….. Good luck baby……….


I hope you guys enjoy the 1st chapter ❤️


I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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