The Legend Of The Hatred (Chapter 13)

So here the 13th chapter…


after few hours Riddu get conscious …. when she opened her eyes she saw the stabbed bear… she screamed in immense fear… she sat corner of the room hiding her face between her legs she cried badly…. she remembered all the incidents one by one… only she can understand is she can not stay here anymore…. but where she can go….

she thought to get a call Kabir but unknown to her mind she called Vansh….

Vansh; hello !

Riddu; …………

Vansh; hello Riddima are you there


Vansh; hello … hello

Riddu; ( hiccupping) va…va…van….vanshhhhhh… vanshhhhh

Vansh’; ha Riddima tell me… why are you crying

Riddu; ple.. ple… please come…… please… soonnnnnn

Vansh; to where Riddima are you ok?

Riddu; he… he… he will k..kill me… v…van…vanshhhh

saying this she cut the call and again cried now there no tears even her eyes tried too much her beautiful face had become pale….

In a second she hear Vansh calling her…

Vansh’; Riddima open the door… open the door… areee damn it .. if you don’t open it now in a second I would break it…

but Riddu has no more strength to stand up even she wants to … she is a living dead body after facing too much horror …..

Vansh break the main door and came to where Riddu was..

Vansh( shock); Riddima what happened you? why why are you in this state… tell me Riddima tell me.. ( shacking her ) Riddima talk… damn it

Riddu just look at him for a while and hold his hand tightlyand said with moist eyes…

Riddu; Riddima? seriously? am I not your sweat heart?

Vansh shocked hearing this… he never thought she would claim her like this… as he know how much she hates the word sweat heart…

Riddu( looking in to his eyes); tell me Vansh? Am I not your sweat heart…

Vansh could not take it anymore he hugged her tightly… she also hugged her in same manner… she felt security and peace in his arms… she felt now she is protected…

Riddu ( crying); he will kill me and family Vansh… please take me away from here.. he…he… wil.. kill .. me Vanshhhhh.. he will kill meee……..

Vansh( anger); who dared to do this to you… tell me.. who is he.. I will chopped him … and tell me riddi… sweat heart…?

Riddu told whole the story crying miserably… seeing her state Vansh understood that he has to distract her from this premises otherwise her state may be critical…

He took her to his mansion there everyone knows the story as Angre had informed them… nobody bothered her asking questions…

Vansh; siya … take her to your room

Siya ; ok bhai

Riddu took a step back and try to hide behind Vansh.. Everyone including dadi , Uma , Ishani, Chanchal talked her to come with them but all of the attempts were useless

Vansh ; look at me sweat heart don’t be scared there is no danger here go with siya…

 Riddu made her grip tight around Vansh’s hand and shook her head indicating him not to leave her… Everyone understand her state as she is really scared of everything… they eyed Vansh to take her with him..

Vansh shook his head and take her with him to his room… she sat on couch and again started to cry in  low manner … She is not so much strong to bear such a heavy mental attack… She is totally devastated facing such horror incidents…. Her mental and physical state was not good…. seeing her condition ,

Vansh ( cupping her face); look at me sweat heart … now no need of crying… you are safe now .. believe me when I am with you no one can harm you no even think to touch you ok?

Riddu just look at him not saying a word…

Vansh; so my sweat heart now smile please… at least for me , for this Monster Raisinghania…..

saying this Vansh tickle her … that made Riddu laugh for a while ignoring her all sorrows … seeing this Vansh felt happy as he able to make her smile …..

Vansh;  ( winking)oh ho now I got the point.. now I know how to make your anger out.. ok now rest … I will take you something to eat…

He made her lying on the bed and cover her by a blanket… she shut her heavy moist eyes and fell in to a deep sleep to get some peace… when Vansh turned go her hand grip made him stop… he smiled a little and release his hand and pecked on her forehead..

Vansh ( thinking); you don’t know how much I love you sweat heart… when I see you in pain I feel someone stabbed my heart… you don’t have an idea how much I was happy when you asked if you are not my sweat heart… I know you love me but your hear does not permit you to accept it… but very soon you will accept that truth…..

In a room,

Woman; so you did it?

Man; ha I did it

Woman; but why? what enmity you have with her?

Man; rejecting my proposal in front of the all university students and insulting me

Woman; but that was Pari not this girl .. and you get rid of that Pari killing her that time.. then what now

Man; no mom no she didn’t die …

Woman; what? then where that burden?

Man; she is the one who now I supposed kill inch by inch

Woman; what ? how is that possible ? their faces do not match anyhow… then how?

Man; anything can happen in this modern world mom

Woman; do you mean Plastic surgery?

Man ; Bingo !

Woman; but where is her memory… she always near you… but doesn’t remember anything.. it has been almost two years then how is that?

Man ; mom it was a big accident.. there she lost her she could not remember anything not even her name… and because of my trikes she will never able to remember her past.. but her past shadows may lead her to her death… this time she kill herself…. oh ho poor you…  Horror…Mental Trauma ….. suicide…. oh what a process I love it..

Woman; but?

Man; too much questions mom … not now….

In vansh study room,

Angre; your suspicion is right boss…

Vansh: meaning?

Angre; She did not died …. she is alive…

Vansh( cold manner); what else

Angre; for now that’s only but soon I will give you all the information

Vansh( thinking); it has been 2 years … yet your single information gave me pain.. huh.. what else you can do apart from giving me pain…..

In Vansh Room,

Riddu wake up after few hours… she felt some easiness …. After having a long time nap she felt some energy inside her… Though she is not completely recovered she felt something like happy and safe feeling… She tried her best to forget those horror incidents…

She amazed seeing the beauty of Vansh’s room… Though she had come to his room earlier she never looked at the room with much attention so, she thought to see the beauty of this big room… while enjoying the everything in his room , her eyes got stuck in his book shelf …while her eyes go everywhere in the book shelf , she saw something strange….. A DIARY?

Riddu( thinking); A diary? but this is seems to be a girl’s diary… but in Vansh’s cupboard?..” Don’t even think about opening me… ” Why is it so protected by locking… what contain in this? I feel a strange feeling when I touch it like I own it….  I would not feel good until know the secret behind this….oh god Riddu …. such detective you…? how can you step so low to know a secret by reading someone’s diary… oh no don’t care…..

she opened it with full of curiosity…. but what happened… she screams throwing away the diary seeing what was inside it… THE JOKER CARD……


I again say sorry😐 if I sacred all of you…. This is the new mystery with this joker 😉😉😉 if Joker is not Vansh then who is this scary joker ?….


I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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