The Legend Of The Hatred (Chapter 8)

So here the 8th chapter ,,,,,,


Riddu ; You ? Here?

Man ; Yes , me …. your soulmate…

Riddu; what the hell are you doing Mr. Raisinghania?

Vansh; adoring my sweat heart …( winking at her)

Riddu; stop your nonsense … I knew you are a devil but do not think this much.. you captive me among corpse…how someone can be this much devil…..

Vansh; for a devil there is no limit baby….

Riddu’; I am not your sweat heart or damn baby … did you get it? You are not a human Mr. Raisinghania

Vansh ; calm down sweat heart there is so much left for you… anyway let me know how was my surprise… your face tell me you liked it so much

Riddu;( angry) YOUR surprise my foot!!!!!! you murderer kill those innocent people… I hate you

Vansh ; ( get close to her ) innocent .. my foot… for me they are ****** . you know this man ( pointing Nishal) he proposed you.. how dare him to propose my sweat heart ..( laughing) so I free him forever… I killed him what a pleasure … and those people misbehaved with you.. yet you call innocent … I take out their eyes those were look at you in lust.. don’t they know only I have the right to see my sweat heart like that… no no no …. and this..this.. man … he tried to kiss you… how dare him( hitting his dead body) He tried to snatch my right … only my right …. so all of them deserve this …..they deserve death …. whoever try to snatch you from me sweat heart I will do this … as you only mine everyone should get this fact even you sweat heart( laughing in devil manner)

Riddu; you a psycho…. you maniac….. I told you clearly I never love you… only I can do is hating .. first I hate you second I hate you and third also I hate you ….  you can never fulfill your dreams never.. never means never…

Vansh; no… sweat heart don’t be quick…

Riddu; what do you want ?

Vansh; you…

Riddu ; ( crying) then why did you do this horror…. you leave me in a grave yard … you are a devil vansh… I hate you…

Vansh ; I want show you how much I possessive about you … and this horror is your punishment for rejecting me

Riddu; ( crying) ; please Vansh leave me. What the hell I did you to punish me like this? I hate you monster

Vansh; shhhh … this not a punishment , this the VR mode of loving… anyway tell me what is your biggest mistake in your life?

Riddu;( aggressively) ha coming to India

Vansh; oh no sweat heart…. it is posting an insult post of me in Instergram..

Riddu was literally shocked

Vansh; don’t be shocked babe….


Vansh gave 72 hours to Angre to find about the who posted that letter in Instergram. After 24 hours,

Angre; boss the one who posted that is a girl.. see this

Name ; Riddima Bhavna Agrawal

Age; 21

Father’; Deep Agrawal

Study; in London University

Home town; Delhi

Vansh’;so this is you.. daughter of Agrawal’s ,.. I don’t why god made you with this much beauty.. uffff.. I do not know why you did this but I will tell you one thing what you did is a grave mistake sweat heart …. mmm sweat heart not bad you impressed me , Vansh Raisinghania… Intresting … Very Intresting…

Flash Back ends

Riddu; so you know me earlier on ho now I can see… this is your so called revenge on me… not bad …..

Vansh; leave it I told it for your kind information… now I will leave you two options. Choose one if not you know me I can do anything..( Riddu get afraid hearing this and remembering her family as she know if she reject this he will surely harm her family)

Vansh’; option no 1 === you have to marry me 

               option no 2 ==== you have spent a month with me as my fiancee 

Riddu; ( thinking ) I can not marry this devil .. never… but be his fiancee is a caged freedom. Niether I want to be his wife nor his fiancee ….but nothing left me

Vansh; tell me babe what is your decision

Riddu; option 2

Vansh ; I knew it . anyway after this month I will give you a chance to say what you want either love me or leave me.

Riddu; obviously leave you… one can love or live with one second

Vansh smiled and free her .He went to her house and He himself made Riddu lay on her bed and about kiss her but she angrily move her face so he pecked on her cheeks and left . Riddu fell on sleep quickly as she had gone through a lot and all her energy vanished after seeing that horror scene.

Next Morning

Riddu was still sleeping . Her phone vibrated .she in sleepy eyes saw a message from vansh.

Good Morning Sweat heart …. 

as you wished our month starts from today so now on your my fiancee. 

So visits VR mansion at 7. 30 don’t make any excuses 

you know the consequence of it .

Riddu came to real world seeing it she knows now on her fate is not good . But she has to accept it for the sake of her fimily

she dressed and went to the VR mansion

Uma; so nice to see you dear .. come .. come

Ragini; who the hell are you? and what are you doing here?


Riddu was surprised to see her as she has not see her before in VR mansion

Riddu; who are you?

Ragini; I am Vansh’s fiancee Ragini Sharma. you?

Riddu; I am Aryan’s friend and nice to meet you..

then riddu heard Aryan’s voice

Aryan; hey Riddu….

Riddu; hai aryan

Aryan; I am going for a concert now .we can spend a great time . will join me

Riddu; of course Aryan… I loved it ( she disappear in a second by chance )

they went. all these were witnessed by vansh’s rage eyes . they were firming in anger. He never likes the close friendship between Riddu and Aryan.

In RA mansion ,

Deep ( on call); hello Ajey ! how are you….

Ajey; fine Deep

Deep; what made you call me?

Ajey; actually we thought to hurry the marriage of Vansh and Ragini

Deep; ooooo even I want to see a groom for Riddima… but she refuse it all the time .

Ajey; then Deep quick it . Then we can held the both marriages together . Can’t we ?

Deep; of course why not … I think I know someone who good for her … you make other arrangements..

Ajey; ok Deep…Bye.. see you

In VR mansion

Riddu came with Aryan after going to the consert….

Siya; Aryan bro did you enjoy ?

Ishani; what! with this rubbish can enjoy ….

Aryan ; shut up Ishani .. she is coming from a good family not a rubbish. Mind your talks.. I do not why you hate her so much…

Ishani; whatever … ( saying this she left )

Riddu was hurt by her words . When she turned to go back someone pull her and captive in a corner by his hands

Riddu; now what do you want .. Vanshh

Vansh;mmmm my name is good from your voice … I loved it ..

Riddu;( pushing him) ok thanks( irritated voice) now let me go

Vansh ; no wait.. what the are you doing with Aryan… don’t you shame to romance with your future brother – in – low…

Riddu; shut up … First , we are friends and second I am not your future wife this is just a deal of month.. and third don’t try to get close to me…do you understand.. fool…

saying this she turned to go then she heard Uma’s voice

Uma; wait Riddima …. Tell we ready for your marriage with Abhishek…

Vansh @ Riddu; what? Marriage? Abhishek?

Uma ; yes your marriage with Abhishek.. Ajey and Deep have planned to hold you @ Abhishak’s wedding and Vansh @Ragini’s wedding together … that means same day , same place and same time… I am really happy…. aree aren’t you happy Vansh ?


I know guys you are afraid about Riansh… I am a big fan of Riansh so don’t worry they will unite at the end😊😊😊😊


I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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