The reason of my ecstasy — Chapter 35

Chapter: 35…” Love “…

Scene 1:

At morning,

Vik:You are prepared for meeting with NNR right?

Rid:Yes Vikram, I am fully prepared don’t worry. Vansh is there na with me.

Van:Yes, I will take care of your mam.

Vik:I think you should leave now.


Riddhima and Vansh leaves.

Rid:Let me drive because you don’t know the way.

Van:No I will drive please. You are with me so you can say me the way.

Rid:Ok ok.

Vansh sits in the driver seat and Riddhima beside him.

Rid:We have to go by Acharya Prafulla Chandra Street.

Van:Okay mam. By the way where is the place?

Rid:It is at Camac Streer. Distance is of 20 km. It will take minimum 30 mins to reach there.


Vansh was driving as Riddhima was saying and here Riddhima was staring Vansh constantly.

Van:I know I am very good looking that doesn’t mean you will see my like this.

Rid:Thank god I am not driving otherwise I would have lost the opportunity to see my hubby driving.

Van:Shit!! Why only my luck is like this? It didn’t came in my mind. If you were driving now then I must have adoring you.

Rid:Now face the consequences. ( giggles).

Riddhima guides Vansh throughout the road.

Scene 2:

Both of them reach in front of a huge bunglow. They parked their car and went inside it.

Riddhima’s pov starts:

We entered through the main gate and went near the drawing room where I saw 3 boys in their mid- thirties was sitting in the sofa. The same face, the same evil motive only the enemy is changed. When I saw their face I remembered about my father’s death. He was killed by them so brutally. Seeing their face I always remember the betrayal!!

We went near him and greets them. They ask us to sit in the sofa.

Pov ends.

Raj:Please have some juice and snacks then we can talk about our deal.

Van:We can start also. Actually our madam I mean Nitiya Devi (pointing towards Riddhima) don’t know anything leaving business. A workholic woman. She have so many land in Kolkata but we live in Dubai so madam want to sell them.

Rid:Yes bittu bhai is saying correct( pointing to Vansh). We want to sell the land in good amount. And we heard that you have a head who has many money so I think we can get the money without problem.

Nik:Ofcourse. We can give any amount for the land. Our head can buy the whole world also and this land hahah!! Just say deal final.

Neel:But we should check the papers first, they are real or fake. They maybe fake people also.

Both Riddhima and Vansh’s turns pale. They are scared because their paper is fake, though they also have backup plans.

Van:You are doubting Nitiya devi? How dare you to do that. Madam jii we can leave from here now. We can’t do business where there is no respect for you and they doubt you. Let’s go.

Nik:Are are!! Please don’t go. Neel is doubtful from birth only. Please don’t go. We trust you. We know the papers are totally real. I think we should have sweets as the deal is final.

Riansh smirks listening this.

Rid:Bittu!! Give him the papers if they really want to see them.

Raj:No need. We trust you fully. Deal final!!!

Vansh hugs with all three of them.

Rid:So we will come again tomorrow. We are leaving for now.

Riansh left.

Rid:Bittu who will drive now?

Van:Obviously servant will only drive.

Both of them chuckles.

They sat in the car.

Rid:I am having head-ache so I am taking some rest.

Van:Okay take rest.

After 1 hour:

Riddhima wakes up and saw that their car is parked beside a road and Vansh was jumping outside.

Riddhima went to Vansh.

Vansh’s pov starts:

I have lost the way due to my mistake. But if I say this to Riddhima then a volcano will erupt. I have to go back soon before she gets up. But I heard that there are ghosts in village area oh god!! Help me.

I was searching for network when someone put a hand on my shoulder.

Pov ends.

Van:Aaahhh!! Bhut bhut bhut!! Riddhima!!

Rid:Aahh! Where is bhut!! Vansh!!

Van:You!! Where is bhut?

Rid:Idiot I kept hand on your shoulder but where we are?

Van:Vo..vo actually..voo.

Rid:Say it clearly.

Van: ( in full speed) I lost the way.

Riddhima’s eyes enlarged which makes Vansh more scare.

Rid:Carry on.

Van:I saw the road by which we came is having traffic jam so I thought to go by Shayam baazar but I wrote any another name which starts with S instead of Shyam baazar and following the map I came here. I don’t know the name also and..


Vansh closed his eyes.

Van:Fuel is finished..!!

Rid:What!!! How we will go home and this cloudy weather. It seems it will rain anytime. Why I slept yr!! My bad luck. I will kill you!!

Van:We can ask for any room to the villagers for sometimes, upto that we can call Vikram or anyone.


Riddhima’s pov starts:

As told by Vansh we were searching for house. We asked many villagers but none help us. In all this raining has also started. We somehow managed to get a room.

We entered in the room.

The room is not very big but it will work. It has only one bed nothing else. The room is not used by the owner.
As we were wet due to rain so they gave some clothes. It really help a lot.

Pov ends.

Vansh’s pov starts:

They gave us a room to stay and some clothes. I was seeing around the room when I saw Riddhima drying her hair. She bent and puts her hair in her left side and kept on drying. I don’t know what happen to me but my eyes were only on her bare waist.

I slowly starts to go near him and hugs her from behind. She jerks a little. Then I starts to kiss on her neck. I opened all the hooks from her blouse in the back side and starts to kiss there also. I can feel that Riddhima is also enjoying my touch.

I turned her towards me. Now her face is in front of me. Her eyes were closed but now she opened her eyes. In her eyes their were love for me, shyness and many more. I kissed on her cheeks and rubs my nose with her. She was also smiling. Then I hugs her more tighly and make her more near to me. I don’t like her to be away from here. Then I tucks her hair strands behind her ears. And I kept my lips on her while my hands on her cheeks.

She also reciprocated and puts her hand on my head and starts to caresses my hair. We kissed each other passionately. Full of love and love.

We kissed each other for sometimes and when we leave each other we were panting for breath. Then I lifts her in my arms and takes her to the bed. I made her lie down on it and I also lies on her.

Then I kissed on her stomach and rubbed my nose on it. Then I remove my clothes and her also. Then we kissed each other romantically. And we become one soul.

Precap:Meeting with the person who was in the beach. 

I know I am late. Sorry for that. Actually my mood was off so didn’t write or post. Hope you will like it. Take care all of you. Bye.❤❤. Silent readers are requested to comment. As it motivates us. ❤❤. 


Myself Radhika💝. Fan of Ishq mein marjawan 2😍😍. Huge fan of Armaan Malik❤😘

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