The reason of my ecstasy — Chapter 9

Chapter:7…”History Reapeat Itself??”…

Scene 1:

Someone aims a gun at him. The person who is aiming the gun is hidden in the bushes of the garden. The person kept his/her finger on the trigger of the gun. He/She was about to shot when from opposite side a person 2 shots towards person 1. Although person 1 got saved. Hearing the bullet sounds,Vansh got alerted. He also toke out his gun, but he didn’t see anyone. Person 2 comes to person 1.

Person 1 again tries to shot him again but person 2 punched him/her hardly on the face. Person1 also punched person2. Hearing the bullet sounds everone from the house came to garden. Both person 1 and person 2 ran from their. Both of them’s faces are covered so,no one see each other.

Kabir( tensed): Bro what happened? Anybody shot you? Do you get hurt? What are you doing here at this time? If anything had happened to you then?

Vansh: I am totally fine Kabir. See I do not got hurt.

Angre: And the bullet sound?

Kabir: Yes we all heard that. Bro don’t hide anything. Say it clearly. For me your life is more precious.

Vansh: Kabir and Angre don’t worry. Someone tried to shot me but the person missed the target.

Kabir: If he didn’t missed it then?

Sia: We should call a police.

Vansh: No Sia. No need to call the police. It’s very common for me. (I forgot to tell that Vansh is a underwolrd mafia. He sells diamond illegally. So he tries to ignore police. His family knows about this business. No one knows this except his family members not even Riddhima also.)

Kabir ( shouting):What common huh? This type of thing used to happened before 1 year. That time Shweta saved you when you got shoted. But now who will save you? Say? Why don’t you understand how much important you are for us. You are our life. If you gets hurt then we gets the pain. History was about to repeat itself and you are saying it’s quite normal? Do you know what will happen to Mom and Dadi when they will get to know this? If anything happened to you then do you know what will happen to us?

Vansh ( hugging him): I know you all love me a lot. I also know that nothing will happen to me because my Kabir is with me. I know he will save me. God can also lose infront of you. You are shouting beacuase you are scared for losing me right? But don’t worry,when you all are with me nothing will happen to me.

Kabir( crying): I love you so much bhai. I can’t live without you. If anything happens to you then I will also end my life.

Sia: And what about me? You two forgot me? (pouts)

Vansh and Kabir (in unison): You are our little princess.

Three of them have a group hug.

In the mean time Riddhima also came there.

Sejal( whispering) Why are you so late? Is everything sloved?

Riddhima: Yes don’t worry.

Angre: Ok,now everybody go to your room. It’s late, we have to leave for VR Mansion tomorrow. No one will stay outside their room now.

All of them dispersed.

Scene 2:

Kabir came to meet with Riddhima.

Kabir: Riddhima do you know anything about the attack? If you know then say.

Riddhima: I was about to tell you. It’s again Aryan.(Lag gyi 440 volt?😂😂) He tried to shot him again,but Ishani told me everything at nick time.

Flashback starts:

Riddhima: Is everything fine? Why are you calling me at this hour?

Ishani : I want to say you something.

Riddhima: Is anything serious?

Ishani: Listen, I just now came from Aryan’s room and I saw him to take a gun. He wore a black hoodie with black jeans. He silently left from the house. I think he is going to attack Vansh. Be careful. You have to protect him at any cost.

Riddhima: What? Are you sure.

Ishani: 100%.

Riddhima: Okay Thanks.

Flashback ends.

Kabir: I will kill this Aryan.

Riddhima: Control yourself. We have to execute our next plan from tomorrow only. Everything will get clear that day.

Kabir: I am eagerly waiting for it.

Kabir left from there.



Scene 3:

Aryan: Again that Vansh RaiSinghania got saved. Who the hell was protecting him. God also don’t want that Vansh. I have to do something else again. Yes I will kill him on that day. Both wanted to stay together na. I will make them together.( smirks)

Scene 4:

In the call:

Riddhima: Ushani start executing our next plan. Otherwise it may be late.

Ishani: Okay I am sending it now only.

Riddhima: All the best.

Ishani wrotes something in a paper. After wrting she went to garden. She threw the paper with a stone in it,in Aryan’s room and left from there.

Aryan was thinking what to do next when the paper with the stone in it came and hits on his shoulder.

Aryan:Aaahhh!! What the hell is this?

He picks that and opens it.

Aryan: What is written on it. Let me read it…:

“Get ready Aryan. Your game is over. Your countdown of defeat has started.

                           ~Your loving,


Aryan’s face turn pale. He sat on the edge of the bed with a shock. He was sweating.

Aryan: Is she came back? But how it is possible? No! No! Someone is pranking with me. She can’t come back.

Aryan only murmurs : She can’t come back,No! No!

Scene 5:

Riddhima: Sia we want to know something.

Sia: What you want to know?

Sejal: You will tell us na?

Sia:I promise, I will tell.

Riddhima: Who is Shweta? I want to know every single thing about her.

Sia: I will tell everything. Shweta was Vansh bhai’s fiancee,but….


Okay done with this update. Do comment how you like KaVa’s chemistry?? From the next chapter I will start disclosing about the past. Please try to increase the comments as it encourage me a lot to write. Love you all❤❤. Stay in Home and Stay Safe.God bless you all.




Myself Radhika💝. Fan of Ishq mein marjawan 2😍😍. Huge fan of Armaan Malik❤😘

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