The Saga Of Love & Revenge. Riansh & Kaira SS (Chapter 4)


Hi guys I’m back with chapter 4 of this SS. First of all I have write a TS on Barrister Babu serial. Plz check it for once. So


A dark room was seen in an old factory. There was a girl being tied to a chair with rope.

Blood was oozing from her mouth, there was many Mark’s of nails, hot rods, belt all over her body.

She was none other than Ahana.

Riddhima came there with kaira. She went towards Ahana and putted her hand in boiling water and she waked up with a jerk & shouted in pain while Riddhima and kaira smirked at her.

Riddhima came closer to her dangerously and whispered in her ears.

RIDDHIMA: In today’s breaking news there will be news of Ahana Vansh Raisinghania is being murdered ruthlessly.

Saying this she started laughing dangerously, Kartika & Naira also joined her.

Riddhima signaled something to her bodyguard and he nodded & went from their. After sometime he came with a bucket of hot oil and a belt.

AHANA: Please leave me…. Someone save me…..

Riddhima took the belt & dip in the hot oil and started approaching her while fear was clearly visible on Ahana.

She hit the belt on floor and then hit it on Ahana’s arm while Ahana shouted in pain. Riddhima putted left over hot oil on her. After torching her for sometime, she took her gun and pointed at Ahana’s  forehead & shoot all 6 bullets on her forehead and she died at the spot.

Kartik called media by his new number and changed his voice and said that Ishani Raisinghania killed Ahana Raisinghania.

Riddhima and Kaira smirked and went from there to Goenka VILLA. After sometime media reached their with police and police checked Ahana’s body. And send her body to hospital.

Meanwhile in VR MANSION.

Ishani was finding Ahana since morning. Chanchal on the news on tv. And news made her shocked to the core.

Ishani also came there and was rooted to her place. Everyone came there and was totally numb. The news anchor said.

Mrs. Ahana Raisinghania’s body is being found in an old factory. We got to know from our sources that she has been tortured from 2 days. And finally the person who had kidnapped her killed her today morning. From some people we get to know that the murderer of her is Ishani Raisinghania sister of the business man Vansh Raisinghania.

Just then Vansh came there with Angre and was confused to see RAISINGHANIA’S so shocked. Just then Police inspector and everyone looked at them.

INSPECTOR: We are here to arrest Miss. Ishani Raisinghania.

VANSH: On which bases inspector. You don’t know who I am.

INSPECTOR: We know Mr. RAISINGHANIA who are you. But your sister had killed your wife Ahana. So we need to arrest her.

VANSH: WHAT!!!! Its impossible.

He said being shocked.

INSPECTOR: We are not here to listen your excuses, so please let us do our work.

He signaled a lady constable to arrest Ishani she nodded and went towards her.

She putted handcuffs on her hands while Ishani was struggling to get out of their clutches. She started begging to them but they didn’t let her go.

ISHANI: Bhai plzz… save me….. I didn’t killed Ahana.

VANSH: Ishani don’t worry your bhai will save you and I will come with your bail paper soon.

INSPECTOR: Sorry Mr. VR but we are not allowed to take bail paper in murder case.

Saying this they went from there with Ishani.

Meanwhile in GOENKA VILLA:

Riddhima, Kaira & Goenka’s were sitting in the hall and were listening to the news while everyone was smirking as they kmew RiKaIra’s plan.

Just then Riddhima got a phone call she picked it immediately and kept it on speaker.

VOICE: Hello ma’am, your work is done.

RIDDHIMA: Good now give that b*t*h electric shock, itna ki uski jaan nikle  lekin mare naa.

She said with a dangerous voice.

Precap: Someone: We are getting loss in our business.

That’s all for today guys hope you liked it. Do tell me how was it?? Will be waiting for your sweet and lovely comments. And tell with whom Riddhima was talking and about whom  she is talking.



Tanya K

Hi guys. I'm a big fan of RiAnsh from IMMJ2 & brand new couple SiRav from SSK2. Writing a fanfiction on them❤❤.

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