The Story After A Leap IMMJ2 (FF) Episode – 13

The Next day :

Riddima dropped rivan at school and even vansh came to drop anju and rishi

Riddima : have your breakfast , ok

Rivan : ok , sweetheart

Riansh looked at each other and both remembered how vansh used to call riddima sweetheart .

Rivan then collided with anju

Rivan : yaar , phir se ??(yaar , again ??)

Anju : sorry , and one second , why should I say sorry ?? , As you only collided with me

Rivan : Interesting , Very Interesting !! , I can observe that you are keeping the blame on me for what you did .

Riansh are shell shocked as he said just like vansh used to say .

Anju : oh really ??

Rivan : any doubt ??

And their fighting started and even riansh left from their . They ended their fighting as classes are going to start

Night :

Vansh : (explaining them the past and rivan is his son to anju and rishi )

Anju : oh , so he is my cousin !!

Rishi : I can’t believe it

Anju : then don’t believe

Vansh : stop fighting , and come for dinner

They had dinner and dozed off

The Next Morning :

Rivan came to riddima’s room , when she is gone to hospital and then he saw a photo in riddima ‘ s room and got shocked as it was vansh and riddima’s wedding photo

At that moment abhi came , checking for rivan , and saw him seeing the picture , he understood that he has known about it

Rivan : no way , I can’t believe it.

Abhi : you should

And then abhi explained , bcoz of which the both got separated .

At school :

Anju saw rivan coming with a huge smile

Anju : what happened ?? What is the reason behind your happiness ??

Rivan : hmm , secret , you will understand it later .

Rishi : say one thing , when is your B’day ??

Rivan (thinking ) : hmm , after 2 and half weeks , but I will say different (to rishi ) : it’s after 2 and half months .

Anju (whispering): god , it has a lot of time

Rishi : yes (whispering)

Then they left to class

This time abhi and vansh came to pickup kids

Vansh again collided with rivan

Rivan (not seeing) : sorry

Vansh (seeing) : it’s ok

Rivan saw him and smiled

Rivan : oh it’s you ☺️☺️☺️

Vansh : yes

Precap : MISSION : RiAnsh


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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