The Story After A Leap IMMJ2 (FF) Episode – 14

At Rathore Mansion :

Rivan is thinking how to make riddima and vansh ‘ s reunion and he gets an idea

He calls abhi for help

Abhi : what happened ?? do you need anything ??

Rivan : yes , actually , I got an idea to reunite my parents , (explains his plan)

Abhi : ingenious plan !!

Rivan : at the end , I am VR ‘ s Son , and yah now start doing step no.1 mamu .

Abhi : ok

Abhi leaves to VR Mansion :

Vansh sees him

Vansh : what happened ? , Do you wanna say something ?? You came here .

Abhi : yes , siya get a glass of water .

Everyone doesn’t understand , what he wants to do , siya gets the glass of water .

Abhi : now give it to vansh

Vansh takes the glass of water

Vansh : now say , what happened ??

Abhi : hmm , actually , your son has known your and riddima’s relation .

Vansh panics and immediately drinks the water .

Abhi : now I understood , why your son said to give water , before saying he has known the truth .

Siya : did rivan doesn’t accepted bhai as his father ??

Abhi : no , he accepted .

Everyone are happy

Vansh : but what about riddima ??

Abhi : I am coming there only , your son said a plan for it .

Siya : but what ??

Abhi explains the plan

Angre : what ??? , It means rivan is saying , that vansh should be in Rathore Mansion for a week .

Abhi : yes

Nikhil(siya’s husband): but what is the benefit here ??

Abhi : ask rivan only

Vansh : but …….

Abhi : your son said that , you should meet him at the park right now !!

Vansh : but why ??

Abhi : I don’t know , meet him and know about it , now come .

Everyone go to the park .

Rivan is playing with a ball and , abhi with vansh and everyone , come there , rivan doesn’t notice them .

Abhi : rivan

Rivan (doesn’t turned ) : yes mamu ?? Did he came or not ??

Vansh (whispering ) : say no abhi

Abhi : no , he doesn’t .

Rivan : oh hello , I doesn’t requested him , but commanded him , say him to come , as I have to talk with him , if he will not come , then say him to forget his love and wife .

Vansh : you are commanding me ??

Rivan turned back to see , who it is ??

Rivan : you ?? , (Gazing abhi angrily)and mamu , you said he doesn’t came ?? , You know na , I just hate liars ,why do you lied to me , and Mr.So called Whoesever , sorry , Mr.VR , why do you said to manu , not to say you came .

Vansh : yeah , I wanna listen your response and yah , can I know, why you made this plan , even a picnic will be better .

Rivan : there are three points
1. You can live in the house , as she will always be in the house .

2. Coming to a picnic or any tour , if you will come , she will reject , and she will be far from you and will not talk to you and it will end fast too , but , if it comes to a house , she can talk with you , and you can clarify the differences , am I right , or am I right ??

Vansh : and 3rd one ??

Rivan : leave it , and concentrate on the plan, if deal ok , then nod , or else , plan your own ways , none will stop you from doing so.

Abhi : just a second , how could he enter the house ??

Rivan : hmm , good question , (after thinking) say that it was a deal , and yah , she should not get any doubt , got it ??

Abhi : yes

They leave to Rathore Mansion :

At the mansion , vriddhi and tanish are playing in the garden , rivan gone from balcony side to his room , as riddima should not get doubt on him .

Vansh and abhi entered the Mansion

Riddima (shocked seeing vansh ) : bhai !!??…..

Abhi (cutting her words) : riddu , he came for a business deal , so please , he will leave in a week

Riddima agreed hesitantly and abhi showed him a room .

Precap : rivan : yaar , everyone , give some privacy man .😋😋😊😊😚😚☺️☺️😍😍😘😘😘

I hope you all liked it


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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