The Story After A Leap IMMJ2 (FF) Episode – 16

The Next Day :

Avni goes to meet her friend , abhi goes to office , vriddhi , tanish and rivan go to school vansh & riddima are alone , sitting in the hale

Riddima : why don’t you go to your office or go with bhai ?? , Why you didn’t go ??

Vansh : because your bhai said , he could handle , and my office , first I should complete this deal , then I can go .

Riddima leaves from there to her room and gets keys to go out

Vansh sees it and goes to her

Riddima : go away from my way vansh

Vansh : no riddima , it’s dangerous to leave you alone , I will come with you , and I promise I will not disturb you .

Riddima (hesitantly) : ok

They sit inside the car , vansh goes near riddima and more close to her , she feels awkward , her heartbeats get high , her mind thinks he will kiss her , but he does the unexpected , he kept the seat belt and sat in his place .

Vansh : don’t be scared riddima , as I will not touch you , because if you doesn’t like how can I do it , I not that type of person , and you don’t think about me negatively .

And he starts driving

Riddima turns to see him and thinks

Riddima (thinking) : I know vansh , you can’t do so , as you are a gentleman , (she remembers their nuptial night , where he as like a gentleman , slept on the couch , giving her the bed )

Vansh : (smiling) stop staring at me sweetheart (smirk)

Riddima gets out of her thoughts and turns to the window side , blushing

And she ons the radio , and it plays “GALTI SE MISTAKE ” song

And vansh looks at her as requesting her to accept his apology and riddima understands his statement by his reaction , she turns blank

She turns the next song it plays ” OH ZAALIMA”  and vansh starts saying zaalima and humming the song , as like saying and thinking that , riddima is zaalima , who doesn’t have mercy , and is describing her , riddima understands it and turns off the radio

Later , they reach to “SUNSHINE BEACH “

Riddima who is super excited , goes near the river side , and sits on the sand , she starts playing with the sand , and vansh adores her childish behavior .

Then vansh sits beside riddima . Riddima feeling sleepy , keeps her head on his shoulder . Vansh feels happy and after sometime she wakes up to see , she sleeping on his shoulder.

Riddima wakes up and says sorry .

Riddima then feels tired of sunrays . Vansh then takes her to the car and makes her sit . He goes to Ice cream vendor and gets 2 ice creams for them , riddima feels happy and thanks him , after having ice cream , they reach home , to find everyone present , and then she leaves to her room .

After she left the hale , rivan comes near vansh

Rivan (whispering) : so , Mr VR , Impressed Mrs RVR ?

Vansh : (whispering) she is already impressed Mr Rivan , but she has to accept it .

Rivan : hmm , anyhow , fresh up and come down .

Vansh nods and leaves to fresh up

And at that moment , when vansh comes back , he suddenly gets hurt , and riddima comes to aid it

Riddima takes an antiseptic cream and applying and blowing , on the wound .

Riddima : vansh , can’t you be careful ?? , Not saying me , or giving advices to be safe , you first learn how to.

Vansh was just seeing her care and concern for him


Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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