Categories: Fan FictionIshqbaaz

The Story Of Ishqbaaz Brothers – Chap – 12

Hello Everyone. Well, this is Amrita, a very old registered member of TellyUpdates. I know many people don’t know me. But yeah, there was a time when I was much active on TU. And during that time I had started my own fan fiction “The Story Of Ishqbaaz Brothers” because obviously my interest from that serial started fading away when Ishana’s character was shelved and Soumya became a negative character, but yeah no offence to RiKara and RuVya fans. I need to clear this out from the very beginning that I’m not here bash against them but I wanted the story to progress with the original leads and so that’s when I started writing this fan fiction. But then my boards came up and I had no other choice than to discontinue my fan fiction. But I frankly don’t like to keep any of my work incomplete so decided to write back and finish the whole story that I had thought of. And also many of my old readers had requested me to write back. So keeping that in mind, I welcome my old and new readers to my fan fiction.
And for my readers, both old and new, I have also provided the link to my previous episodes for your convenience –

So now let’s proceed to my ff –
Anika lies unconscious in ShivIka’s room. All are worried for her. Shivay cries. OmRu console him. The doctor treats Anika while rest all wait outside the room.
Pinky: How did Anika fall from the stairs, Shivay?
Shivay: I don’t know, Mom. I wish I would have arranged everything, then nothing like this would have happened. I don’t even know how much pain she would be going through now (He cries).
Shakti: Stay strong Shivay, whatever had to happen has happened, now there’s no point in thinking about it. Just pray that everything should go fine.
Dadi: I just hope, my Anika and her baby are fine.
Janvi: Mummyji is right. Right now, I think the only thing that we all should do is to pray for Anika and her baby’s well being.
All agree with her and pray for her safe being. After some time the doctor comes outside and asks them to wait for an hour to get the reports and also asks them to meet Anika after some time as she is unconscious at that time.
Everyone follows the doctor’s advice and go inside ShivIka’s room after sometime as Anika also gets consciousness at that time.
Dadi: Anika, are you fine, dear?
Anika: Yes, Dadi, I’m absolutely alright.
Pinky: But Anika, how did you fall from the stairs at the first place?
Anika: I don’t know Maa, my leg slipped and I fell down.
Pinky: You should have taken care Anika, what if something happened to you and the baby?
Dadi: Pinky, don’t start with your inauspicious talks again. I believe that nothing will happen to Anika or her baby. Both will be completely fine.
Doctor: I wish things would have happened like you said, but I’m afraid the results show something else.
Shivay: Doctor, What do you mean by ‘Something else’? What happened? Is Anika fine? (He looks at Anika in a concerned way. All look on).
Doctor: Mr. Shivay, your wife is fine, but……
Shivay: But what doctor…..
Doctor: Actually, when she fell down … she had some serious internal injuries. And now you have two options, either you can save her or her baby. The choice is yours.
Shivay: There would be some other way out.
Pinky: Yes, Can’t we save both of them?
Shakti: And doctor, please don’t worry about the fees, we are ready to pay as much as you want, but please appoint the best doctors and somehow save both of them.
Everyone else say yes in unison. All these while Tej seems to be quite composed and relaxed. And that seems to irk Pinky a lot.
Doctor: Well, Mr. Oberoi we did our best and in my opinion if we save any one of the mother or the baby, but still if you all are keen on saving both the child and the mother then let me be truthful about it, there’s a chance of saving both of them but according to medical statistics and data, the chances are successful only for 8 to 10%. So now you all tell me, should I still go on with the procedures?
Pinky: Y…Ye….
Shivay: NO! Save Anika, I don’t want any baby. I only want my Anika. (He looks loving at Anika while she looks at a disheartened Pinky )
Anika: No Doctor, don’t listen to Shivay. I want to keep the baby.
Shivay: Please Anika, don’t be stupid. Why are you hell bent on risking your own life?
Anika: Please Shivay; I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Doctor, please, I’m asking you to listen to me, please. I’m the baby’s mother and I’m ready to take the risk but I want to keep the baby.
Shivay: But!? (Anika looks at Shivay. He gets helpless and dejected looking at her but smiles through it as Anika smiles at him)
Everyone try to somehow cope up with the tensed atmosphere.
Doctor: Ohk, well, if you want we will take good care of you so that their shall be no complications, but you need to visit me every month and yes, we you want I can appoint a good nurse for Mrs. Anika who will take great care of her and will stay with her all the time.
Soumya: No, Doctor. We don’t need to appoint a separate nurse. (Everyone look at her surprised. She gets nervous) I…I…I mean, we all are here and we also live in a joint family so I think anyone amongst us can take care of her ( She looks at others. All nod their heads in approval.)
Tej: So, Soumya, What do you think, everyone in this house is jobless like you?
Rudra fumes and is about to say something when Janvi speaks up: Tej, even, I think that Soumya is right. All of us are there so why to keep another separate nurse for Anika, what’s say?
Ishana and Priyanka: Yeah, Mom, you are right, we agree with you.
Everyone else also say yes. Tej gets annoyed and leaves that place.
Pinky: But what about the day time? Because no one would be there at that time as all of you would be busy with your respective works and jobs.
Anika: But why so much fuss about this topic, because even I’ll go for my work (All deny immediately startling Anika and ask her to rest).
Om: No way Anika Bhabi, and Chhoti Maa, you, Mom and Dadi are there during the day time, right? So you guys can take care of Anika Bhabi. And moreover, if you need anything else, then Rudra is also there to help you (He winks at everyone except Rudy).
Soumya (Before Rudy could say anything): That’s a great idea Bhaiya. Anyways Rudra always bunks his classes, this time he will stay back at home for some real cause, to help Anika Di. I’m so proud of you Rudra. (Rudra glares at her) And yeah, please don’t worry about the notes; I’ll bring that for you, Ohk?
Om(Before Rudra could say something): Alright then, Soumya, you , Ishana, Priyanka and I will take care of Anika Bhabi in the afternoon, and Rudra, Chhoti Maa, Mom and Dadi can take care of her during the day time.
Ishana (Before Rudra could say): Even I feel that’s a perfect timing. We all can complete our works and Anika Bhabi won’t be neglected also. It’s a win-win situation for all.
Priyanka (Before Rudra could say): Yeah, that’s a great idea. I will help in any way possible.
Shivay (Before Rudra could say): And I will take care of Anika in the morning and at night.
All of them smile when Rudra shouts.
Rudra (shouts and starts his drama): STOP IT! From that time, you all are not letting me speak. First this Sumo, then this long hair creature, then his Madhuri Dixit wife, and Prinku, even she didn’t let me speak, also this Bagad Billa let me talk. No one left a chance to tease me. Only my Mom, Chhoti Mom and Dadi love me.
Dadi (Pulls his ears gently): Will you stop your nautanki or not?
Janvi and Pinky(tease him): Rudra, stop your dramebaazi, you can limit that to our home.
All of them laugh will Rudra looks at the three ladies with shocking expression.
Rudra: OK, Enough. Papa loves me.
Just then Tej comes there and gets irritated.
Tej: Shivay, take care of Anika, and when this circus gets over, come to the office, do you remember that you have a meeting in the evening?
[Everyone giggle looking at Rudra’s helplessness]
Shivay: Yes Bade Papa, I remember about the meeting.
Tej goes from there. Shakti hugs Rudra and makes him smile.
Shivay: Mom, Dad, Badi Maa, Dadi, I think you all should leave for home. Al most all the hospital work is done here. We all will take care of Anika.
Dadi: Billu, I’m not that old to leave my poti bahu in this condition and go home. I’ll stay back here
Anika: (Dadi, even I think Shivay is saying the right thing. You all should go home. I am fine and if I need anything I’ll myself ask for your help. And in any way I’ll be discharged soon from here.
Dadi: And what about your health?
Anika: Dadi, nothing will happen to me when you all are there with me.
Ishu, Priyu and Soumya (hug Anika): Yes, Dadi. We are there with her. You don’t worry.
Dadi: Ohk then. I’ll go home.
Shakti, Janvi, Dadi and Pinky leave for home and Tej has already left.
Rudra (starts his drama again): Do I even exist here? No one is listening to me. I thought after marriage, O and Bhaiya will become paraya dhan. But you all are making me Paraya dhan. (All look at him with a Stop-It-Rudra look) OKAY…OKAY… But at least I want a O bro moment, because this girls gang already did it.
ShivOm: Fine Rudy
They do an O bro moment and finally all hug Anika.
[The next day Anika gets discharged and she comes back home. Dadi, Janvi and Pinky do her Arti. She smiles and comes inside. All the youngsters help her to ShivIka’s room. Suddenly Ishana gets a call. She gets tensed seeing the call. She excuses herself and goes aside.
Ishana (in a miffed way): What happened Papa? Why are you calling me so many times? I had already informed Mona that Anika Bhabi fell from the stairs and got some serious injury. Things got so complicated.
Mr Mehta: So? Why are you worried for all of them?… Ishana, don’t get involved with all these stuff, just carry out our plan and leave from their lives. And by the way are you planning against the Oberoi or me?
Ishana: Papa, I’m against them, but….I don’t want to hurt Omkara, I can’t ruin his life.
Mr. Mehta: Ishu….Why do I feel that you have started developing feelings for Omkara?
Ishana: Dad, I had told you earlier also that I don’t love him, why will I love him?
Mr Mehta: Do you think I’m a fool? I can very well know from your emotions that you love Omkara…..But don’t forget why you were there…..So just focus on your work and come back after finishing it.
Ishana: Years back, whatever happened, was all due to Tej Oberoi, what has his family and especially Omkara got to do with it? And moreover, who knows, what could be the other side of our story? Why do you want to play with everyone’s emotions?
Mr. Mehta: ISHANA…Be in your limits. Don’t ask me anything. And don’t you trust your father? Do you think I’ll lie about the years back story?
Ishana: Papa, I’m just saying that, there could another version to your story, right?
Mr. Mehta: Keep quiet, Ishana. Now listen to me carefully. Carry out our plan and take Omkara with you for your honeymoon. Now I’ve some work. I’ll talk to your later.
Ishana: Honeymoon?…Hello?
She sees that the call ended. She gets tensed and restless. Meanwhile Tej hears the word ‘Honeymoon’ from Ishana and goes thinking.
[Someone keeps his hand on Ishana. She turns and sees that it is Om. She gets shocked. Om looks at her suspiciously.]
Om: What is your planning?
Ishana (gets more shocked and nervous): Pl…Pla…Plan…Planning? What do you mean by Planning?
Om: Yes, I know you were planning for our honeymoon, am I right?
Ishana (gets surprised): Honeymoon?
Om: Yes? Weren’t you planning about that only?
Ishana: Uh…Huh….Oh….Yes, Yes
Om: So….What have you planned?
Ishana: Nothing, till now.
Om (keeps his chin on her shoulder and holds her by her waist): Ok, then shall we plan together? (Suddenly he gets a call, he talks something and then ends it; and then he turns Ishana towards him and hugs her. Ishana cries silently but he doesn’t notice that) you see, I’ve got some work right now I’ll come after sometime. Then we’ll decide where to go. (He goes smiling while Ishana pretends to smile)
Ishana (Starts cries openly and uncontrollably): Oh god, what shall I do now? What a dilemma this is? Whose happiness shall I see? My Papa or my Om’s? The one who brought me up or the one who loves me? (She realizes what she just said and continues crying)
The Same Evening-
Rudra is sitting downstairs with ShivOm and Dadi. Shivay is doing his office work.
Om (is massaging Dadi’s back): Dadi, you know, now-a-days Rudra is studying a lot instead of dating new girls every day. You can see the demo there (He signs Dadi. Dadi and Shivay, both see Rudy studying his textbooks)
Shivay: And the most surprising element is, he’s not studying Biology or Chemistry…
Om: ……That too from his laptop (Om completes Shivay’s sentence)
Shivay, Om and Dadi start laughing and ShivOm hi-fi.
Rudra (gives them an annoyed look): Bhaiya and O, I do read Chemistry and Biology also.
Om: Waah! You READ Biology and Chemistry, I thought you only apply them practically….
Shivay: ….That too between you and hot, size-zero girls.
Dadi: But, wait….Rudra, do you remember you used to listen to some Radio program. What is it? I’m not able to recall.
Om: Yeah Dadi, it’s his Love Angel. Rudra used to listen to Love Angel. Am I right Rudra?
Rudra (recalls his confrontation with Soumya about Love Angel): Love Angel has become my wife now.
Shivay: What? Soumya, was she your Love Angel?
Om: Wow. I can’t believe this. You never told about it.
Dadi: It means Ishqbaazi was there between Rudra and Soumya beforehand, although indirectly, but still….and we had no knowledge about it.
Rudra (gets irritated and shouts): It’s nothing like that. I’ve never loved Soumya or will never love her. I’m not getting any girls to date as I’m stuck with Sumo. I’ve lost my reputation in college due to her I don’t like her at all.( He starts going when Dadi stops him)
Dadi: If you don’t love her, then why did you try to stop her and Reyan’s marriage? Why do you always stand up for her and defend her when someone says anything to her? And not to mention, you were the one who introduced her to the media as your wife. Now, tell me, do you have anything else to say?
Rudra (Recalls their moments): Whatever Dadi…..but let me tell you, she’s just a burden for me. If she wouldn’t have revealed about our marriage to Mom and Ma, then all these wouldn’t have ever happened, and I wouldn’t had to stay with her forever.
Om: MA….Hmm…Kusum Aunty has become your ‘Ma’, great going Rudy, I can understand…. (He winks at Shivay, and both of them start grinning)
Rudra (gets annoyed): O, Please, don’t start again….
[He turns and sees Soumya standing there with Anika and Ishana. Soumya cries and goes. Rudra feels guilty. He goes after her. All look on.)
Dadi: History repeats itself.
Om: Yes, that’s why Rudra is following Shivay’s footsteps.
Shivay: Then no one can stop him from becoming ishqbaaz.
Anika: I hope he doesn’t become Tadibaaz like Shivay.
Ishana: Tadibaaz is there is these brothers’ blood, so Rudy will be also become another Tadibaaz.
Om: Ishana?! ……
Anika and Ishana look at each and laugh. Dadi looks at the confused brothers and gently pats on their cheeks and leaves from there laughing with AnIshana.
Meanwhile at RuMya’s room –
Soumya is packing her bags. She’s trying to call her friend Juhi, when Rudra comes, takes the phone from her and cuts the call.
Soumya: Rudra, give my phone back. I’ve to call Juhi and tell her to arrange a room for me.
Rudra: Why? Where are you going?
Soumya: Why do you care?
Rudra: Because I’m your husband. You need to tell me about it.
Soumya: OH, REALLY? But I’m a burden on you, you are stuck with me, because of me girls are avoiding you, you are not able to go to dates. So, basically, I’m just an obstacle in your hot and happening life. So it’s better if I leave from your life, and who knows, someday you may start calling me a noose in your life.
Rudra: You won’t go any where.
Soumya: Why?
Rudra: Because that’s my order and by the way I won’t leave you ever.
Soumya: But keep taunting me….Listen Rudra, I don’t care what you say, I’ll leave, and don’t worry about Mom, I’ll talk to her.
Rudra: Soumya….Are you sure you want to go?
Soumya (cries): Yes…When this marriage doesn’t have any meaning for you, then what will I say more.
Rudra: So this marriage has a meaning for you?
Soumya (looks at him): Yes….Because for me our marriage is a fact, not a joke. It’s not some doll house games going on here that we will play it and finish it according to our own convenience and time. But, if you don’t want to stay in this relationship, then I won’t bother you also, because relation is made, not forced.
Rudra (holds her): When we both don’t want to stay in this relationship, then it’s better to part ways, Right?
Soumya (gets shocked): I don’t have any problem to stay in this relationship, it’s you who’s having all the problem.
Rudra: So, you want to stay with me?
Soumya: Only if you don’t have any problem.
Rudra: That’s not possible. You know I was a playboy.
Soumya: Then stay as a play boy, but leave me. Choice is yours.
Rudra: Fine. But let me tell you, I’m not a playboy anymore, but still….if you want I’ll leave you.
Soumya (gets irritated and shouts): You are confusing me. What do you want? To stay with me or remain a playboy? Make your mind clear.
Rudra: I don’t know and why the heck are you shouting?
Soumya: Then what shall I do? Your veneration? Take as much time as you want and think what you want and clearly tell me. For now, just leave me alone. BYE.
She keeps back her things and goes. Rudra gets upset thinking about all these, throws his dumbbells and goes outside.
Dadi, Priyanka, ShivIka and IshKara overhear RuMya’s conversations. Dadi gets sad and leaves from there. Prinku, Anika and Ishana follow her. ShivOm get thinking.
Shivay: I thought Rudra and Soumya will resolve their differences among themselves but….
Om: How could they do it, Shivay? Rudra is a big idiot and is fully confused right now and here Soumya doesn’t want to force him for anything and is always ready to sacrifice.
Shivay: Yeah that’s true. So what do you think…..we should step in?
Om: Of course.
ShivOm smile and join hands.
Precap: Shivay and Om see Anika and Ishana stressed out. Rudra spots Soumya sitting silently and crying. The brothers get thinking. The girls see something and get shocked.


I am choosey but a total honest and a very organized girl.A big fan of Shantunu Maheswari,Devakshi,Swadarsh,Akhil Akkineni,Rana Daggubati,Devga, Misbeer,Nairan, and ofc Lakshmila

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