Categories: Fan FictionIshqbaaz

THE STORY OF US – Chapter 27 by Sana


“I have been bullied.”

Priyanka’s voice echoed through out the mansion. It was like a knife stabbing behind the back for the three brothers. They have protected her and wanted to give her life of a princess. They believed they did a good job but now it was like all the walls are broken down.

“What do you mean?” Om asked to clarify and reached her hand and squeezed it.

“In school and college I have been bullied. People make fun of me and disturb me. They start food fight on me, ruins my locker, mock me, disturb and everything. I know I’m weak and it is because I loved under your wings. I thought that on a random they will stop but the day never came. One day I told I will report them to you but no luck. I was too naive and stupid that I believed when they said they had some business hidden secrets. They are days when I cried myself to bed but too afraid that I didn’t utter a single word.
I also want to live like rest others without caring how I look, travelling the whole world, having girls sleepover and hanging out with friends etc but I was not a normal girl or better I was not allowed to be a normal girl.” She choked out and cried in her knees.

“I’m sorry that I let you down but I was scared and afraid. I was naive and stupid. I’m seriously an idiot.” She broke down like a baby and the three brothers engulfed her in a hug and calmed her down.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”

“We are sorry.” Shivaye, Rudra and Om said together. Priyanka ran to her home and all the elders followed her along with Om. Shivaye stormed to his room and I was about to leave but stopped when I saw the pale face of Rudra but then Soumya nodded her head and signalled that she will take care.

“Shivaye, open the door.” I shouted and knocked at the door. I know that Shivaye is angry now and when he is angry it engulfs him and he blames himself for everything. “I said open the door, if you don’t then I will try to do something which will hurt me at last.” I threatened him and I felt stupid for it. Silence was there for sometime but then the door slowly opened and I smiled. Shivaye would never let anything happen to me.

Shivaye was walking like a pendulum there but what stopped my feet from reaching him was his bleeding knuckles. The broken vase confirmed my doubt. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He flinched in pain and I felt like I was inches away from having a panic attack.

“What the hell, Shivaye? You can’t hurt yourself like this.” I said

“Go away, Anika. I’m not in a mood to talk.” He firmly said and like a little boy tried to pull his hand away.

“Shut up, I’m not in a mood to see all this too.” I said and took the first aid box.

“You don’t need to do this. I will take care of it.”

“Shivaye, stop it. Why the hell would you do something like this?” I asked confused.

“I deserve it.” He said and I held his hand tightly.
“I’m a bad brother. I was not even good enough to protect my sister. All these years we were oblivious to all this things and it is after too long that we got to know this. She was in pain and she was crying because of me. Only if I had looked out for her more then nothing like this would have happened.” He said and checked his bandaged hand.

“No, Shivaye. There is where you are wrong. You are the best brother but only after Sahil. You treated her like a princess and you didn’t know anything that happened to her. You can’t always be there for her. At one time she is going to get married and live with another family. She needs to stand herself and there is where she needs her brothers as her pillars. You are a good brother, Shivaye. Remember, she didn’t say to you because she thought the bad guys will hurt you people.” I tried to tell him but his face remained blank.

“I should have understood her why she stayed away everytime. I’m a terrible brother Anika and no matter what you say it’s not going to change. She was suffering and I didn’t even know that.” He said with teary eyes and my heart sank.

Shivaye was someone who wouldn’t let people show his emotions. He was perfect with the expressionless face and I-don’t-care attitude. No one witnessed the vulnerable side of him because he managed to cover them with huge walls. But today he is showing me this weak side of him. He is crying infront of me. He is opening up to me. He is willing to share anything and everything with me.

“Shivaye, you can’t control the world in your shoulders. But you are strong enough to protect us. I trust you Shivaye that you will keep me safe and happy. You are an amazing human being and you know that, right?” I asked


“I love you because you are a beautiful person but you aren’t perfect and again but you are perfect for me. You are that missing puzzle of me.” I kissed his knuckles and I felt his gaze on me which resulted the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach.

“Thank you.” He whispered and I nodded my head but from nowhere he kissed my cheek the ran out of the bed. I ran behind him but I fell on the bed instead and trust me I don’t know how that happened.

Shivaye laughed clutching his stomach and I glared at him. “You know what, Mr.Shivaye Singh Oberio?”


“I hate you so much.” I shoot daggers at him and he pouted.

“You are lying.” He said with the best puppy eyes but I held my ground.

“No, I’m not. Try me” I challanged him and with a smirk he came forward and grabbed my waist.

“Shivaye-” He started tickling me and I laughed and curled on the floor blocking him from doing so but he tickled on my neck and I cried “Stop, it’s not funny.” I managed to say and he stopped.

“You should have seen your face, it was priceless.” He commented as laid beside me on the cold floor.

“I hate you more now.” I hit his arm playfully and then scooted over him.

“I know it’s the opposite.” He said as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

“Actually, I love you more.” I admitted and placed my head on his chest. This was the best place on the world. I felt safe in his arms and I love him so much.

“I love you too.” He said kissing my forhead and I closed my eyes drifting to a fairytale dream of I and Shivaye.


Hey readers! Thank you so much for the support and following. Tbh, never even in my dreams thought that my story will get this much readers. Forget about it, I didn’t even thought I will be a writer. Don’t forget to comment and also if you like my story then follow me. Read my bio and I would love to make friends. Thank you tons again. Love you to the moon and back ?


"I can't change the direction of wind , but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination " Hello everyone , I am Sana and happy to be here ?

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