Heyy guys, thanks for all the support from the previous episode! I’m glad ya’ll are liking my FF. Please keep commenting and supporting in the comments section.
Guys please comment, all silent readers too it motivates all of us. The comments are decreasing so i always seem to think that this ff isn’t doing well so please please comment.
A/N: So guys @Priyanishi_13 won’t be posting for some time as she’s unfortunately tested Covid positive. Let’s pray for her to get well soon and hope she returns back with her updates in full form!
So you all might be wondering why i’m posting this today and that’s because i won’t be able to post tmr as i won’t be taking my laptop to school and also i will be breaking my back at the same time tmr Will be carrying 26 textbooks back to school. I will be posting next maybe on Tuesday.
I’m really sorry if this is getting boring because of the flashbacks but i will try my very best to end it them soon, they are needed to show their life story, i really hope you understand.
Episode starts
Vansh: So that’s how we became friends.
Riva: Interesting, very interesting! (laughing)
Vansh: (looking at Riddhima) Then we started hanging out together. We soon became like best friends.
Riddhima: Library (pointing)
Vansh: Really library! Yaar stop being a nerd!
Riddhima: It’s not being a nerd, I need to pick some few books for tomorrow’s lecture! And tomorrow don’t come to me crying that you didn’t take the book. (mimicking) Riddhima I didn’t get the book please na help!
Vansh: (mouth open) I act so bad! (Riddhima hits him)
Riddhima: Vansh! You come or I take Angre with me! Anyway Sejal is busy in her other lecture.
Vansh: Why Angre? I will come! (jealous)
Riddhima: (chuckling) finally came on line!
Vansh: Riddhima (walking to the library) next lecture, want to bunk?
Riddhima: The Vansh Rai Singhania bunks too?
Vansh: Sometimes!
Riddhima: No thank you!
Riddhima: Bye!
Vansh: Let’s go to the coffee shop! We can sit and relax and share our notes
Riddhima: Hmm, good idea.
Riddhima: (feeding Vansh) Vansh read quickly
Vansh: (eating) You eat too
Riddhima: Don’t worry about me, first have and quickly read. You need to prepa….(Vansh fed her)
Vansh: There you go.
Riddhima: Ouch!! (in pain)
Vansh: What happened? (worry)
Riddhima: I think I sprained my ankle! Ouch!
Vansh: Wait, (held her ankle and twisted)
Riddhima: Ouch!!! God why did you do that?
Vansh: try walk now
Riddhima: (walked) Yea it’s better! Thank you!
Vansh: No thank you in friendship!
Riddhima: Okay sir!
Vansh and Riddhima used to do everything together, they went together to the coffee shops, and spent time on weekend’s together, watched movies together. They became really good friends and used to share everything with each other. As time flew their bond grew stronger unknown to their family members.
Riddhima: how dare you Mr Vansh Rai Singhania! (shouting)
Vansh: Excuse me Ms Riddhima Raichand, you’re the one at fault!
Aryan: Vansh, watch for your tone! Riddhu, there’s no point in arguing with him, come let’s go!
Riddhima: Bhai, you go I will come after an hour, I want to go to the beach for a bit.
Aryan: Okay fine. Come soon. (he leaves)
Vansh: Nice acting! (laughing)
Riddhima: (laughing) yours too! (hi-fiving) Come now let’s go to the beach
Vansh: Let’s go. I’m sure Aryan won’t ever know we are friends if we continue our superb acting like this! (chuckling)
Riddhima: exactly, not only him but no one will know. (chuckling)
Flashback ends
Rivan: You both used to hide it! Oh my God (laughing) no one got to know even for a bit?
Vansh: No! We had become a pro in it! Anytime we noticed something related to our families we pretended to fight. We had a connection through our eyes
Riva: Love through eyes!! (smiling)
Vansh: Her eyes are intoxicating! Anyone can drown in them
Rivan: What a pick up line dad! But too old fashioned now!
Riva: Idiot! Old is Gold!!
Rivan: Dumbo! This is the 21st century
Riva: Dad look what he’s calling me!
Rivan: Dad look what she’s calling me!
Riva: Because you are an idiot!
Rivan: Then you, a Dumbo!
Vansh: Enough! (shouted) Stop arguing!
Riva: But he started it!
Vansh: Princess! Enough now.
Suddenly the machines that were attached to Riddhima started beeping loud. Riddhima started breathing heavily and slowly with a lot of energy her fingers were moving unnoticed by anyone. Vansh gave a call to the doctor while Riva and Rivan were focusing on Riddhima, they had started panicking.
Riva: Mom! (rubbing her hands) Dad hurry up (crying) Mom!
I hope you enjoyed reading this. The more the response the earlier I will post Please let me know how you found it in the comments section.
Please keep commenting and do let me know how you found this episode
Thank you
Thank you
Wonderful as always

The track is going good I wonder why are readers not commenting
Precap flashback proposal right!
Hope Priyanshi di gets well soon
Readers are not getting much time…i think so
Thank you

I’m glad you find it fine, yea I wonder why
Yup that’s right
Yea hoping for the same
Yea most probably, busy with school maybe
Noice episode sis

. When even my ankle get twisted..and ever try to turn my uncle..i just kick them hurts so much 

. They are become in hide and seek meeting..

Chupkau..chupkay kya karay..suru karay hide and seek leke ek dusray ka naam
An excellent n amazing episode Dear Parita. I enjoyed reading very much. Love their acting when they noticed any of their family members nearby. Love the twins small argument n Vansh telling them to be quiet. Hopefully Riddhima becomes conscious. Well done Dear.

. Your ff is really superb. Love it so much.

. Lots of love, hugs, kisses n loads of blessings flying over to you 

. Looming forwards to the next episode. 

. U til then, please take care n stay safe 

. Lots of love for you 

Thank you
poor them
antaskhri in hide and seek wah! 

Lol really!
I’m glad you did enjoy it. Haha yes their tactics to save themselves from their family.
Let’s see if she does.

Stay safe and will post soon
Thank you
Yes, a father has to step in
Thanks once again! Lots of love to you too!! Hugs and kisses!
. Loved it.
Thank you
Awesome episode

Post asap
Thank you
I will soon dear
Its not at all boring its very nice
.. loving current plot
.. and plzz try to post soon
I’m glad you don’t find it boring
Thank you
Will try to really soon dear
Thanks for such a good one
No problem dear, I’m happy you liked it
Nice episode dear

Thank you
Amazing episode dear
Thank you
Amazing episode di
Thank you
Wow amazing

Thanks for updates
Thank you
No problem dear

Thank you

Thank you
Wow fabulous

Thank you

Thank you
Amazing!! Loved it..
But at last
Thank you

Amazing episode di
Thank you

Thank you
What a wonderful episode! Riansh at the beginning of their love! So Riddhima wakes up? Parita, write the next chapter as soon as possible! I’m dying of curiosity!

Thank you
I will soon post it di 
Yea they’re life story. Let’s see of she really does
It was really amazing. Not boring at all

. Or kal 26books carry krna hai tumhe
. Poor parita shah

. Try to post soon. Praying for priyanshi
Thank you

finally hogayi submit saari!
Haan yaar
Will soon do
Yes praying for her
Thank you

Not at all boring… I absolutely love your ff
Thank you
I’m glad you do
It is awesome
Thank you di
Awesome Episode mam maybe riddhima will be now out of coma.
Thank you
student ji
Let’s see
Wow.. so cute one.. acting

.. let’s see what happens next.. take care of ur back

Thank you

Acting ke champions!!

Sure i will, it’s half broken!
Thank you
Amazing episode it’s not boring at all don’t think so please post next soon
Thank you
I won’t think
Will soon do!
School are closed na pari . How u are going..
In my country school’s are open dear-Kenya. With all the protocols
Amazing episode
Thank you