Stand together as a family
Heyy guys, thanks for all the support from the previous episode! I’m glad ya’ll are liking my FF. Please keep commenting and supporting in the comments section.
I would like to wish @Mennhussein55, Happy birthday Menna di, hope you have a wonderful day make the most of your day!!
Previous episode’s link
My TS link
Episode start:
They nodded and left to the washroom. Riva thought of getting bathrobes along so that they can dry their clothes here as well. While on the other hand Kabir and Aryan started their search. They went around the room, checking on the dressing table, under the bed and inside the vase. They quickly checked the drawers near the bed and they found something. A paper that was folded and neatly kept.
Aryan took it with him and was about to open it however they sensed the twins exiting the washroom so he quickly put it inside his pocket. He signed Kabir to keep calm. Then the twins came and handed them the bathrobes and allowed them to use the bathroom. As they entered the bathroom, Aryan though of looking at the paper. He removed it from his pocket and opened it.
He was extremely shocked at what he saw. Kabir’s eyes popped out looking at the paper. The both glanced at each other with tears in their eyes. It was a picture of Riddhima and the twins together. Their suspicion was confirmed right, they were hundred percent sure now that they were Riddhima and Vansh’s kids.

Aryan: She’s alive!! (laughing in tears) I can’t believe it, she’s back! We’ll get her back
Kabir: Bhai Riddhu, she’s alive!! God listened to our prayers, she didn’t die that day! It was all a lie (laughing) Riva and Rivan are her kids, we are their mamus.
Aryan: Yea I can’t wait till we tell them that, I’m going to take them to AKR Mansion, I will pamper them with everything, give them all the love.
Kabir: Let’s go tell them
Aryan: Wait Kabir, we need to tell them at the right time! But what about Riddhima….(reality hit him) Riddhu is in coma!!
Kabir: (frowned) No way! They suffered all that, Riddhima suffered all that (crying) And when she needed us the most we weren’t there with her (hitting his hand on the granite basin)
Aryan: Who must have dared to do that! I’m not going to spare him but (anger) Kabir we need to act wisely…all this was a plan to separate all of us. It won’t be safe for the kids and Riddhima if we tell them that we know the truth. We’ll tell them when time comes.
Kabir: Right bhai, but look at destiny (smiling) the kids are with their family right now and they don’t know.
Aryan: This is the twisted game of destiny, plays with everyone. Let’s get changed and go.
They both change in to the bath robes and exit the washroom to see the twins waiting there. Kabir unable to hold his emotions and happiness of being an uncle, rushed to them and pulled them into a tight hug while the twins were shocked by his move however they still reciprocated. Aryan adored their bond and wished he would have the same one too. Aryan pulled Kabir back and signed him to control. Riva was about to ask him but then Vansh called everyone down in the hall.
Riva and Rivan hearing him headed downstairs and Kabir and Aryan, forgetting they were in the mansion without anyone’s knowledge and with a bathrobe headed downstairs too. Everyone was in the hall when the two stars in their bathrobes descended the stairs leaving everyone in shock.
Vansh: You both here? (curious) That too In a bathrobe?
Rivan: (murmuring to Riva) These guys seriously had to come down
Riva: (murmuring back) Mamus sometimes are just jokers! (chuckled)
Rivan: Agreed (murmured)
Kabir: Woh…umm we were here to (thinking for some excuse)
Riva: They had come to our room (blurted)
Vansh: What and why? (possessive) How did you guys even enter? What was the reason to go there?
Aryan: Vansh chill, we didn’t go there to harm them.
Vansh: Chill seriously! Two men trespassed VR mansion’s security, ended up in the kid’s room!
Kabir: Not like we are strangers!
Angre: How did you both get in?
Rivan: The window! (giggling while Aryan glared at him) Sorry
Aryan: Right the window! And before you ask why we are in bathrobes then let me tell you that your kid…(realizing) your guests had attacked us in defense thinking someone had come to attack them by drenching us in water, spraying perfume and soap too!
Ishani: (laughing) How was the attack?
Kabir: Ms Ishani (gritting his teeth in annoyance) honestly it was the fun thing we ever experienced (sarcasm)
Angre: Kabir!
Vansh: Anyway we all are present so I want to tell you the main reason to which I called you all here (point at Karyan) and as you guys are here then you can listen too. So we are hosting a party tonight!
Dadi: But for what dear?
Vansh: To celebrate our recovery! (smiling)
Aryan: Oh no no…that’s definitely not the reason Vansh. You’ve got something as well at your back. Come on shoot
Vansh: Hmm interesting, very interesting!
Kabir: we know you very well! So say the actual reason
Vansh: (laughing) Of course, (serious) so right it’s to trap Chang.
Ishani: So you mean a plan to defeat him?
Vansh: Absolutely right. He betrayed the Vansh Rai Singhania, I’m not going to spare him am i! I’ve got a plan to defeat him and give him a taste of his own medicine.
Rivan: That’s sounds fun! (everyone glared at him) What? It doesn’t? (every one chuckled at his innocence)
Aryan: By the way, he double crossed the Raichands too, so we’ll be with you in this plan!
Angre: (shocked) You will help us?
Kabir: Any doubt?
Vansh: Fine then, we’ll be together in teaching him his lesson. Deal?
Aryan: Perfect!
The rest: We’ll also help!
Vansh and Aryan: It may be dangerous!
The rest: It’s fine, we’ll all be together.
Vansh: Okay, but Aryan and Kabir you better not double cross me
Aryan: Vansh, we are a family! Now this has come to the matter of Raichands and Rai Singhanias, not something anyone can play with.
Everyone was shocked hearing him say family. The twins were happy as they saw some change in their behavior. They were finally accepting each other.
Kabir: When it comes to Rai Singhanias and the Raichands then we stand together, united as one family! Aren’t we a family dadi?
Dadi: Huh? (lost) of course, we are. (smiling)
Vansh: Fine! (smiling) We are together in this. So now the plan is….
Chang your time is up! You did a very big mistake in double crossing us.
Sejal you here!!
I hope you enjoyed reading this. The more the response the earlier I will post Please let me know how you found it in the comments section. Please keep supporting like you all always do.
Question: So what do you think about their unity? And what about the precap…what do you think Sejal is doing there?
Let me know in the comments section about this question. I will post my last part of the TS maybe by tmr.
Guys pls comment and support, comments are really decreasing. You all encourage us so please continue commenting.
I’m thinking of starting another FF of just approximately 10 episodes, not more than that, do let me know about your views on it
Amazing episode.
Thank you dear for you wishes.
Love you.
Happy Birthday

Thank you Rukaiya
Thank you di!

Love you too
Awesome episode Pari I really enjoyed it very much and especially Kabir Aryaan and Vansh bonding eagerly waiting for next update
Thank you !

I’m glad you liked this one
Amazing episode di please post soon precap is shocking.
Thank you !

I have and i hope you’ve read it too. Chk out the episode and promo
But family kab puri karogi riansh ki
Thank you !

Jald hi puri karungi, ab sachai ayegi samne
Fabulous episode parita
Thank you dear!

I will soon dear

Early today suberb awesome episode
haha yea. Thank you !

Amazing as usual loved it..yes you can…why we will deny it..
Thank you dear!

Sure sure
Awesome….vanshu kb pata chale bachho k baare me
… soon..
Thank you!

Soon enough dear, i have, do read it
Amazing episode

pari and of course waiting for your another ff and OS next part

Thank you di!

Yes di, i have posted the OS as well as the episode
Amazing episode waiting for next part plz post next part soon
A really amazing n funtastic episode Parita.

. Keep up.the fabous work. Lots n lots of love n blessings for you. I am enjoying the ff a lot n will also read your os too. Take care n.looming forwa4ds to next episode.

Thank you !

Have posted dear, do chk it out
@Angela, Thank you!

Lots of love and hugs to you too!! I’m glad you are
I have posted them, do chk them out. Stay safe!
Amazing episode
! Loves it
! Of course is this the thing to ask..start another ff

Thank you !

amazing di

Plz Post ASAP
Eagerly waiting for next episode
yup di plz a new ff
Thank you!

I have dear, do chk it out.
Amazing episode
Thank you dear!

Amazing episode Parita Di…… Can’t wait to see the next part
Thank you dear!

I have posted it, do check it out
Thank you dear!

Thank you di!

Amazing episode

i just loved it
no guesses yr

plz post soon. I really love the concept of “the twisted game of destiny”. 

Thank you dear!

I’m glad you do like the story
I have posted it
Thank you!

awesome parita
Thank you dear!

Parita, I really like your Aryan. It was a super nice chapter, I was afraid of a confrontation but it didn’t happen. I look forward to hearing from Vansh about the twins and Ridhima.

Sejal I think found out that the twins are in VR Mansion and came to check or came to say that Ridhima woke up from a coma
Thank you di!

It will come in the light really soon, the truth will be out for sure.
Maybe yes, let’s see

they want to united coz they want to stay close to the twins
Thank you!
Yes that’s one of the reasons too!
Oohhh wow parita…. Too great… Bathrobe mein aise aagye

…. Awesome.. Please try to post it soon
Thank you!

I have posted it dear, do chk it out
Sejal.. now what’s she doing here… wow superb epi . I laughed so hard damn!!!

Osm epi dear…. Pls post soon pls … And yes, we want all things nice for teh party miss parita 

Let’s see what she’s here for…it will come out soon. Thank you !

Yes yes, lots of dhamakas

Awsome episode
It was fun
Twins rocked
Update ur ff too
Thank you !

I have dear do check it out
Amazing episode pari
Finally you made my request to a reality. Thank u dear
. Their unity is awesome. United we stand divided we fall
Thank you dear!
Haha yes i did, 

Exactly, so better to be united
Wow amazing

. It’s really wonderful. Thanks for updates 

Thank you!

No problem dear
Super episode

Thank you !


Thank you!

Wow fabulous

Thank you!