Thirst For Revenge #Riansh #IMMJ2 (Chap.12): Your granny is a witch or no?

Hello guys thank you all for your lovely comment. Nowadays as I am really busy I will answer, your comments here do check it here.


@ Shivangi: Thank you, so much dear. Your support means a lot. Here is the post

@Khushi: Thank you 😘

@R.N: Thank you. Here is the post

@M: give him more than a lot😁

@Aarushi: Thanks for understanding, for posting thrice a week, this week I do not think it’s possible or next week because as I told I have so much work. But from the next week, it think it will be possible, as I would have wrote the episodes in advance, hope you understand.

@Jennifer: Thank you

@Thakur Priyanka: Thank you

@Amna: Plans it is for everyone but only destiny decides whose plan will succeed. Thank you, I will take care and you too.

@Mennahusssein55: Thank you, darling. I feel so nice that you liked it a lot. Stay tuned for the next updates.

@Aafrin: Thank you

@Astha: Thank you

@TSA: Me too, I was so tired of sleeping the whole day😂. Thank you

@Jayashree: Thank you so much, jaya. Hope I can call you that, you name is so long.

@Priyadharshini: Thank you

So that is all for the answers now let us start.

The episode starts:

KS Mansion in the morning:

Kabir (POV): where the hell is mom? Is what I was thinking right, that maybe that riddhima and her so-called friend did something to her? If it is so then I will not spare them. Let me just call her

Riddhima and Vansh’s house:

Riddhima was sleeping peacefully when her phone rang

Ridd (POV): aree yaar. Who is this idiot who is disturbing my beautiful sleep?

Riddhima checked her phone and it showed that it was Kabir. She woke up in excitement, as she knew that her day would start really good after hearing a poor Kabir.

Ridd (POV): my day could not be better than this. Now I am sure he is calling to ask where his mother is. Let me call everyone first then I will pick up his call.

Saying so she went outside her room and shouted calling everyone.

Vansh: Aree, riddhima. Did you hit your head somewhere🤨? Why are you shouting early in the morning?

Ish: yes V, you are right. Sis why are you shouting.

Siya: First, let her speak. I am sure she is maybe telling us that we are going on a holiday

Aryan: siya, can you just be serious. Holiday and at this time, we have to deal with Kabir

Siya: Aryan are you the one asking me to be serious, like really. The one who is not serious wants about Kabir and me to be serious. One part of him is already dead so a little holiday can help him😂 and us

Aryan and siya started to argue while riddhima was pissed off, as they did not listen to what she wanted to say.

Ridd (screaming): just shutttttttt uppppppp. And listen to what I had to say

Everyone obediently said: ok ma’am

Ridd (laughing at their state): good students. I wanted to say that Kabir is calling so-called you here to listen to what he had to say. But look at you people

Everyone: oh sorry. Now call him back and put the phone on speaker

On the call

Riddhima called him back and it did not even take a second before him answering

Kabir (angry): where the hell were you? I called so many times

Ridd (calm): Kabir, Kabir. I told u Na, screaming is not good for health. And I am not your servant to answer you, when you call, got it. And If you continue to speak like that then you will get dehydrate, then will have a heart attack then you will go to the devil. It will be so sad, tchhhh

Kabir: Oh, shut up okay. And I will go to god understood.

Ridd (laughing you going to god. I think even the devil himself will not accept you. And you will keep wandering in the world

Kabir: Ooh, that is even better than going to god or to hell. As if I keep wandering, I will just trouble you.

Ridd (scared): oh really

Kabir (over- confident): yes.

Ridd: oops then. You know my granny, was a witch. And do you know what, once I saw her in your house. Beware she might be there even now.

After listening to what riddhima said, the group of four people next to her started whispering.

Aryan: vansh, bro it is dangerous for us to stay with these two girls. If their granny was a witch, then she might have left them with some skills

Vansh: now I am getting scared yaar.

Ishani: you foolish boys. Can you just shut up? And for you kind of information, she is just trying to scare him

Aryan: ooh for a second I was not agreeing with you for being foolish but then I realized. I am one😁

Ishani: thank god. What about you V

Vansh: I agree, I thought she was saying the truth but that does not mean that I am foolish.

Ishani: whether you agree or not you are one, right siya

Siya just nodded positively and vansh said

Vansh: sometimes I wonder if you are my sister.

Siya: I am the one and only. But I have to be cunning when it comes to you🙊

Vansh: youu.

Ishani: shut up, guys or else sis will kill us once she finishes her call

Vansh: Yes, she is right.

On the call

Kabir: do you think I will believe you

Riddhima: if you do not then turn around and check who is behind you right now. And I will talk to you later. You see I am busy and have work to do not like you.

They disconnected the call and Kabir was scared but still he gathered his courage and turned around to see…

So that is all for today. I hope you enjoyed it. Do comment and tell how it was. Stay tuned for the next episode. I don’t know when the next update is coming but yeah if you give me at least 20 comments, then the next episode is on Friday.


Like to read, Passionate at writing poems, love cooking

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