Thirst For Revenge #Riansh #IMMJ2 (Chap.7): Destroyed but by whom?

Hello everyone, thank you so much for your support and your lovely comments.

Episode starts:

A: what do you mean?

K: that they cannot expose us because if they try we will expose siya, ishani and my photos together (he said with an evil smirk) while anupriya started to laugh

A: oh yeah you are right. And now what will you do

R: just wait for the surprise (with a smile on her face)

Saying so they left there leaving them worried

A: even if we said with attitude. I am worried; you know that we do not have such pictures of ishani and siya’s intimacy. But what I do not get is how do you know siya.

K: mom, you remember na, there was that poor girl in my secondary school but she had attitude so I did what I tried to do today with Ishani, I enjoyed I am telling you. She was so yummy

But to his surprise, his mother slapped him

A: you know that, I did not raise you like that. I agree I supported you with Ishani, but it does not mean you will try to do that with every girl, understood.

Saying so she left leaving a fuming Kabir.

K (POV): mom you slapped me because of those poor people now mark my words. I will not spare them

 Vansh’s home:

Manish: we are so sorry with what happened with you ishani, we can understand as siya went through the same.

Uma: yes, dear but do not worry. We are with you

Siya: Yes, I understand and don’t worry I am sure bhai will not spare him

Ishani: thank you, aunt but where mom and dad are

Manish: Actually, they told us to tell you that they will not be here for the next few days. As they will be in Hrishikesh with your uncle and search for a new job.

Ishani: oh ok

Uma: Siya take ishani to your room

Siya: ok, come ishani let us go

Manish: poor siya, I know that she is controlling herself but now those images maybe back in her mind

Uma: Yes, you are right, but we will manage

Vansh’s room:

R: we said that but how will we manage

V: Do not worry riddhima. I have an idea

R: what is it?

V: Aryan, we will need your help

Ary: Of course, I am there

V: so, we will work really hard and establish our own business, for now we will stop our studies and concentrate on how to make our business stronger. With time, when our business will be strong we will use our contacts and ruin Kabir

R: sound nice but I will take time

V: but we don’t have another choice

Ary: so how do I help?

V: you know many of your brother business partners so you will help us gain their trust and make Kabir’s company weak

Ary: ok,

As days passed with vansh and riddhima living together, they developed feeling for each other but decided not to think about these feelings and establish a business and strong contacts. Not only that but ishani started to have feelings for Aryan, while riddhima’s parents came back and they told them what happened with ishani. They were very angry but vansh and riddhima managed to calm them down and told them their plan. Everyone was happy especially the parents who saw how their kids were working and how they were falling for each other, but could not tell each other as they wanted first to get rid of Kabir and his mom. Not only them but Kabir was having sleepless night because of a strange company, which appeared from nowhere and was taking all his investors one by one, little did he know that it was his enemy’s company.

Like that, three months passed and finally their business was a success it was number one company in whole India while Kabir’s company was removed from the list, because they took everything one by one.

Kabir (POV): now it is enough, how is it possible? My company, which used once to be number one company in whole India, now they do not even, remember it and that is all because of that company. VR Company. I tried to know the owner from the last three months but I could not find anything.

Suddenly his phone ranged and it was a call from a private detective whom he told to search for him the owners of VR Company

Kabir: Allo. Did you find anything?

Det: yes, sir I did not find anything but my boss told me to tell you this and he even said that you would directly know who they are if I tell you what he told me

So that is all for today. Stay tuned to know what the detective told Kabir, and who are the owners of VR Company who destroyed Kabir completely.


Like to read, Passionate at writing poems, love cooking

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