Tied together by Destiny …swasan and ardhika (The first love sight) chapter 3

Hi all my friends..This is ur friend Harani..Thank you all who have commented ..and also silent readers …u can give me suggestions too …not only compliments….love u ALL from bottom of my heart 🙂

sanskar and radhika along with their family are going to temple for meeting groom and his family .

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The car reached the temple.Dp ,Ap sanskar and radhika all got out from the car and started walking towards the temple.All the way rads was holding sanskar’s hand …anyone can easily guess that she is too nervous .Dp have her a side hug and assured her that everything will be all right .The temple (imaginative)was so big and was constructed with antiquity.When they reached near the beautiful steps they were welcomed by shekar and sumi .Radhika took their blessings.Sumi hugged rads and assured her that she is like her mom.
They all moved inside the temple.Sanskar (business man ,) got a call from his assistant .He asked rads to move inside and he stood out and spoke to his assistant.When he turned to go a sudden cool breeze touched caressed his cheeks …he turned to see what happened?
He was mesmerized to see a beautiful angel in her pink lehanga walking very fastly towards the temple.She was talking to someone very seriously and told that she is coming inside .As she was continuously talking on the phone she didn’t see the water spilled on the stairs ,sanskar saw this and was calling her to warn her .But that was no use.she stepped on the water and when she was about to slip ,sanskar caught hold of her and saved her from falling down.She was holding his sherwani in fear.She opened her eyes and saw sanskar holding her .They doesn’t know each other but their hearts told that they wer born to be together .Their cute eyelock was disturbed by their consciousness.They composed themselves and she thanked him and went inside.
~~~~sanskar’s point of view~~~~
I doesn’t know why but my heart has abandoned me and it went with that pink angel.She was so seriously talking,but was so innocent .Her voice is like that of water stream .I held her in my hands ..She was like cloud ,she thanked me .But I want to scold her for taking my heart with her 🙂

###common pov###
Swara who was going inside the temple was continuously thinking about the two eyes which made her dumbstruck.His hold was so decent .His eyes have created impact on her too.But the two are unaware of the future where Destiny is gonna play so many games..


Arjun was already inside the temple .He was searching for swara who went out to attend some call.He was waiting there nervously because his beautiful bride can come there at any time .Simi,shekar,Dp, ap,radhika were all .coming inside.
There were small kids playing inside the temple.Radhika was watching them playing.the little child who were running banged with a girl carrying flowers in a basket and suddenly the flowers tell on Radhika….:-)
Arjun who was standing there was stunned to see radhika in between the flower shower.Everyone were happy after seeing rads out of her nervousness.All came near the place where arjun was standing.On seeing arjun ,rads face became pink like the fresh rose in the garden.

Swara came there and smiled at her soon to be bhabhi.sanskar came a little after and was standing beside rAds.swara and sanskar saw each other ,both their hearts wer on cloud nine but they were too good in hiding their emotions …They greeted each other with a warm smile ..
The elders started the pooja and say at a place , a little spacious one .the two families along with their relatives sat facing each other .
The elders all asked the opinions of aradhika .They both showed little hesitation so the elders asked them to talk for some time and they were accompanied by swasan.

They four move to a place little away from others and stood for talking.swasan moved away from them so that they could take in privacy .Both swara and sanskar were feeling awkward after their first (best)meeting.

***********ardhika convo***************

Arjun:Hi radhika.I am arjun.If u want to say something you can tell me .I have no issues in marrying you .

Radhika:But u showed hesitation before them .

Arjun:Yeah.that was bcz I saw that you wanted to say something but u was nervous .so I showed as if I have hesitation.You might have some conditions na..tell me .

Radhika:Actually I have written a story and I want to publish it.I want to become a big writer .It was my aim to publish a book.My dad won’t oppose me but I wish to do that myself .I need a life partner who can support me and not suppress me .If u find me wrong I can cancel the proposal.

Arjun:That solve right .u wanna become a writer .I will support you always and I like independent girls.I don’t like to dominate others .

Radhika:Thank you so much .

Arjun:Shall we go.it’s late .Give your answer there .I will be waiting.

Radhika:ok 🙂

[swasan were still standing at the same position ..They both were unable to talk to each other .When they were about to talk ardhika came and all the four went to the place wer elders were sitting.

Ardhika nodded in yes for marriage .In no time swara ran and hugged radhika and called her as bhabhi.Radhika was so happy and she smiled at swara’s childishness..Sanskar hugged arjun and told congrats jiju.The elders were all so happy bcz of ardhika’s approval.

swara and radhika became friends in no time.Even arjun asked her whether she remember her brother .

The screen freezes on the happy faces of the family.

precap:The family visit to houses..

Thank you dr….

###########Your friend

Love u ALL…pls comment my drs…


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