hey guys i am very happy that u all like the prolouge of my ff and thanks for pouring so much love and encouraging comments thanku very much all of u thanku for accepting this ff also as ts and if u find any mistake or fell like telling something just fell free to tell as it help me to improve my writting ok now stoping my talks and starting the story
prev: intro and swaragini small conversation
link of prolouge:Prologue
today’s part:
they both procced towards the main gate
they enter their collage with a smile on their face??
Ragini:swara our campus is so large and beautifull i just wanna rome the whole collage now what say…..
swara:??ragini first we have to went to principle sir office than classess and about ro……..
Ragini:what u wanna say i want to rome the collage today only and u r not giving importance to it??
Swara:ragu u never change u and ur dramebazzi and about roaming i was saying we will go after meeting sir nd in free lecture if not than at last of collage and now change ur face expressions its not suiting u
Ragini: swara yuhhu ??u agree i am very happy and we r going for roaming\par
Swara:now stop behaving like this or else people think u as a mad
Swara:lets move
two boys are standing and talking with the principal about something serious
First Boy:sir me and lucky will proceed for the academy today only
sir:sanskar and laksh{the boys are sanskar and laksh} u both leave now only and u have to be there for about 1weeks or 2weeks may be according to the practising sessions and the work
Sanskar:sir we have to teach the academy students the moves and train them for the finals of dance competion this is it and what aout the paper work sir we both are not aware about it??
sir:u both have to do all the paper work of the academy as the leader and coleader of dance accademy of our collages and do all the formalities
Laksh:ok sir we got it but i confusion
Sir:whats that laksh??
Laksh:sir in sometime our finals are also going to happen and we don’t have partners what to do we did audition but no girl have the charm and the style to be fit wih our dance moves and style what to do now after coming we have to start for practising also sir and no partners than how the practise wil done????
sir:new session students are going to come so from them we will choose two girls for the lead and the oher group of ur class will be the same
Sanskar:yes sir ??
Sir:ok i will tell dance teachers to take the auditions of new students and shortlist from them nd than u both finalise from them is that ok?
Lakh,Sanskar:yes sir
Sir:ok now u both proceed and all the best for the practise and teaching session boys??
laksh,Sanskar: thanku for ur wishes sir
sanskar:we will try our best sir {to laksh} lets move
they both went from their and move toward the collage main gate
here swaragini are passing by the gate and by mistake sanskar hit swara and he didnot notice and say sorry as they were in hurry and because of that swara got unbalanced and fall on the side where their is water taps and she fall on it and her head strike with the tap and blood start oozing from her head and hand strike with the marble end from where it is very sharp and her hand also start bleeding this all happen in a fraction of second
ragini help swara to stand properly and say
Ragini:{to sanskar}are u insane or blind u don’t have eyes u.??…{she see swara and is shocked to see blood on her head and than her attention go to her hand and she see her hand bleeding} swara…{no words are coming from her mouth}?
just than laksh came after collecting the letter from office and see ragini shouting on sanskar but didnot see swara till now
Laksh:oh!hello madam why are u screaming on my brother like this what right u have that u r screaming and scolding him like this … {ragini is all blank} why to waste time on u we are already late for the work and now u here for wasting my time ……??
Ragini: {after coming out of al this and hearing laksh words}oh mister what u say what ur brother do and why i am screaming on him see what he did{showing swara condition
laksh is shocked after seeing swara
Laksh:what happen to u?? how this happen?? and why are u here come with me i will take u to medical room…??.{cutted by ragini}
Ragini:oh mister what r u saying this all is done by ur brother he don’t know how to walk and because of him all this happen and ……??
Laksh:because of him but how?? why he do this??
Ragini:be…..{cutted by swara}
Swara: ra..gini.. i ..need…wa..ter {stammering)
ragini ran to take water
Laksh:are u ok??
Swara;i am fine u go and sry for the behaviour of my sis she is like this she never see me in pain
Laksh:i am sry because of sanskar carelessness this all happen … come i will take to medical room for ur first aid
Swara: its ok don’t need to say sry and u have important work and u r late and because of me now also u r geting late u go i am all fine
Laksh :but how by leaving u like this
Swara:u move or else ragini will not let u move
Swara:but what nothing u go and push h
Laksh: u r… what to say u bearing this much pain than also helping me and me….
Swara: move or else i will kill u here only
Laksh: nice to meet a girl like u ?
Swara:same here ok by ?
Laksh :by
laksh go from there
ragini came toward swara
Ragini:swara here drink water
she make her drink water
Ragini:come we have to go to medical room for ur first aid
they both go towards the medical room nurse do dressing of swara wounds\par
Nurse: the head wound is not so big but hand one is major type
than ragini thought about laksh and ask swara
Ragini:swara where the boy went?
Swara:which boy??
ragini:one whom brother did this to u{in anger}??
Swara:first u cool down and i send him because he have importand work{ragini is going to interupt} first listen me he is going to important work he offer me help but i denied as he is already late and because of me is getting more late and his brother didnot do all this by his wish it just happen mistakenly even he donot know about this all so now no bad words for anyone
Ragini: but swara he did it mistakenly or by his wish it donot matter because of him u fall down and he donot even see…??
Swara: raghu he is going for important work and is already late he is going fast and he bump into me and i fall down its not only his mistake even i can balance but it doesnot happen so my mistake is also equal na
Ragini:swara from where u r taking things to where its not the point
Swara:exactly its not the point and if the injuries are destined to me so i got injured it is not how it all happen its that its my destiny and we can’t fight with destiny we can change it as god write two pages first of birth and last of death and the others he give us to fill so its our will to fill it how we want and i don’t want to put blame on others for everything think about it also and think from his point of view of view he is not at all at fault it just happens and now we don’t change it so why to think on that thing which happen we can’t change it na and by thinking we just think of revenge hatred pain and all negativity so not think about this and just be friends with them ok now put all the negatvity out of ur brain and think positive and by he way the boys are really nice??
Ragini:ok my dear sis ur order my work and yup the boys are nice he also say sry and the other one hear my scolding have to ask for sr and sk for friendship also ??
Swara: that’s like my sis
Ragini:now rest
laksh enter the car?
Sanskar:why u came so late??
Laksh :vo actually… first u tell u bump in someone while coming ???
sanskar: hmmm… yes one girl i mistakenly bumped in her and said sry also why u r asking this what happen??
Laksh: u see at her after bumping??
Sanskar:no why what happen??
Laksh:actually by bumping in u she lost her balance and fall on the taops and got injured
Sanskar: what … oh! my god this all happen because of me how was she now?? is she allright? …. ??
Laksh:cool down dude she is fine and she got injury on head and hand but very much blood is oozing and …{cutted by sanskar}
Sanskar: what blood oozing i have to go to see her because of me this all happen
Laksh: oh! god listen to me first her sis or friend is very angry on us and she even scolded and the girl only say me to move as i have important work now lets move she is fine now don’t panic but the girls are really sweet their antics the first one care for other and second one nature ??
Sanskar: means she is all right thankgod and she only send u than we move but wanna see her for once??
Laksh: may be she go to hospital
Sanskar: ok we will meet her after coming back than and i thimk she is so nice tha hse send u after getting injured also i wanna jknow about her the girl who is she? wanna meet her
Laksh: u will surely meet her but after coming back from the tour
Sanskar: ok ?
sanskar start the car and they started their journey toward the accademy thinking about swaragini and here swaragini are thinking about sanlak
done with this part hope u like it as previous one and comment if u like an dif not than for realising me my mistakes di i used characters in this part hope it will provide impact so now my work is done and ur all work is start s ostart it by commenting ok now by and will post next part tomorrow night ????
CREDIT TO:all who encourage and read ??
Nice, can you please tell the couples
thanx dear and the couples are swasan and raglak??
Oh ok
hmmm ??
thanx dear ??
thanx ??
Nice update dear….
thanx dear??
Lovely as usual swara is really matured
thanx yes swara is matured ??
Swasan and raglak right???????
thanx ??
yes swasan and raglak arepairs ??
awesome,,you did fab… updates soon
thanx for the lovely and encouraging comment dear ??
Awesome dear….
thanx dear ??
thanx dear??
Directly or indirectly there meeting is done ??. Good next part soon .
hmm meeting is done and will post next part tonight???
Superb episode
thanx dear??
thanx dear??
Superb radhika.. love the sis bonding and brothers too..
thanx for the lovely comment dear??
thanx dear??
Fab update yaar
thanx for the lovely comment dear??
Radhika awesome update dear…. loved it… Scenes were sooo sweet…. RAGLAK has met each other…. now it’s time for my SWASAN… m soooo excited m toooo excited…
swaragini conversation was tooo carroct…specially Swara’s was matured…. i get ur message through ur words… God bless u.. keep smiling…
I guess m very late… but what to do Radhika i really didn’t get time to read,,, just reached home from college…. huffff!!! take care… :-*
so sweet of u di raglak first meeting happen and swasan also but not face to fac ethat’s why i called it indirect now both think about each other till they don’t meet each other and raglak also till they meet again and swasan direct meet will come back in one or two parts their conversation glad that u got the message which i wanna give no di u r not at all late and don’t think that u don’t think that r late because u comment it is important it is not about when and how so don’t know about late commenting or early commenting ur words meant to me di not the timming so don’t think about and it ur comments r very encouraging di love u di????
Radhika u have become sooo big,,, u can understand ur di’s problem …awwwww sooo sweet of u… love u too dear…
its simple if i have di lie u than i wil understand u well as i am doing but there is much more to know about u di love u toooooo????
First of all,A bigggggg sorry for not commenting in prologue..I was busy…
Now coming to the chappy, mind blowing dear…I loved the storyline….Keep it up dear…
Take care
Keep smiling?
And one more thing, I will be not in tu from 23 September to 15 October bcz of my exams…So,till then bye, lots of love??
no sry is allowed and thanx for the lovely comment and u read it now or beefore it doesnot matter just the love matter that u all give me glad that u loved the storylineu too take care and keep smilling??
and don’t worry i am also not posting after 5-6more parts as my exams are also going to start but the datesheet is not yet decided if they start in oct than till sep end i will be posting and if in sep than only some parts and the other after exam so i am also in ur team ?? ok by all the best for exams u will rock it ???
Haha, yes, it’s good… Thank you dear.. ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAMS IN ADVANCE…
Very gud start dr its totally amazing yaar…..
I like the way u portrayed swaragini’s bond…. And i think swaragini will become sanlak dance partner….. Eagerly waiting for ur next update…….???
thanku for the lovely and encouraging comment dear and just going to post next part hmmm may be u r guessing right but it will reveal in 3 part thanku for the lovely comment??loved it??
Soo sorry for late reply radhu nowadays I’m very busy in work and your ff is becoming more and more interesting and fabulous. Raglak meeting was very nice and now waiting for swasan meeting. Love sisters bonding it was superb. You know what when ever I read your ff it always bring a smile on my face. Wow. You nail it really love swaragini conversation very outstanding.
Update soon I’m waiting for next ep. Ragini is so cute haha… And swara after reading your ff I’m loving her more more. Wow love you and your ff.
aww thanku di and from where the sry word come again i will not talk to u if u use it again and don’t worry if u r busy than comment late no problem really u r finding it interesting thanku for the lovely comment di i am glad that u like it really thats really my pleasure that i bring a smile on ur face and going to update next part love u tooo di????
Very gud start dr its totally amazing yaar…..
I like the way u portrayed swaragini’s bond…. And i think swaragini will become sanlak dance partner….. Eagerly waiting for ur next update…….???… Plsssss… Update soon dr…
thanx dear??