Categories: Titli

Titli 25th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Megha fools Maina

Titli 25th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Megha acting sweet and fooling Maina. She says I m sorry, I will never come back here, take care. Maina stops her. Chiku hears the doctor talking about shifting him. He tries to cut the rope. He gets free and says I won’t go anywhere, get back. Doctor asks ward boys to catch him. Chiku runs from there. Manikant asks is the work done. Doctor says Chiku has run away, but my men have gone after him. Manikant is shocked. Maina thanks Megha for understanding her pain. She says Titli did a magic on everyone, you care for Garv. Megha says I care for you also, you deserve to be happy. Maina says I decided what to do for my son’s happiness. She asks will you help me in separating Titli and Garv. Megha says but Titli is your bahu. Maina says I don’t care, my son isn’t happy, please

listen to my request. Megha agrees to help. Maina thanks her. She says ask me for anything, tell me, what do you want. Megha smiles and says I will ask when the time comes. Maina nods. Megha says take care.

Garv sees Titli putting the bedding outside. She says repair workers will come tomorrow. Garv says I have no problem, its so romantic like it happens in movies. She sees the burn wound on his hand and worries. He says I was showing heroism to save my heroine, I got hurt, it will get fine. She says I will get medicine. He stops her. They romance. What’s going on….plays… She applies the ointment. He says you wanted to do this, you ruined my mood, you played with my emotions, didn’t you feel bad. She says no. She pushes him and asks him to sleep. Koel prays for Garv and Titli. Manikant sees Maina in the room. She asks doctor did you find Chiku. Doctor says no, we should file a police complaint.

Manikant scolds him. Maina asks is everything fine. He says yes. He worries. Its morning, Koel makes kheer. She says our family gives food and clothes to the needy. Dhara takes a laddoo. Alpa comes and takes the laddoo. The man gets the ration. He asks for money. She says I will get money from Manikant. Alpa says he isn’t at home. Koel asks where did he go. Alpa says don’t know. Koel asks her for money. Alpa says I don’t have. Koel goes to ask Maina for money. Maina asks why do you want it. She lectures Koel. The man says its okay, I will come later and take it. Titli says its digital times, we can make online payment if we don’t have cash. Koel says I don’t have an account. Titli says I had opened an account for you and connected it on app. She shows the app to Koel and says it has 10000rs, I did decoration work and put the money in your account, I thought to tell you on your birthday. Koel smiles and says but I can’t do this. Titli asks her to learn. She teaches Koel. The man says I received the money, thanks. Koel gets happy. Maina gets jealous and asks what was the need. Titli says this is helpful, you also have a personal account, dad will send money to Koel as he sends to you, you both are Laxmi and shouldn’t ask for money. Megha comes and looks on. She says I have seen whatever happened, I just came to see you. She speaks against Titli. She says we have to do something that Garv insults Titli and she leaves the house. Maina says she won’t go, why would he get angry on her. Megha says he will do, one more person is his weakness, his brother Chiku… Maina cries. Megha says you will lose Garv also. Maina says no, I won’t let anything happen to Garv and my family, I will do anything for them, we will give clothes to the needy children and take an advantage of this chance. Megha thinks no one can stop me from removing Titli from this house.

Titli says Megha, my family isn’t perfect, we don’t need anyone to solve our problems, you can go. Megha says I won’t go, I will stay here.

Update Credit to: Amena


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