A five years old child ran room and patted on a shoulder of a young lady who seems to be wearing a wedding dress ……..
” Mumma …..mumma….. let’s go…. everyone is waiting for you….. mumma you look so beautiful like an angle in my bed time stories….”
that young lady took a little smile on her face and ,
” ok Rehan let’s go my baby”
‘the child again looked at the lady and kissed her cheeks saying,
” Mumma I love you so much….”
A tear drop down from the eyes of that lady but covering her tears she kissed his forehead and said,
” I love you too baby….”
she hold that child’s hand and entered to the church which is well arranged and gave a little smile to the people who are gathered in it…..
The wedding rituals begun but she seems to be lifeless…..
” so Mr. Kabir Sharma do you accept Ms. Riddima Verma as you wife…..?”
”yes ”
”so Ms.Riddima Verma do you accept this lifetime bond with Mr. Kabir Sharma..?”
for a moment she felt something in her throat…. she was lost in words…. then her little boy pull her wedding dress a bit to get her attention to him…..
”Mumma please say yes to Kabir uncle….”
She closed her eyes to control herself ….. after taking a deep breath she said….” yes” and looked at her wrist which has a tattoo called ” Vansh”
Riddima’s pov,
( This is a nostalgia telling by Riddima…. )
We both coming from the richest family in India…. though we born with a silver spoon according to the society we never took the advantage from that….. both of us went to a local collage and do different kinds of part time jobs to earn money for lead our own lives…..
I am Riddima and he is Vansh….. First we are buddies in collage then we become eventually collage lovers as per the wish of destiny…… I can clearly remember the day he proposed me at the collage…….
” So Miss. Riddima Verma will you marry the guy who has fallen for you crazily….? will you bear me for the entire life of you..? ”
I hugged him tightly saying ” yes ….yes…yes… but this yes is not only for this birth but also for next seven births….”
He suddenly broke the hug and said….” uff then good if I never birth again…..otherwise poor me …for seven births same fate…no god no….”
I showed him a fake angry though I know he is joking….. Then he carefully caresses my face and pecked on my forehead saying…” You will be mine forever not only for seven births but in every birth ”
He is someone like that …. when it comes to relationships no one can be better than him….. He is the one who knows me better than anyone after my parents… before I say something he can understand me by looking at me…. according to him this is what called heart to heart connection ……… my life is connected to his heart that much if he die then I will also die ….
After two years, we both get married happily with all the blessings of our elders…. My marriage life was filled with joy , happiness and love….
That day came…. After one year of our marriage life god gifted me he most valuable gift of my life… yes…. I get to know that I am carrying the junior Vansh in my womb….. I was in cloud nine…. I came home early and waited until Vansh return to give him this news… I am 100 percent sure he will be happy same as me….. but I was little bit nervous….. don’t know why but I felt something is wrong….. I thought maybe I am thinking too much…..
Vansh came home but he seems to be really annoyed…. he is someone who has a very clam and cheerful nature… but what happened to him …..
” Vansh”
” Hmm”
” May I ready your dinner?”
” I took my dinner from outside”
what ! he never eat outside foods….but why today? he seems to be completely changed….. maybe because of the tiredness….
”ok Vansh then take a shower … ”
” Riddu”
” I want divorce”
I felt the world around me stop and felt my legs numb …. I smiled thinking maybe he is joking
” Vansh….this is not a time to joke ok? and this type of joke are very bad I don’t like ”
He said all those in a minute and he was furious…. but why god…. what happened to him…. I quickly touched my belly…. yes… maybe he will we cool down after I said to him that he is going to be a father….
” Vansh…. actually…. I want to say you that …. I am….”
what! I felt like my whole world breaking in to pieces in front of me…. love ? someone else..? then what about our love…?
why….why god why…. what is this ? My life my soul my everything was him…. but he…he says its all acting….. how…how can he do something like that to my pure love…. no god no….. he is joking….. my heart says he is lying …. ha he loves me more than anything…then how….how…..
I caresses my belly saying, ” baby don’t worry your papa will be the best papa in the world ….. I think he is too tired …that’s why … he loves your mumma a lot…. so don’t worry baby”
but the things changed….. next day Vansh packed my bags and made me sign the divorce papers…. My world crashed in a minute…. without telling him about my pregnancy I stepped out of our house forever……
9 months passed …. my delivery dates also coming…. one day I received a letter…. ”nooooo Vansh you can’t do this to me”
Dear Riddima ,
How are you my love…. I hope you are doing good and started a new life…. I don’t want to disturb your new life but I want to clear a misunderstanding between us because I don’t want a hatred for me in your heart….
The day I said you that I want the divorce from you , I get to know I have a brain cancer and I have only 3 months ….. I was devastated… I felt like my whole world crash on me… we just start our life….. my unfortunate destiny destroyed my whole world…. That day I made up my mind to face this unfortunate alone…. That’s why I hurt you that day saying I want to divorce from you… How can I let you see my death and suffer your whole life…. I don’t want to see you in pain…. I know what I did is unforgettable crime and I know god will never forgive me for what I did to my love …. I am sorry… I am so sorry for the harsh words I said to you… sorry for the pain I gave you… but , You don’t know how I suffer from my heart seeing you in pain and seeing you leaving me… but what to do… This is our fate… if we can’t be together in this life then hopefully we will be together in next life…. when you read this letter I will be gone away from you forever but promise me to led a happy life for my sake , for the sake of our love….
For the last I want to say you that my love for you is pure … I loved you whole heatedly… Be happy Riddu… I love you….
you love,
I felt like someone stabbed me …stabbed my heart….I knew….my heart knew his love is pure…. why god why…. why you always unfair to me ….. why … why did you leave me alone Vanshhhh…. why didn’t you take me with you…. how can I live without you….. Vanshhhhhhh………
That’s all I remember …. when I opened my eyes I was in a bed ….. Then I realised that I was in a hospital…. suddenly I heard a cry of a little baby beside me…. my baby..ha it was our baby… ha Vansh ,I have to live for the sake of our baby…..
Flash back ends…
After 5 years in the present time….
” So now the groom can kiss the bride…”
I looked at Kabir helplessly….. how can I kiss him?…
Kabir….Kabir is the CEO where I working… He is a kind hearted man and Rehan , my son loves his company and Kabir also treats him like his own son…. I took this decision for the sake of my son…. Though I don’t want any husband other than my Vansh , my son wants a father as I know the value of a father in a child’s life…. Though Kabir knows I can’t give him the rights of a husband he agreed to this marriage as he loved Rehan a lot….
Kabir looked at me and understand how I feel…. He came close to me pecked on my forehead making me realise how he values this marriage …… I smiled at him for the respect he gave to me… My son is my first priority FOREVER …. I can do anything for you my son….
I looked at my son , Rehan who is the carbon copy of my Vansh…… Rehan screamed in happy saying,
” yeah…. Thank you mumma…. love you so much…. yeah…yeah… now I have a papa…. yeah now my friends will not laugh at me…. I have a papa…… Kabir Papa I love you so much…..”
————THE END ————
Noo word’s to say rishi first i thought that it mightbe vansh is bad in this but we say na don’t judge to early is very right yeah by seeing post only i understood it will be RidhBir one but I didn’t think that somebodycan write such a story very nice keep it up and at last stayhome staysafe have a nice day
Thanks a lot yaar…. I am speechless seeing your comment….. Your words touched me dear…. Thanks a lot for this heart touched comment…. You too stay safe and happy….

Awesome loved it really awesome really I got something new by seeing it I understood that it’s of ridhbir but then too was awesome
Thank you so much dear….
I am happy seeing you comment it makes me realise that that my efforts got success….

Thanks a lot dear….

Thanks dear

I am speechless… I can’t describe how it was… Every single words are small in front of this os…

Thanks a lot dear….. Your word ” speechless ” means a lot to me as it says everything you want to say……

Fantastic episode

Thank you so much dear

Thanks dear….

yaar I was already crying like hell………I am just crying…This was speechless..I read this story in a magize but riansh version is amazing!!
No more words….
Thank you so much dear….. Sorry for making you emotional…. I am happy that you liked the riansh version of that…..

Heart touching os
Thanks dear

I am crying now

such an emotional os yr…amazing and outstanding os…u nailed it in an awesome way!! 

Thank you so much dear…… sorry for making you sad….

Thanks dear

It was emotional

…amazing os
Thanks a lot dear

Outstanding os

! So emotional 

Thank you so much dear,,,,,

Thanks dear

Heart touching
Thanks dear

Wow amazing

. Thanks for updates 

Thanks dear

Thanks dear

That was really amazing Rishiii. Really emotional. Just loved this os. You wrote very well n portrayed Vanshes emotions brilliantly. Well done Dear.

. You also portrayed Riddhimas thoughts at the time when Vansh told her he wanted divorce really very well. Well written. You have a lot of talent n i wish you all the best. 


. Lots of love, hugs, kisses n loads of blessings flying over to you. Keep up.the good work. Looking forwards to more from.you. well done once again for the brilliant os. 

. Stay safe n take care. Lots of love for you.
@Anjela thank you so much dear……
I am in cloud nine seeing your comment
You explain my opinion very well….
Thanks again….. And you too stay safe and happy 

Wow so amazing
Thanks dear

Awesome OS Rishii I’m already emotional with the show going off air news but this OS gave a smile
Thanks a lot @Thakur….. I too sad about IMMJ2 and happy that I able to brought a smile on you…

Thanks dear

Wow,have to appreciate for your thought.I really felt happy reading this. Such a nice thought. You really have great talent.
Thank you so much dear…. I am happy seeing your comment

Nice episode
Thanks a lot dear

You made me cry like hell Rishi…. Loved it.. Amazing outstanding… Please post more
Thanks a lot dear…… and sorry for making you sad…. I hope to post more

Awesome one!! it was really emotional!
Loved your concept, pls post more!
Thank you so much dear….. I hope to post more


Thanks dear

Thanks dear

Thanks dear
Wow amazing

Thanks for updates
Thanks a lot dear


Thanks dear