Hello every1….I m new to this site n am expecting to hv frnds through this FF of mine^_~
Hope u all will like it….n plss comment on this article fr me to understand if i hv to continue or not…BTW my name is VinnieShah❤
So here is the plot of my FF-
==Aradhya has had an accident and is admitted in the hospital.Evryone are worried especially ARYAN, our hero!….but sadly this accident
haens bcz of aryan only n so aaru’s family wants him to go away frm aaru’s life forever….we just hv to see how will Aryan convince every1
n specially how ll he convince aaru as they hv had a tiff where both of them brokeup
So basically this is the introduction of my FF…..there are gonna be much more exciting things in it that will keep u buckled up on your seats..
If u like it then i ll post my next one in a day or so