Categories: Fan FictionIshqbaaz


Ranveer took Priyanka to a resort .

Priyanka : Ranveer what’s this ?

Ranveer : Can we just take a pic there ?

Ranveer assigns a photographer to take their pic at a side.

Ranveeer ; Come Prinku

Priyanka : Ranveer you haven’t told me till what’s the surprise ? And why you gifted this partywear for me ?

Ranveer : Chill,my sweet wife. Let’s take pic

Ranveer opens a curtain and Prinku was stunned to see their names written on a white satin cloth attached in a beautiful dashboard. They both takes pic

Priyanka : I didn’t expected this Ranveer, This is very much beautiful. But why no one is here ?

Ranveer : I have booked exclusively this one for us only. We will spend some time here together. Our romantic date – Cute surprises are awaiting for you Prinku

Priyanka :  Really !!!Is there any particular reason ? I mean today is not our birthdays, not wedding anniversary, not valentine’s day and why you planned it ?

Ranveer ; Is it necessary that we should spend time together only these days ?

Priyanka : Not at all, but mostly surprises came those days only naa.

Ranveer : That’s itself the biggest surprise my wife, I did it in a usual day because I want to see your blossoming face in excitement and pleasure and I am getting it. Come Prinku

Ranveer takes Prinku to the garden area. He keeps her feet in his lap and tied anklets on her feet

Priyanka : How you came to know that my anklets were ?

Ranveer : Broken , is it !!! Your each foot step is familiar to me Prinku, though you was covering your feet and didn’t tell me about it my eyes watched them. I know you really like wearing anklets, that’s why I bought it for you. Do they look good ?

Priyanka : As it’s given by a good person like you it will definitely be the best and beautiful.

Ranveer : Prinku, I always felt I am not giving enough time for our special moments. Due to my work pressure and all I am unable to do all things which a husband had to do for keeping his wife as happier always.

Priyanka shows her mangalsutra towards Ranveer

Priyanka : For me this Mangalsutra was the bestest gift of yours, the moment when you tied this in my neck I became yours and when you filled sindoor in my forehead I felt I have born for you only. Every day these two tells me how much I am happier with this identity given by my lovely hubby only.


Ranveer : You always hides your regrets, complaints and pains by giving a sweet smile, but I can see behind that smile how much you waited desperately for our special moments ?

Priyanka : Ranveer

Ranveer : I will try to do those things Prinku, Please always stay with me .

Both of them gets emotional and they looked each other’s eyes

Tum mere ho plays

Ranveer : Prinku, there is no need of shedding tears. Today we will completely mould ourseleves to the world of love. Hey naa ?

Priyanka : Yeah Ranveer

At the evening, Priveer are dressed up in white and white costumes and both of them stand near a swimming pool

Ranveer : Come, Prinku let’s merge ourselves under water.

Priyanka : Ranveer though in oberoi house we had a pool I am just scared off getting inside the pool. I guess I am not able to do it.

Ranveer cupped her face

Ranveer ; Prinku, I am with you and you don’t need to scare, my brave sweet wife. This is just a way to indulge ourselves to the world of romance, we can’t miss this.

Priyanka closed her eyes and hold Ranveer’s hands. Ranveer smiled and kissed at her forehead. He lifted her in his arms and slowly he entered inside the pool . He made her to stand with him in the pool. He gently passed his fingers at her face, Prinku tightened her fingers by holding his back.

Ranveer gently whispered at her ear : Are you ready for the Deeper Love Under Water ?

Prinku smiled and whispered at his ear : I don’t want to miss it, Ranveer.

Slowly they both drowned inside water and under water they hugged each other and kissed each other’s lips passionately, his fingers gently removed her transparent strips and she also removed his white base coat , they both gets intimate with each other .


Gauri : Omkara , please come and see .

Omkara : Gauri till now you haven’t explained what’s the exact thing is ?

Omkara sees Tej

Omkara : Gauri I already told I won’t be able to talk with him so easily. I need some time.

Tej : Gauri , It’s okay. Seems Omkara doesn’t wants me in this house. I should go

Omkara : I didn’t mean that

Tej : But yours words are telling that only, my son.

Gauri takes a cap and places it on Tej’s head

Gauri : See how cute is my Paapa. And Omkara, you can’t tell him like these. Paapa what about the thing which I asked ?

Tej ; I am bringing it Gauri. Come beta.

Omkara was confused as they entered out.

Gauri : Omkara just look it.

Omkara was surprised to see a bike and camera there.

Tej : I haven’t give you any gift as your Paapa. I don’t know how to sort out the barriers among us and your wife only told me about your craze on these things. Even as your father I don’t know what all things my son likes . Beta please talk with me .

Omkara sits in the bike and looks Tej

Tej : Seems you are still not liking me, that’s why you are not smiling . If you don’t like this then I will return it beta.

Omkara took the camera in his hands

Omkara : Paapa and his daughter Gauri both should give a nice pose now

Gauri and Tej were overwhelmed with joy

Gauri ; That means Omkara you have forgiven Paapa.

Omkara : Do what I say .

Tej and Gauri posed for the camera with smiling faces

After a while when the photo session was over Omkara looked Tej.

Omkara :Today you called me as your beta, that’s the best and biggest for me , Paapa. And sorry for being rude towards you Paapa. When every one was saying I should talk to you my heart was longing to hear that word beta from you, you can think it as my stubborness , but as your son I really wished to hear that from you. That’s why I decided until you took the pain and effort to call me beta, I also won’t call you as Paapa, and won’t talk to you.

Tej : Beta , Omkara.. I am really very sorry for doing all those things. After getting released from jail I realized the value of realtionships in my life. I missed you a lot my son, but now I can’t miss you any more. Finally you called me as Paapa and have put an end to that hurting word Mr. Oberoi. You know it was like stabbing knife at my heart whenever you called me like that.

Omkara : I am sorry Paapa , Now onwards I won’t call you like that. And you was really cute when you wore that cap.

Tej : I promise you beta that now onwards I will always be the best Paapa of yours. The cap was given by your wife only.

Gauri ; What about me ? Idea was mine and you both became one forgetting me .

Tej : How can I forget you Beti ? You gave me my son back Gauri. Thank you.

Gauri ; Please don’t say thanks to me, what I did is as your daughter only Paapa.You are always this world’s best paapa.

Omkara : And you are always this world’s best wife. Gauri what you did today is really remarkable. After long time whole heartedly you made this son and his Paapa to unite.

Gauri : You are always the best hubby,just that you was missing the title of best son. But today you have won it .

Three of them hugged each other.


Omkara quickly made a sweet kiss on Gauri’s cheek



Gauri : Oh No!! What’s this ? All of a sudden you are doing this ? If any one will see us what will they think ?

Omkara : You are my wife and I can kiss you whenever I wants. It’s my right.

Gauri : Oh Really !! But my sweet hubby didn’t explained why you did it so soon.

Omkara encircled his arms on her waist and hold her much close towards him

Gauri smiled and kept her hands on his shoulders

Gauri : You didn’t tell me why you are so happy ?

Omkara : Thanks a lot Gauri for uniting me with my Paapa.

Gauri : Omkara, you don’t need to thank me what I did is as your wife, this house’s daughter only.

Omkara :You know what my Paapa used to take me a ride in bike during my school days. It was he only who bought the craze of camera , because I have seen Paapa taking photographs of some special occassions of our family gathering, our outing and all. Those days were really memorable and you bought back to me. But how you came to know that I will like them ?

Gauri : Through your world of colours only, I seen the way you sketched your childhood memories which were kept at your art gallery. I find once you was looking them and I understood I should take an idea from that one and the result was entirely good and beautiful.

Omkara :You cares me very much even if I won’t share all those things

Gauri : I am your heart beat and I can read your heart . Nothing is hidden from me.

Omkara : Is it ? Then tell me at this moment what my heart needs ?

Gauri keeps her ears in his chest.

Gauri : You are too much naughty. You want this now ?

Omkara : But what you heard from my heart ?

Gauri : I am not going to tell that .

Omkara ; Until you won’t tells that I am not going to leave.

Omkara hold her very much close and now it’s like a superlock for her that she wasn’t able to find a way to release herself from his arms. Saathiya plays…..

Gauri : Ask to your heart itself Omkara ,I need to leave.

Omkara : This is not fair.

Meanwhile Om’s phone rings.

Omkara : Who can be at this moment ?

Gauri : Attend the call, it’s important.

Omkara : Nothing is more important than you.

Omkara kissed at her back neck. As  phone was ringing again and again, Omkara took his hand from her.  Gauri runs away with a smile. Omkara looks her and smiled.

At a jewellery 

Avantika : Amith, Bhavya why you both called me here ? Is there any problem ?

Amith : Avanthika you should select rings for our engagement.

Avantika : Me!! Amith , Bhavya you guys select it naa, what’s the need of me here ?

Bhavya : Of course you have to be with us. You took very much effort for collecting evidences and exposing the face of that girl and Harsh vardhan. That’s why we sort out all our misunderstandings and became one. We just want to have it from your good hands as you only held our hands together.

Amith : Please Avantika, select two rings , we want the new beginning of our journery as memorable and if you select this we will be grateful to you.

Avantika’s eyes went teary .

Avantika : You both values me these much, I never expected this .

Amith kept his hands on her cheeks

Amith : When no one trusted me it was you who show trust in me and also poured courage in me that truth will certainly win. You don’t have any idea Avantika what you have did to me ? You bought me my life back , today our both families are happy and it’s beacause of you only. Will you don’t do this favor to me ?

Avantika burst in tears, Amith hugged her .

Avantika : I can’t see you suffering in pain Amith .That’s why I was very much stern and keen in finding truth. But I never realized that I have these much importance in your life.

Amith released her from his hug and wiped her tears.

Amith : I can’t see tears in my friend’s eyes. It will give pain to me.

Avanthika wiped her tears and smiled

Bhavya ; You bought my Amith to me Avnatika, How much I thank you it will be less only.

Avnathika ; Bhavya it’s a privilege for me for selecting rings. As you both insists me I will definitely do it.

Avanthika selects two rings and shows them to Bhavya and Amith


Bhavya : These both are so cute , hey naa Amith

Amith : Yeah Bhavya.

Avantika : Okay guys carry on. I need to leave.

Bhavya : One minute Avantika. Can you please help me in selecting a golden chain also ?Please

Avantika ; Okay

Avantika selected one and gives that to Bhavya

Bhavya : You really liked it, then keep it with you.

Avantika :Bhavya, how can I keep this with me ?

Bhavya : Please wear this and come at our wedding . Don’t refuse it Avantika , it’s a small piece of showing our gratitude towards you. First time I have gifted you something , So please don’t deny it.

Avantika hugged Bhavya.

Avantika : I am so lucky to have a true friend like you both in my life.

Three of them hugged each other.

At Rana guest house 

Pulkit was lost in certain thoughts. Ria came back here and looks him

Ria : Do you remember this day ?

Pulkit ; What ?

Ria : Today is our wedding anniversary Pulkit. But like other couples we don’t have any sweet memories and moments to remember

Pulkit : You know me I am not interested in celebrating these all things.

Ria : Fine ,then at least tell me what is troubling you ? You were not like these earlier Pulkit. You avoided me literally

Pulkit : See we came for Yash’s marriage. Once it’s done we both can be on different ways.

Ria : I really wants to know why you don’t want to live with me as my husband ? Did I made any mistake ?

Pulkit : Please don’t say so.

Ria : Then why ?

Ria sits near him and they looked each other

Pulkit : Stay away from me Ria

Ria : But why ?

Pulkit : I don’t deserves your life, I can never give you the thing which a wife , a mom needs.

Ria : I didn’t get you.

Pulkit : The bitter truth is I can never become a father. I am infertile

Ria gets shocked




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