Fan Fiction

True love can beat destiny too (OS)

Now its six months after my wife’s unlucky i am.every thing happened quickly..before she left me she always tried to tell me some thing.but unfortunatly she didnt tell any thing.i didnt do nothing insted of reading her letters which she wrote for me befor our marrage..

A girl is running to the house with a letter in her hand..
Girl,Bhai… bhai where are you… there’s a letter for you from your unseen friend pragya.
(Yep this bhai is our abhi)
A,really??then give it to me..hurry up aliya.i cant wait to read it..
Aliya,no i wont give.if you want this you have to make a kite for
A,ok deal now give it to me…

Abhi and pragya are pen pals which never seen each its past they hadn’t good commiunication system more than letters…
With the time their friendship become something more than that.they shared letters once a week..that much they needed themselves..their friendship becomes love..unbrokable love..even they’ve never seen each other both hearts were beated for the same rythem of love.. time passed..
Fb ends

I desided to go my dad’s house becoz i cant be here all alone.. but actually my mom and dad too not alive but there he can live with his childhood memmoris.

In abhi’s dad’s house..
I opend the door and this is the frist time i visit here after i left with my wife..its been now 1 year.2 months after my marrage my mom & dad passed away at same time.dont know what happened..they lived together Happily..and died together.may be itz becouse of their love. Then we left here becouse my aliya also get married and went to his husbands house.after 4 mnths of that my wife left me… now no one is there for me…

I went to the window to open it.but itz already broken and there are lots of letters in down.i picked them all and went to my room.. i wore my chasma and started to read.. my mind shattered in to pieces after that…
My life totally turns upside down..


One day letter came to abhi which says….
P,abhi my hand was broken becoz of lil accidents.thatz why i asked one of my friend to write this dont mind about hand writtings.. day after tommo i & my family will come to ypur house to dscz about our care

Pragya came and we get married after few days..
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥fb ends
And now after reading these letters i got to know what happen..

So i rushed to railway station and catched a train which goes to my pragya’s village.

Then i went to her adress… there was a woman.
Abhi,ma… can i meet pragya..
Lady,she went to temple beta..if you dont mind go ahead.she’ll be there..

Then i went to the temple.. i saw a cute charming girl who is praying for god.. i wait untill her finished


P,who are you..
A, are you..?
P,abhishek thum?where is your your wife tanu?

I went to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her forhead..and i took sindur from temple and kept it on her mang…
A,you are the only one who can be my wife..
She cheated me fuggy.
P,not only you too.. but i knew one day you will come to me
(Both of them are with teary eyes)
A,now froget every i am here. Here with you.what else we want.our pure love is with us now..

P,but abhi how did you recognized me…
A,hey look all other women are very old.. so i guess that you are my fuggy only

Pragya hugged abhi…
P,lets have a new start…. i love you abhi..
A,i love you too fuggy….


Pragya’s hand injured and she asked her friend to write what she say and post it… and pragya told there love story to her friend.itz non other than tanu.. after she get to know that pragya’s boy friend is rich she wrote letters to abhi as pragya and married him with the help of his parents.she hide pragyas letters and left abhi’s house with abhi… and she lived with abhi as pragya.
( As we know tanu is the best in acting.haha)
♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥fb ends.

♥True love wins always♥

To emmy

I stand alone on the sandy beach
my tears flowing into the sea
because I know you’re out of reach
and no longer here with me
You looked so handsome
laying there
In eternal sleep forever
The pain I hide is too much to bare
I want us to be together
But I am needed on this lonely land
for a little longer at least
to help and guide the people I love
giving them reassurance and peace
so I’ll be on the shoreline here
to cry more tears over you
On your birthday every year
to celebrate our love so true
Until it’s time to meet once more
to hold and love one another
as we did all those years ago
when I was your friend and lover..

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal… ♥♥♥♥♥


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