Categories: Fan FictionRaja Beta

True love gives you hope not breaks your heart – PurVeda Two Shots – Shot One

Vedant : I understand Purva how do you feel now. But trust me until we both accepts this marriage nothing will happen among us. I assure you that.

Purva : I am not interested in any of these marriage rituals. Just I am sitting like an idol only , That’s for the sake of parents.

After the marriage got finished and rituals are over Purva and Vedant are send to the bed room.

Purva : Just because my parents compelled me I agreed for this marriage. I already told you this when you came to see me.

Vedant : Purva I tried a lot to make understand them but our parents ….Purva they really want their children should be happy , should get married. And I didn’t feel anything wrong in that …But I agree with you you have a bitter past and you openly said your lover ditched you and went somewhere….Purva that chapter is a closed book in your life…Better you don’t think about it as it will give you just pain only.

Purva : May be you are right.

Vedant ; Purva please let’s go inside. If we stand long at the door  and anybody sees us….then

Purva : Okay…

They both entered inside .

Vedant ; Purva you can sleep at the bed without bothering anything. I will sleep at the hall.

Purva : Vedant if you go out and some one will see then it will create lots of problem….Please you may sleep at the bed. I will sleep at the sofa.

Vedant ; No Purva…I will use sofa and you may please use bed. No more arguments …

Purva nods her head . Vedant lie down at the sofa and close his eyes. Without saying anything Purva lie down at bed.

Time was passing and except the eye glances Purva and Vedant didn’t talked much . One day when the weather was extremely cold Purva started shivering. Seeing this Vedant rushed near her and covered her with a woolen shawl.

Purva ; Thanks.

Vedant : Welcome.

Purva ; You may feeling irritated with me won’t you ?

Vedant :Not at all Purva. Why I feel so ?

Purva : Though you won’t speak I can sense your sadness in your eyes Vedant. You might have lots of dreams regarding love, marriage and see I came as a hindrance against them. If you wish you can move on Vedant . I will convince my parents and they know all fault is  mine ….

Vedant ; You are unnecessarily over thinking a lot Purva. I have to move on definitely but not without you Purva. Move on in the sense means moving ahead in life with my life partner which is you….

Purva ; Do you still have hope on this relationship ? Already I know the pain of broken heart as I suffered it and I don’t want you should also suffer that pain.

Vedant : True love gives you hope not breaks your heart Purva and I believe in it.

Purva looked down silently and Vedant looked her with a smile.

Vedant ; Purva if you still feel things won’t work then you are free to take a decision. I mean if you want to live seperately from me …

Purva ; What I will do by gaining a seperation ? A divorce ? It will give pain to my parents as well as yours. They can’t bear it ….And I don’t know what’s the solution for it ..

Vedant : I think you need an alone space and may be my presence …..Purva already from office a work assignment is arranged and for that they are sending me to Hydrebad. I initially refused stating I am newly married and requested them to send any other person . But I guess I should go now….Perhaps in my absence you may be able to think well and trust me whatever be your decision I will agree it whole heartedly.

Vedant gets ready next day and decides to leave

His parents feels sad.

Raghav ; Vedant beta all of a sudden you are going …

Priya ; Haan beta ….You are a newly married guy and this time you should spend with your wife. Office ke kaam baad mein bhi toh kar sakte hein naa.

Vedant : Maa Paapa ….It’s very important work and I have to be there for 10 days ….I can’t say No to my higher authorities. Please try to understand.

Raghav : And about Purva ? She didn’t say anything……Mostly wives complaints when her husband leaves like this.

Vedant ; Arrey woh….Purva told a lot not to go….But I told her that work is very important and ….Paapa…I am getting late..Bye….Bye maa.

Meanwhile Purva overhears this feels sad. Her eyes became teary when Vedant left

Priya consoled Purva ; Purva Vedant will be back soon. I never knew that you have these much love for my son …..Itne mote aansu ….Naa beta naa don’t cry……You just trouble him with your phone calls.

Purva : Maaji!!

Priya : I mean not in a serious way. Just like usually wives calls husband and asks na where you reached ? Did you drink hot water or cold water ? Why you didn’t take sweater , I told you there weather is winter …Why you didn’t picked my calls..

Purva laughs hearing this..

Raghav ; Aise hi do chaar biwiyon waali nakhre kar do…..Vedant jaise gaye waise hi waapis aayenge….

Purva : No Paapa Ji…I won’t trouble him. Let him do his work with a good mind. I will wait for his arrival…

Days were passing and Purva was checking her wedding album.

Purva’s mind voice ; I am missing you so much Vedant.

Then why you didn’t stopped me when I was leaving Purva ?

Purva gets surprised to see Vedant there. She walked near and turned away. Suddenly Vedant held her hand from back.

Vedant : Purva I have came for you . Then why are you leaving ?

Purva ; Vedant

Vedant : Tell me the truth Purva ,you are missed me a lot,  won’t you ?

Purva ; Nothing like that …Vedant don’t expect anything from me …..

Vedant ; Fine….I am going back.

Purva ; Vedant what are you doing ?

Vedant : I am packing my bags. You told na there is no need of expectations .So I guess I should stay at Hydrebad only.I will apply job transfer.

Purva ; No you can’t do this.

Vedant : What that means I can’t do it ?? My job, my preference and who are you to interfere in it ?


Purva : Because I am ….

Vedant : What ?

Purva ; I mean…..

Vedant : You know what the day when you will find it from heart I will come for you….Bye..

Purva ;Vedant !! Vedant!!

Purva realized that it was just her imaginary dream only. She looked the wall pic of Vedant

Purva’s mind voice ; I don’t know what is happening with me now. But one thing is sure I am missing you so much Vedant. Please come back soon.


To be continued….

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