True love never dies (YRKKH FF) Episode 2

A episode start with akshra get naira to the hospital doctor are treating her while akshra waiting outside the room

Doctor came out akshra rush out to the doctor

Akshra : doctor how is she

Doctor : she is in critical condition her head badly injuryed and leg hand had fracture how you related to the patient

Akshra don’t know what to tell she don’t what relation she had with her

Akshra : don’t know I mean I am only see her today only why doctor

Doctor: we want her family members signature for start treatment for her pls contact her family members it’s urgent

Akshra: but doctor you pls start treatment for her I don’t who is her family she fell from the cliff and some villagers helped her and took her to me pls you start treatment

Doctor : but it’s hospital rule that we want patient family members signature to start treatment I can’t do anything pls find her family members

Akshara : doctor where will I find her family members ok pls give me I will sign it

Doctor : but you said that you had no relation with her

Akshara : yes it’s true that I don’t know anything about her but I don’t want leave her like this pls give me form I will sign it I will take responsibility you don’t have to worry pls

Doctor agree and gives her the form
She signed in the form as her mother

Doctor start treatment for naira

Akshara praying for naira

In the accident location

Everyone went to home expect kartik naksh Manish

Kartik waiting for naira

Kartik recalls Naira fall he runs to the edge but officers stops him he shoutes naira

Officer : what are you doing pls go it’s risky place

Kartik : why did naira came till now I know that you will not find her please let me go I will go get her

Officer : dekhiye mister our resuse team are searching her we will definitely find her all of you go to Home when we find her I will inform you pls go to the room

Kartik : nai I will not go anywhere till then meri naira came here I will not go anywhere

Here in hospital doctor are treating her

Akshara wating outside

Akshara : I have to inform her family members but I don’t know anyone what will I do let’s inform police they will find her family

She went to the reception ask for local police station number they give her number

She call police station

Police : hello

Akshara: sir my name is narmada.

(note she lost her memory and don’t her name she herself give names to her that’s only Narmada) I calling from xyz and she told about naira sir I don’t about her family so only I inform you

Police : ok mam we will find her family today one bus accident happened in xyz I think thats accident only you telling I will inform her family

Akshara : thank you sir and

Police : it’s okay

In the accident location

Rescue team are back Karitk see them he searching for naira

Kartik: where is my naira where she

Officer : what happend

Rescue team: sir we couldn’t find her

They all are shocked

Kartik : what are you saying couldn’t find her means what she fall down from the cliff there only she where she go I told already that you all are not find her you all doing your duty only let me go I will definitely find her

Officer : listen mister I understand situation but you also understand our situation our resuse team search for her they couldn’t find her that not mean that we ended misson it’s already late our team members also having family I don’t want them take risk we temporarily stopped the mission we resume the misson in the morning we will definitely find her turst me

Kartik tries speak but In meantime officer phone rings it’s from inspector officer picks up the phone

Inspector tells about naira to him

Officer : ok we will go there

Officer cuts phone

Officer : listen mister I got phone from inspector your wife rescued by some villagers and they took her to hospital

Kartik: hos..pital are you sure sir is naira fine

Officer : I don’t tell that I am sure let’s go the hospital and check it

They all leave for hospital

In the hospital nurse came to the akshra asking her brought medicens and she went buy medicens and that time karitk and all are came to hospital they didn’t see akshra

They went reception ask for naira

Kartik : naira where is naira which room number

Reception search and tell

Receptionist : no there is no name naira admitted here

Officer: did anyone addimit a girl fell down from cliff accident

Reception : yes she is in ICU take left

Kartik get tensed after hearing naira in addimited in ICU

He runs to ICU all of them follow him
He went to ICU he gets tension

Kartik : Naira

Naksh : don’t worry kartik nothing will happen to naira she will be fine

All of them came to the hospital expect children’s and Natik also came after came to the home he learns about accident he also came ther
Natik : how is naira

Naksh : don’t papa doctor treating her

Nurse came outside

Kartik : how is my naira

Nurse : treatment are going doctor will came tell karitk show naira pic

Kartik : nurse ek second she is only in inside there

Nurse see the pic

Nurse: yes sir

Somewhat kartik relived that naira safe

Nurse : where is ms Narmada

They’re confused

Naksh : who Narmada

Nurse : she only get her to hospital I ask her to brought medicens I will go and see she leaves from there

Naksh : she don’t know anything about naira but she only help naira to get hospital

Kartik see the officer he goes to him

Kartik : I am sorry…I told everything in the anger

Officer: it’s okay I understand situation I take leave take care of your wife he leaves from there

Akshara see family members and nusre came to her

Nurse : did you buy the medicens

Akshara : yes

She gives medicens to the naira

Akshara : did her family members are came

Nurse : yes and she leaves from there

Akshara want to meet them she move forward and that time her phone she attended the call and speak after some time she cuts the call

Akshara : what should I do now I should go to office ok morning I will meet them

Akshara leaves from there

After some time doctor came outside

Everyone rush to the doctor

Kartik : doctor how is naira

Doctor : aap

Kartik : doctor I am here husband how is my naira

Doctor : she stable but

Natik : but? What doctor

Doctor : she stable but we can’t say anything sure now we give hive her our treatment if it’s all well she will regain consciousness in 24 hours but she didn’t get conscious after 24 hours there are chances that she will slip into coma

Everyone shocked

Doctor: let’s pray to the god that she will be fine excuse me doctor leaves from there

Kartik break down

Episode freeze

Hello to all here next episode I am glad to know that you all are like it the previous episode thankyou so much and please let me know that you all like it ornot pls give suggestions and one important thing naira and akshra never had misunderstanding between both of them and naira never ran out from the house and yes kaira first meet in Rishikesh only she went there from college trip and kartik joined the natik office it’s all same from serial

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