True Love Never Dies (YRKKH FF) Episode 5

A Episode start with Naira in their room Kartik bring food for Naira

Kartik : Naira I bought food for you apana muhan kholo

Naira : Nai I am not hungry

Kartik : Naira It’s already 8pm, you have to take food at the right time, please eat, then you have to take medicine, so please eat

He feed food to Naira

Naira : did you eat

Kartik : I ate it. he lies to her

Naira : Don’t lie to me I do not need to see you to find out if you are lying or not. I will find out when you speak. I know you didn’t eat anything please you eat then only I ate

Kartik : your bhai is right Tum 007

Naira smiled

Karthik brings food to her mouth, but she holds his hand and then she feeds Karthik.

Tears are felling from his eyes

Both of them finished their food

Karthik gives medicine to Naira, he puts Naira to sleep, he kisses her on the forehead and they both go to sleep. Scene freeze

In morning

Akshra came to the hospital to see Naira

Akshara : It’s been a week, I haven’t been here and I don’t know how that girl is

She went Reception ask for Naira

Akshra : Excuse me

Receptionist: yes ma’am how can I help you

Akshara : Actually a week ago a woman fell down the cliff, I brought her here, but I went out because of work, so I just came here today, I want to meet her, but I do not know her name Can you tell me the number of the room where she can be?

Receptionist check it out

Receptionist: Ma’am her name is Mrs.Naira Goenka

When she tell the naira name Akshara feels different with the name she felt that she heard this name many times her thoughts are broken by the Receptionist called her

Receptionist : Ma’am are you okay

Akshara : haa…I am fine Where is she Is she is fine

Receptionist : yes ma’am she is fine yesterday only we discharged her

Akshara : oh can I get her address please

Receptionist : No ma’am we can’t share hospital records sorry

Akshara : it’s okay Thankyou

Akshara came outside from the hospital

Akshara: why I feel I am connected to her and her name is familiar to me I can’t understand what happening around me anyways now she is fine that’s enough for me. She leaves from there. Episode freeze

Next episode: Akshara Meet Naira. Rhea Entry in GV House

Hello Friends I am so so sorry for late update, actually I have my exams there, so only I could not update. and here is next episode I hope you all are like it. and I am glad to know that you all are like it the previous episode thankyou so much. and please pardon me for mistakes. and please let me know if you all are like this episode or not. and give me your suggestions Thankyou 🤗

Regards Author.,
Sanjhu KS

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