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Let’s start today episode
Shining silently went to room without turning ..everyone is seeing her dispersing image..
Arnav sat on the couch covering his face with palm.. After few minutes arnav saw towards swayush.. Ayush is holding Swara hand ..swara is standing holding ayush and sanskar is beside swara his hand on swara waist and other hand holding swara hand.. Swara is bowing her head down and tears marks are clearly visible.. Arnav came near her stood Infron of her.. Sensing his presence swara looked up.. Arnav wiped her tears..
Arnav :Doll I always wanted some one call me papa..when u born my happiness has no boundary.. When sumi was leaving my heart pierce seeing u going away from me day started with u and ended with u.. When u left I felt alone from then I engrossed my self in work… It’s like dream to me.. I thought I ll never get chance to meet u in my life but God is great he given me my happiness back…i want u to call me papa I want u to get my name.. I want u should be called as swara arnav singhania.. Saying this he pecked swara forehead swara smiled with tears.. Everyone has tears but it’s tear of happiness.
Arna:but I want Shomi to decide this I ll accept her decision..
Ayush who stood their left swara hand and went up to Shomi room.. Everyone thought he don’t like this… Swara to follow him but stood on door only and saw ayush. When ayush came up Shomi was standing near window in deep thought. Ayush went and kept his hand on shoulder feeling touch Shomi turned to ayush..
Ayush: what happened maa..what u decide.
Shomi :i don’t knw ayu..
Ayu:maa u decide we are happy with ur any decisions..
Shomi took deep breath and turned towards window and spoke.
Shomi :arnav is nice guy.. Every one wished to a husband like him.. He is soft spoken soft hearted man.. When I got married and went to arnav house I always behave rudely with him but he never told anything slowly we became friends when I told him about shekar but he didn’t got angry after knowing also that I’m carrying shekar child. Starting bhabi and Raj Bhai got angry on me but arnav convinced them so they forgiven me .. He always supported me in my any situation..he did all possible work which a pregnant woman wantd from her husband my late night cravings my mood swings but never complained..he never showed that it’s not his child he loved Shona as his own blood.. When I came to dida home then u learnt abut jinki death.. And in became selfish I wanted to go back to shekar life so I told to arnav I want without asking anything he divorced me.. When I came back Mrs gadodia didn’t allowed me so shekar rejected me second time.. I didnt had any other way I wanted to end my life but for Shona I decide to live.. After few months I got to know that preeti bhabhi is no more raj bhai was devastated so arnav requested me to Stay their for some time and I accepted. Raj bhai putted u in my arm told that I should take of u as mother. Arnav and I legally adopted u.. And I returned back with u and Shona.. They kept man’s to look after us and our safety..but I didn’t let them know that I m leaving alone.. Being away from u both Raj bhai and arnav took care of u both and done their father duty.. I thought shekar is changed now and take his own decisions so again accept him not Bcz I love him just Bcz my both children get their father name but he again betrayed me.. Now I m living this life just Bcz of my both childrens..i don’t to become burden on arnav again he have done so much for me.. When we came here I thought they will hate me and u both but they loved u more then before.. O wished that time stop here and u both get all love which u both deserve ..but I can’t accept it I have bete them.i become selfish and left them.i tought only abut me not about feeling Shame to face them..i don’t want arnav suffer again Bcz of me.. She startd crying bitterly.. Ayush made her sit on bed wiped her tears made her drink water .
Ayush feel his mother inner turmoil.. Swara who followed ayush stood on door only and heard whatever Shomi told.. Everyone present their had tears in their eyes..
Raj came and kept his hand on Shomi head Shomi lifted her head and saw Raj.
Raj:shomi u r our bahu our pride u loved that spineless man its not ur fault.. U never betrayed us Bcz starting only u told truth about shakar and baby I knw starting I got Angry But u told and didn’t hided I kiked ur honesty to forgived u..when u were here arnav was happy when u left he was broken I feared that I will lose me brother..
But he manged himself .. since Last few days I’m seeing my old brother again who is smiling and enjoying.. Who is giving time to family and himself
but now if u leave him he will be shattered.. I ll loose my brother forever I ll not force u but think once again before deciding ..after telling this Raj left the room..
Swara came inside and sat on her knees Infront of Shomi..
Swa:maa I knw u have suffered lot and that’s not ur fault u loved that man and trusted him so much but he betrayed u..
U only told na arnav papa is suffering bcz u then it’s ur duty to heal his pain.. He is longing for love.. Does he don’t have right to be loved I saw love in his eyes the Same love which I see In sanskar eyes for me.. U given Mr gadodia chance after being betrayed by him 2 time.. Don’t u feel u r doing injustice with papa even he need second chance.. Even he also get his family love which he deserves.. Plz maa say yes.. U know what arnav papa accept this alliance but he told he will marry only if u full heartly accept it without any force.. Still he is thinking about ur happiness even he deserves his happiness also na.. Plz maa accept papa.
Ayush: yes maa di is right he is not fault but he is suffering u should give him chance…shomi taught for some times and accepted for marriage
Shomi : u r right Shona arnav deserve love happiness. He deserve his family Bcz of me he suffered now I ll heal his all pain.. I m ready for this marriage.. Both swayush hugged Shomi they all had tears..soon trio came back were everyone is waiting for them. Shomi came near Raj and folded his hand.
Raj:u always treated me as sister.and forgived my all mistak.. But I did a very grave mistak and I want to rectify that mistake.. Shomi went near arnav.
Shomi : u always showed me love respect u always fullfiled my all wish.. U r example for a best husband and best father.. I have one wish will u full fill that..
Arnav nodded his head in acceptance
Shomi :i have decided to heal ur pain from which u have.. sufferd I want to fill the place in life and reduce the loneliness which u have..will give me ur wife rights will u accept me as ur wife.. Will u give my children their fathers love will u keep ur hand always on their head..
Arnav:i will..i m ready to fulfill your all wishes.. Everyone have tears in their eyes.. But that tears of happiness. Raj went near somrav and hugged them.. Sanskar side hugged swara.. Ayush hugged dida. Everyone is emotional to change the mood sonakshi told.
Son:so finally our lovey dovy couple accepted the alliance it’s time to celebrate.. Everyone sat in living room and sona fed everyone sweet all are happy. ..but our swara is in deep thinking.. Everyone noticed her.
Precape -family time
Loved it
Really missed this Fanfiction
Btw do you write on Wattpad
If not, can you try over there please
Ya in wattpadd also there but one of the friend is writing this ff their..