Pre epi link :
Sorry guys for late update. I m not able to write Bcz of my daily chores … I ll post when i get time.plz forgive me I post late.. But I promise I ll post soon.. So now without wasting time let start..
As in previous episode Shomi and arnav agreed to marry… Now begins their marriage preparation.
It’s blissfull morning… Everyone is sitting in hall.. And discussing something important.. Let’s peep and see what they are discussing.
Swara :guys what is next we have disscus about marriage and where we are going to conduct marriage .
Raj: doll I have call priest to see the muhrahat for somrav marriage.
Soon priest arrive everyone took blessings and start to see muhrahat.
Priest :the auspious date is after one week or after six months.
Swara:1 week is to early and 6 month is to late.. Pandit ji is any other Muhurat in between this.
Priest :no my child only this to Muhurat .
Raj :ok pandit ji we will discuss and inform u later about date.
Raj handed money and some gold coins in swara hand and told give dakshina to priest.
Swara given dakshina and took blessings.
Priest :god bless u my child.. Raj ji if I’m not wrong she is ur daughter swara na.
Raj:yes pandit ji.
Priest :so finally ur lucky charm came.. U know beta I’m family priest I’m coming since ur family shifted here.. U know every year I come here on ur and ur brothers birthday and even on Specialy on ur birthday ur father use to give bhog to 100 Brahmins ..ur father keep pooja for u all.. I always wanted to see u. I got chance..this is the first family I saw who consider daughter as goddess.. U r truly lucky to took birth in this house…
Arnav :pandit ji she is not lucky we are lucky Bcz we got her.
Priest sorry Han u are lucky. ..u know beta whenver I tell u r lucky ur father always Interpretate me and tell they are lucky.. But truth is u all are lucky. MI pray God that ur family stay like this forever.. God bless u all.. After blessings priest left..
Bose falimy is in tears.. Bcz the girl from childhood named as unlucky and Iligment tag is lucky charm and goddess for someone.. Tears are making it’s Way in swara eyes.. Raj and arnav who are smiling saw swara and got shock. They both rush to her.
Rajnav: doll What happened..
Swara could not tell anything she just joined her hand Infront of them and told..
Swa:i always thought that I’m unlucky.. Bcz when maa got news of coming her husband ditched her and society never let a single stone to insult my family some time I think that if I didnt came on earth then my maa never humiliated this much.. May be she will be happy.. I started to hate my self.. When I came here u all are treating me like am a precious jewel.. The love and the affection I craved for I m getting her.. From childhood I craved for my father love who knows what destiny stored for me..i got 3 fathers love.. Now I’m feeling blessed to took birth in this family.. I think I’m the most lucky girl in this whole world.. I got world’s best fathers and family saying this she touched their feet. .
Arnav made her stand and kissed her forehead hugged her tightly as she is the most precious thing which he will lost if he loose his grip.. Everyone is in tears.. They are happy finally their princess is getting all love which she deserve.. They both broke hug when a flash fall on them.. Everyone turn from where the flash is coming and saw ayush clicked their pic.
Ayu:the best father daughter Jodi.. He went near them and took blessings from arnav and raj and hugged them.. Everyone is happy bcz finally ayush accepted them whole heartly.. To lighten the mood dida told.
Dida:shoru stop making us more emotional.. U know I never cried this much during my vidhai also Bcz my makeup will get spoil but see due to u now my makeup spoiled now again I have to do make up.. Everyone laughed listening dida ..ayush went near her and pulled her cheek..
Ayu :no need darling u look beautiful even without make up.. Dida hided her face behind her palm dramatically .
Dida:haaye I m feeling very shy… Everyone laughed and pulled each other legs and enjoyed family time.. Soon it’s afternoon everyone had lunch and sat in living area for further discussion of marriage.
Raj:how we keep marriage after one week.. What u all say.
Swa:but bade papa it’s to early.. We need to prepare lots of things. Engament, haldi, mahendi and sangeet
Arna:doll no need that much we are doing simple marriage..
Shomi :yes Shona we will do simple marriage .
Swa:but maa every girl wants big fat wedding and enjoy every rituals.. She told without realizing but it effects lot to sanskar…
Shom :its not our age Shona to enjoy functions.. We will do simple wedding.. Swara face fell.. Arnav saw her and felt bad.. He can’t see his doll sad
Arn:ya its true Shomi it’s not ur age to enjoy marriage but I’m still young so I can enjoy.. What u say doll and winked to her .. Swara face light up.. Everyone is seeing arnav shocking.. He was most funniest guy who enjoy his life fully..But after Shomi left home he talk less and became silent after 20 years Raj saw his old naughty brother.. And everyone is shock Bcz this is first time everyone saw him in this avtar.
Swa:yes papa u r still looks like sweet sixteen..
Arn: see Shomi what my doll told..
Sho :what u mean am I looking aunty to u.
Arna:i dint told anything u only told na it’s not our age to enjoy and all..
Sho:im not oldy.. I’ll also enjoy my marriage. And show u both father and daughter who is who sweet sixteen and who is uncle.
Arn:u called me uncle.. U oldy aunty.
Shom :i didn’t mentioned ur name u ll assumed that.. They both begins to fight.. Everyone is seeing them open mouth Bcz they both are fighting like a kid.. It’s been half an hour they both are fighting and everyone making them stop but they are not listening anyone…but our heroin adding fuel in it and enjoying show.. Everyone gave glare to swara she smiled sheepishly. It’s enough for Raj he shouted.
Raj:ENOUGH!!!! By hearing his voice both stop fighting. And saw raj in confusion.
Raj:if swasan fight I understand bcz they are child but u both.. Not even listening us fighting like a cat and dog.. If now only this situation what after ur marriage. Both somrav felt embarrassed.. Bowed their head down.. Everyone is suppressing their laugh.
Swa:what badepapa u spoiled everything ..i was going to tell Jessy aunty to make popcorn ..that we all can enjoy.. That’s it everyone broke into laugh and rolling on floor both somrav saw each other face and felt more embarrassment..for avoing this embarrassing dida came and pulled swara ears.
Swara: aa dida what i did.
Dida:what u did.. They both are fighting inspite
of stopping them u r adding more fuel.. Swara made a pout.
Swa:dida leave it’s painig. Dida left her ear and given a small slap on her cheek …
After that everyone sat and started their planning
Raj: Kaki I’m thinking to do their marriage here only what u say.
Shoba:ya that’s great. Bcz even u and arnav have lots frinds here.. And about Shomi she have her family that is her brother and bhabi and children..and they all are present here only. What u say Ram..
Ram:kaki what i ll say.. It’s ur discion.
Shob:but u are her brother so even u and sujata have right to take discion.
Sujram have tears in their eyes.. The family they are living from long year never give importance and their new family which just got given them so much love and respect and even asking about opinion. They felt bless and happy.
Ram: no I don’t have problem..we will conduct marriage here only and I have one condition. Everyone seeing him confusing
Suj: ram ji what condition.
Ram:its my sister marriage and I m going to arrange everything..
Raj:but ram it’s not needed
Ram:no Raj bhai.. I don’t have sister but now I got so I m going to enjoy her marriage.
Swa: wait before that let’s make a team.
Sona:what team Shona.
Swa:who is from bride side and who is from groom side..
Sona:o ya it will fun
Dida:im from Shomi
Sujata:arnav bhai sab.
Ram:sujata u should be our side.
Suj:and y so.
Ram:bcz I’m ur husband and I’m bride side then u should be here.
Suj:is there any rule that we should that side our husband choose no na then.. I’m from my brother side if Shomi is ur sister then arnav Bhai is my brother.
Arnav:ya it’s correct she is my sister she will be my side.
Sona:then I’m from Shomi maa side .
Utt:if papa is in Shomi aunty side then I’m also Shomi aunty side.. Now only swasan and ayush left..
Swa :im from ….before she tell arnav told
Arn:doll is from my side.
Swa:yes I’m from my handsome papa side and showed tongue to Shomi and dida.
San :then I’m from maa side… Now only ayush left he was in great confusion.. Bcz one side his mother but other side his di. He was seeing both side simultaneously.. Shomi who saw him undstoood his confusion.
Shomi:ayu u always choose ur lucky charm then y ur in confusion now .. .
Ayu :but maa.
Sho :ayu I don’t mind and beside it’s just for fun we are making team but we all will in one team only so y to worry.. Ayush smiled and went and stood near swara..
Ayu :im from Papa side..
After hearing papa from ayush arnav has no boundary of happiness.. Even Raj is happy ayush is accepting them..
Swa:so finally team is done..
Me, bade papa, mom, ayu from Papa side. And dida, dad, bhabi, uttu and sanskar from maa side…
Swa:ok we have only week.. Today is almost going to complete..we need to plan everything soon.. She took pen and dairy sat sona and uttu also joined her they made schedule…
Swa: so finally schedule is done.
tmrw we will do shopping.. Day after tomorrow we need to invite guest.. After that next day after tomorrow. Engagement and after engament.. Haldi and next day mahendi after mahendi sangeet then finally marriage..
So we only have 2 days For shopping decoration and invitation..
Raj :doll Tmrw y u all go and do shopping and about invitation sona and sanskar u both invite our close clients and investors.. Ayu u and uttra invitr ur friends and doll u invite all ur staffs and doctors along with arnav frinds bcz u know more about doctors and arnav u help doll in it.. Kaki and sujata u both decide food and Shomi u to help them.. And one more thing everyone fav one one dish should be their make a list give to us. And me and ram ji will look after decoration and catering… Everyone agreed.. Soon it’s evening everyone is sitting in livinng area .
San:its almost evng and whether is also nice.. We all go and still in lawn area
Everyone came to lawn and indeed it was beautiful whether..
San:it will be nice if we enjoy this evng with some snacks..
Swa:true…wait I ll make snacks and tea .
Raj:are doll tell cook they will make u come and sitt.
San:are uncle let her go she make very tasty kanda bhaji.. And he signal everyone.. So all let her do work.
Utt: bhabi I ll also come with u.. Saying this both left to kitchen.
..seeing this opportunity sanskar told something which is muted it will after words every one has smiled and agreed with sanskar.. Soon swautt came with tea and snacks… Everyone enjoyed evng with masti and fun..
Precape:shopping and some mm scene