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It’s night everyone had dinner and went to their respective rooms..
In swasan room.. Swara is in washroom and sanskar is standing near window and talking in phone.. Soon swara came and hugged him from back.. Sanskar who was on call disconnected the call and hold swara hand and brought her from and holding her with waist where swara encircled her hands around his neck..
San:so excited?
Swa:very much..u know sanskar I m very happy finally my family going to complete…even me and ayush will get father even we can say that see we also have father.. And even u have family who loves us some was my dream to get a big family.. When my marriage fix I thought even now I will get big join family.. That was past. But see now I have join family and world’s best family.. And all thanks to u..
San:for what.
Swa:if u wouldn’t married I didn’t get this loving family.. 3 fathers love… 2 mothers love and 2 sisters love.. Dida and champ and ayu .. Everything is perfect..sanskar pulled her closely.
San: and me.
Swa:u r best thing ever happened in my life u r my everything my cute hubby
San: jaan im not cute.
Swa:u r cute..
San:plz I’m not Lil boy to call me cute
Swa:no u r cute.. U know I want son like u same cute and loving like u.. She didn’t realize what she told..
San:really..u want son…then she realized what she told.. She blushed and hided her face on her chest..
San:but I want pretty daughter like u.. And for that we should work not to waste time. Saying this he took her in his arm and went to bed.. Soon lights are dimed. moon light is making it’s way giving romantic feel and soon Room is filled with moans and groans..
It’s bliss full morning our lovely couple sleeping in each others embrace soon sun rays enters to disturb them.. Sun rays fall on sanskar which disturb his sleep to avoide sun rays he hided his face in swara s crook which disturb her sleep.. Swara woke and saw the most precious person of her life is beside her she thanked God for this… She peck sanskar lips to which sanskar told.
San:jaan this is not the way to woke up y have to give kiss that to minimum 5 mins . And Smile naughtily
Swara really..
Swa:ok butu have to close ur eyes
San :y
Swa:to feel the kiss
San:o my jaan is in mood today ..ok now give me my morning kiss
.. Saying this he closed his eyes.. she lean to him and shouted in his ear..
Swa:u ll not get anything get up
Saying this she ran to washroom.. By her sudden shout sanskar closed his eyes tightly and closed his ears also.. He was shock. He came to sense when he heard door closing sound..
San:this is cheating jaan saying this he covered his face with blanket and slept again.after some time both got ready and came down..
MM mansion
Everyone is sitting on dinning table ragini and Pari are serving food..
Dp:laksh did u took sanskar signatures.
Lak:no papa I tried many times but he is signed but I don’t knw y everytime his signature is declined(idiot he is master mind if u r playing with him but he only planned this game.. He is SM and he is not fool to sign his original signature)
Adarsh: he is very smart we have to make him sign by hook or crook.
In this all ragini is confuse.. Who is sanskar and what are they talking…
Ap:ji it’s been long still sujata and ram didn’t came.
Dp:im also thinking that only…we have lots of work but ram is not here… Now he is thinking about his family..
Adarsh :papa before its to late we have take over all property.. Sanskar surely do some..
Dp:he will not do anything. Bcz he don’t have that much money to do something to us.. We are Maheshwari’s. Soon everyone had their bf.. Gents left to office and ladies got busy in household..
Screen shift to Singapore
Here everyone did their bf doing nok joke..
Raj:so bf is done now work according to plan.. We don’t have much time. sanskar u take all ladies to shopping.
Swa :badepapa u r not coming?
Raj: no bata I m going to office I m having important meeting..
Swa:plz bade papa u also come na.
Raj:even I want to come but beta it’s very important beside sona is coming with u.. I ll finish my work fast and I ll join u at lunch.. And we all have lunch outside.
Raj:pakka my doll.. And arnav is coming with u.
Arn:yes doll and we will have fun.. I ll show u my hospital also.
Arn: yes..
Aryan: chote dadu we will go game zone also.
Arn:ok champ.. But first everyone go and get ready..otherwise we will get late.. Everyone agreed and went to get ready.
Soon everyone came and left to shopping..