Fan Fiction

A True Relationship which Never Remains the same (shot-3)… By Samyusam

Shot-3::: ( firstly sryyy,, if its boring frndzz… )

Pra:what are u saying bul ??? Are u serious????
Bul:yesss pra… how can I joke in this matter….
Pra: but how can he do this to tanu???
Bul: But she too got convinced with his decision…..
Pra: I think he convinced her….
Bul: may be….
Pra: but yy he didn’t come to clg today…
Bul: vooo… actually, there is some functio in his house tomarw may be he is busy in organising that…
Pra: hooo… sooo he wont come tomrw also….
Bul: hmmm…I thought u know all these bfre…. Abhi didn’t said to u…????
Pra noded her head as nooo… actually bul we didn’t spoke aftr our xams….
Bul: yyyy???? Anythng serious…..???
Pra: nooo… we had a small fight during our last convoo,, soo had cut d call in middle…. These made him anger towards me… he even didn’t msg me once… I thought hez busy with tanu…. But didn’t expected this…
Bul: yaaa me tooo..
Pra: I want to see her now.. Wr is she??? Is she alright???
Bul: donoo pra.. I didn’t met her aftr xams,, I just spoke to her… cum lets goo nd see her…
They both went to tanu department.. They went near her class room…
They saw alia consoling tanu…. Tanu saw pra nd wiped her tears nd smiled faintly….

Prabul came inside nd sat next to tanu bench…
PRa don’t know what to say… they remained silent fr few minutes…
Alia signed pra too talk something… Pra nodded, nd when she about to talk something….
Tanu: how r u pra????
Pra: gud …. Nd smiled lightly….
Tanu looked at bul nd how r u bul?? When did u come to hostel????
Bul: yesterday only… but tanu… pra stops her by Nodding her head as not to speak anythng abt that….
Alia calls pra out… nd asks bul to stay with tanu…
Alia:did he come to clg???
Pra:noo alia… but when did this happen?? Hw they broke up alia???how can he do like this… ww know naa, they both love eachother a lot nd abhi also cares her soo much..
Alia: I too donoo clearly pra.. Tanu is not saying anthing… I hope evrythng will be fyn soo soon. Nd abhi should realise his mistakes…
Tanu: abhi didn’t doo any mistake alia… he is doing what is right fr our futre nd moreover atill he cares abt me…. Don’t wryy am okkk
Alia nd pra gets shocked….
Pra: but tanu… whats d prob between u both.. Did You both fight???.. Whats d reason for dng all this???
Tanu thinks “how can I say pra… d reason is u…. “
Tanu smiles nd says… No fight ,nothing… we are happy with his decision… nd Noo prob I can manage..
Pra: Y dnt u both talk nd sort out ua problem… dnt take any wrong decision tanu… its ua life..
Bul: I think shez ryt tanu…. Talk to him once…
Tanu: what is d need to talk to him now… as I spoke him yesterday itself as his frnd… nd I don’t want to loose his frndship… soo pllzzz leave that topic guys… we are happy with this relationship… nd u know what now hez caring abt me more than befre… its enough fr me..
Prabul nd alia dnt know what to say nd just looks at her boldness,, nd managing d situation without hating anyne..
Pra:what he is upto… if some one is there in tanu situation,, definetly would have hated him nd behaved like a mad…. But she still looks as d same tanu whom I met bfre 2 years… reallyy,, hatsoff to her boldness nd undrstanding nature… but that stupid donoo,, what he is missing in his life…(thinks in her mind)
Tanu lost in her thoughts… alia shooks pra nd asks her whats shez thinkng…. Pra nods as nothing…
Pra: anyways take care tanu…. Dnt think much abt anythng,, we will be fr u always…We need to goo now…
Alia plzz take care of her,,, by saying that shez abt to move….
Tanu:pragyaaa….. Pra stops nd turns back…
Tanu hugs her nd says… take care pragyaa… with her eyes filled with tears… she any how controlled her tears…
Pra was confused by her hug nd her words… pra said okk nd left to her department….

In classroom…
Pra don’t undrstand why abhi did this??… She was continuosly thinkng abt that only.. Nd she cant able to see tanu in that position( though she wont talk to tanu more but shez d first frnd whom she talked first in college)… she feels sad for tanu… she thinks to cal him but her Selfrespect doesn’t allow to call him( lol… fr boys its called egoo… fr girls its called selfrespect????) nd alsoo same time shezz missing him badly…. Bczz shez habituated to his talk, his fights,, in college… whereever she goes,, finally shez ending up with his memory only…. Day passed soo dull to her…
Even at home she didn’t shared anything to aravind….
Next day.. She didn’t have intrest to go to clg… soo she thought to take a leave on dat day….
Aravind came nd says… ammu(her nick name at home,, only her family calls her by that name) do u want to go to clg today????
Pra:yyyy are u asking like dat bhayya????
Aravind : y dnt u take leave fr today…. Clg started yestday only na… soo u don’t have to worry abt classes also…
Pra thinks it’s a gud chance to bunk d clg today…..
Pra: but bhaya… what we will say to mumma….
Ara: leave mumma matter to …. First tell me,, r u sure abt bunking d clg….
Pra:yaa… I knoww ua gud at managing mumma naa( as boys are fav to mumma nd girls are princes to their puppa…. Am I ryt?????)…. But what I will do by staying at home…
Ara: ua not staying at home… we are going to my frnd marriage…
Pra: nooo I wont come.. I will get bored thete,, u will go nd njoy with ua frndzz,, then I have to stay alone there….
Ara: dnt wryy my chwweetyyy,, I will introduce one of my girl frnd to u… u xan stay with her,, nd shez talkative….
Pra:girl friend????????????????? In a dragging tone….
Ara: only friend… by patting on her head slightly…
Pra:okk bhayya.. U go nd infrm to mumma first,, I will get ready nd come down…
He leaves… pra goes to frsh up…a
Here aravind manages evrythng…
Ara: pragya are u ready???… Am waiting here???… Shouts by tieing his shoe lies….
Pra: yaaa bhayyaa 2 mins… coming down…
Pra thinks “ I know bhayya,, shez not only just friend shez ua love… I know abt her 3 months back only,, as am spying on u frm d day ua busy with ua mobile nd not at all listening to me,, nd iI have read all ua convo secretly( guys who had that habit of reading ua siblings msgs secretly.. Nd wanna eagerly know about their crush details) sryy fr dat,, but I didn’t read it completely,, Aftr getying info wat I want I stopped reading ua convoo.…nd now a when ua saying d word just friend,, I can see something else in ua eyes… nd am eagerly waiting to see my to be bhabi…”
With this thoughts in her mind.. She gets down….

Aravind nd pra leaves… they reaches function hall….
Ara msgs to someone…. Aftr that he finds his gang…..
Ara nd pra goes to them… pra knows few of his frndz…
Pra is eagerly waiting to see her bhai love more than aravind…
Ara is calling to sumone but didn’t gwt any reply…
A girl fInally comea with yellow colour long length salwar with red border,, loose hair…. She comes nd pats on aravind shoulder,, aravind turns nd sees her.. When shez about to hug him,, aravind gestures her that pra is here only…
Ara: praaa.. Shez purvi… my friend…
Pra: frieeennnnddddddddddd???…
Ara:yaaa… I said naa abt her to u….
Pra: yaaaa… helooo purvi…..
Ara:purvi.. Shez my sister pragya. .
Pur: haiii pragya…… they both shakes their hands… purvi says hai to all ara frnds( purvi nd aravind are clg mates)….
Ara: prettyyyyy,, georgeous sweetheart… whisPers at her
Pur:tqqqq ara… u too looking handsome…
Ara:tqqq.. Okk.. This is d best chance,, show ua best nd make her to feel comfrtable with u,, as first impression is d best impression…… did u get what I mean….
Purvi: yaa… yaaa…
All d while pra sees them by folding her arms…
Ara: okkk purvi,, take care of her,,.. We have some work…. Bye ammu,, take care…
Pra smilingly waves her hand…
Purvi:soo pra.. When did u come..???
Pra: just bfre 10 mins….
Pur: did ua clg started???
Pra:yaaaa yesterday only… she became dull aftr listening word clg,, bczz dat remembered abhi…
Purvi noticed dat nd asks what happen…
Pra nods as nothing….

They talk fr a while… aftr function,, when they are returning to their home,, in bike…
Ara: sooo how was ua day ammu…
Pra: not bad bhayyaa….
Ara: did u njoyed today….
Pra: yaaa….( I know u want to know abt my opinion on purvi.. Nd she thought to play with him fr sum time)
Ara:okkkkk… anythng elzz…
Pra: nooo bhayya.. Nothing… nd chuckles…
Ara gets irked…. Here purvi is getting restless,, as shez also eagerly waiting to know abt pra’s opinion on her… shez calling ara continuosly,, but ara kept his phone in silence mode…
They reached their home…
Ara was abt to talk to her,, pra goes to her room without speaking anything to him….by chuckling
Ara checks his phone nd sees lots of msgs nd missed calls from purvi… he goes to his room nd cals her nd infrms her d same… nd says,, I will find it in evng… soo be patience till that… nd ends d call…
Evening…. In pra room… shez reading some novel…
Ara: I have a surprise fr uuuuuuuu….
Pra:what…. With nooo excitement on her face..
Ara:here u goooo… ua fav ice cream…. By keeping a bowl of icecream in Frnt of her…
Pra:hooo.. But I don’t feel to eat it now….
Ara becomes dull nd turns to leave with disappointment in his face…
When ara started to leave.. Pra sees that ice cream nd becomes soo excited????….
Again ara turns to pra side.. Then pra looks at her book, with no intrest to speak..
Ara thinks to talk to pra directly…. Nd calls her…
Pra:haaaaa… tell me.. What….
Ara:voooo… how is ua day????
Pra:I said naa… not bad… y are u asking repeatedly….shouted at him..
Ara:I is ua day with purvi????

Pra Keeping her book aside nd signs aravind to come near her nd gestures him to sit befre her… ara with lots of fear in his comes nd sits bfre her…
Pra:what bayya… what u want to know??? Ask me directly???
Ara: ho…. How… how isssss….how is she ammu????
Pra: whooooooo???
Ara: purrr…purviiii…..
Pra:hoooo.. Purvi aa… gud nd sweet girl… intresting too
Ara face was glowing like a bulb… he become more md more happy… nd with lots of excitement takes icecream bowl nd eats one spoon…
Pra u brought dat to me naa… then why are u eating??? Asks with a puppy facr..
Ara:hooo sryyyy… sryyy ammu… now have it nd gives to her…
Pra takes immediately nd starts eating… suddenly she stopped nd
Pra: but bhayya… y ua asking abt her????
Ara : simplyyyyy.. Nothing… nothing btween…
Pra: I asked abt dat aa…
Ara nods his head as nooo.. Nd Thinks to escape from her questions… nd goes from they…
Pra smiles…. Nd says. I loved my bhabhi bhayya.. Shez really sweet like u… nd like this ice cream too nd again starts eating like a child..
Day passed….
Pra woke up with the thoughts of abhi… nd is very excited to see him aftr many days…..
While selecting her dress she gets confused… then she remembers abhi…

FB starts….
One day pra wore white dress to clg…
During brk time… she sits with her frnds nd chit chating with them….
Shezz talking nd smiling with them…
Abhi sitting in last bench seeing her continuoaly,, he loves to see her like dat,, he want d moment to be freezed…..
Pra sees him nd signs as wht???
Abhi was lost in her thoughts nd looking at her… she waves her hands… noo response from him…
She throws a pen cap at him.. It hits him nd abhi jerks suddenly….
He sees pra… now again pra asks as what???
Abhi gestures her to come near to him… she slowly goes to him….
Abhi: what ua thinkng abt ua self???
Pra looks puzzled.. As she don’t have any idea abt what he is talking…
Abhi:whats ua prob arora… this is college… cant u see that???
Pra still looks cluelessly…
Abhi: if u looks this much pretty,, then how can I save u from boys ongling at u…??? They are becoming ua devotees,, see look at them… nd points toward few boys looking at pra with their eyes widened….
Pra gives a deadly stare… nd thinks to beat him
Abhi without thinkng anymore started running frm their…
Pra ran behind him….
Pra:stopppp… u idiot….. I said stop there…. Abhi is still running…
Pra: staaatueeee….
Abhi stopped nd remains like a statue…
Pra was breathing heavily stopped befre him.. She was unable to speak any word…
Pra holded abhi ear nd twisted it…
Pra: what ua saying idiot….. U scared me…. She started scolding him…. Abhi tickled hr nd escaped from her clutches….
He finally ended at d corner of d corridor….
Abhi turns to her….nd pra smirks at him nd gives victorious smile…
Abhi comes near to her nd holds her hand nd says… seriously looking like an angel,, i admit it…. Pra looking at his eyes nd lost in it…
Abhi waves his hand nd pra comes to hr sense nd smiles at him blushingly….
Abhi: sooo my friend know… how to blush alsoo.. Pra beats him at his chest lightly….
Abhi: y r u beating me idiot… nd holds her hand to stop her in beating him….
Pra looks angrily fr holding her hand… abhi leaves her hand… pra smiles at him….
They both laughs aftr that nd leaves to their class…
Fb ends….

Pra selects white dress nd gets ready with matching earring nd neckpiece….

To be Continued…….

Haiii… thank you fr commenting…nd liking my ff….. Nd sryyyy if u disappoint with this episode bczz there is noo abhigya scenes naaa… but according to my idea,, dis epis is completely With pra without abhi… but if I give that many of abhigya fans will disappoint… soo I dnt want them to be upset,, dats d reason I added a small fb scene…. Hope u like it… nd plzzz infrm me,, if its boring frndzz dnt hesitate In it……if u fed up with this am ready to stop this ff… but dnt hesitate in saying that… thank you all…..

Take care frndsss….


Be the way you are...!!! Never change for any one?????

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