Fan Fiction

TRUST..!! Episode 7 By Maryam.

Hey Guys..!! Maryam Back with the Next Episode of “Trust”..!! I hope You are liking the Storyline..!! Thank You so much for Your Marvellous Response..!! I would try to Satisfy my Readers…!!


SanLak enters the Class and what they saw shocks them…!!

” Lucky..!! I thought the Students here would be a bit in studies but what I am watching is totally different..!!” Sanskar said in Disbelief..!!

” Yeah Sanskar..!! I thought the same..!! Now I got to know that not just we but the Europeans are like this too..!! No one likes to Study..!! Yahan Bhi Yahi Hal hai…!!” Lakshya Answered him..

What they actually saw was like this..!!- someone was sleeping..!! Some one was tearing the pages of their Text Books..!! Some Couples Kissing…!! Some Friends playing n chasing each other..!! In short it doesn’t looked like that it was bit like one of the most Prestigious College of London…!!
Ignoring all this both Settled down on their Seats and waited for the Lecturer to come..!! Soon the Lecturer came and both got endorsed in the Lecture…!!


The College was Over and Everyone was Moving towards their Homes…!! As Swara and her Class was Assigned with the Arrangements so they were still Working..!! SanLak left to their Flat as it was their First day and they were a bit too Tired ..!! Karan on the Other hand didn’t went Home as Usually he and Ragini Goes together as also he didn’t found it Good to leave both the Girls alone there..!!
He Waited for them and about two hours later the Girls came out…!!

” Bhai You…!! I thought you left..!! You shouldn’t have waited..!!” Ragini said as she saw Karan standing outside the College..!!

” No Ragini..!! It wasn’t good for You both to come home alone and it was Quite late too so it wasn’t good for U yo come alone..!!” Karan said..

” Okay Ragini…!! I need to go now..!! Its Already late..!!” Swara said hugging Ragini..

” I guess I said You Both…!! I waited for You both and U both have come with me..!! I cant eave You alone Swara..!! So come along with us Swara. !!” Karan said moving towards the car..

” No Karan..!! Don’t worry about me I will Manage..!! I guess You both are tired..!! So….” Swara was left incomplete..!!

” No Swara You have to come…!! And Dad has Strictly told me to be there with You and now it’s my Duty to drio u at home Everyone..!! So get inside the Car U both..!!” Karan Said..!! On which SwaRagini nodded and gets inside the Car..!!


” So Ragu What You Guys have Decided about the Party. !! Anything new..??” Karan Asked..

” Yes Bhai..!! We have Planned something new and I Guess our Group Leader can the you better as it was her idea..!!” Ragini said winking at Karan..

“So Swara..!! If u don’t mind telling me..!!” Karan said looking at her..

“( Swara who was till now Buried in her Own world dash out of it) Yeah..!! What..??” Swara Asked..!!

Karan knew what she was Thinking but be cant et Ber in it more..!!

” I asked that what You have planned for the Party…!!” Karan asked again..

” Oh Yeah..!! This Time we thought to make the Theme as bit different like Our own Culture..!! So its According to the ” Indian Culture “..!! I asked the dean and he Agrees with it so we thought to imply it..!!

” Wow Yar that’s Great…!!” Karan Complemented and Swara got lostbIn her world but her Eyes stuck something..!! Karan Follows her Gaze and Found her Looking at a Girl who was with her Father..!! The Father was carrying her in his arms and Feeding her Eyes cream and she was teasing him..!! A lone tear escape Swara’s Eyes as he Remember her moments with her Father..!! How she was his Princess and then How he Disowned her..!! Karan looks at her sadly through the mirror as she was sitting at the back seat and felt sorry for her…!!

Mujh ko to teray cehray pay yeh gham nahi jajta…

Jaiz nahi lagta mujhay gham say tera rishta…
Sun meri guzarish isay chehray say hata day…
Sun meri guzarish isay chehray say hata day
Kuch is tarah teri palkain meri palkoon say mila day…
Aanso teray saaray meri palkoon pay saja day…

Kuch is tarah teri palkain meri palkoon say mila day…


SanLak Flat…!!

Sanskar was Standing near his Rooms window and Gazing the Surrounding lost in his own World and Lakshya was Sitting in the room doing some work on his laptop….!!

It was at this time when Sanskar notices something which took his breath ..!! He saw a Car Passing by and Inside it He saw HER…!! But is it true..!! Was she really her..!! How could she be here…!! Before he could think the Answer to these Question the car was gone..!! He got Boggled…!! He cane inside the room..!!

” Lucky I Saw her…!!” Sanskar said Shocked..

” Saw Whom Sanskar…?? Why are You so Panicked..?? What happen..?? ” Lakshya asked when be found Sanskar in a Devasted look..!!

” SWARA…!! She was here..!! I saw her in a car..!!” Sanskar stated..!!

” What..?? Swara…?? Are You serious sanskar or You are again Hallucinating..?? How can she be here I guess you are mistaken…!!” Lakshya said being shocked equally..

” No Lakshya I can’t be Mistaken regarding her. !!” The moment he said that he realised he really was mistaken regarding her before too…!! He didn’t understand her..!! So maybe This time too…!! No not this time..!! He isn’t Mistaken nor does he is Hallucinating..!! Lakshya senses his uneasiness…!!

” Okay Sanskar..!! I believe you..!! But did you saw the Car number or anything..??”Lakshya asked but he got the answer in negation..!! ” Then its difficult to find her and above that I think You are Highly mistaken Sanskar..!!”Lakshya said as moved out of the Room..!! But Sanskar was not able to Believe it..!! It was not the first time he felt it before too..!! He Felt her presence before too..!!


Singahnia Mansion

Karan was in his Room thinking only about Swara..!! the Lady he loves…!! how he meets her…!! How He fell in Love with her..!! How she became an Important part of his life…!! How he got tied with Her in an unbreakable bond which was made by none but his own Heart without even asking him…!!


Ragini brought Swara with her to Singahnia mansion…!! She took her to her room as she was not in the state of anything else..!! But to her surprise her room was locked and she then remembers that the keys are lost..!! so she took Swara to her Brother’s room as he was out of town and maybe will be back The next day..!!
Karan came back the Next Day before Sun Rise as his work got finishes soon…!! The Moment he enters his Room his life changed…!!
He Saw a Girl Standing near the Window of his Room..!! The moment she turns and his Eyes landed on her He realised that she was no less than the most beautiful creation of the God..!! Her Eyes conveys many things and are the best interpretator of her Heart…!! Her Lips who had lost the smile wants to say many things..!! The Sun starts to Rise n her Face started shining like the sun..!! The mightiest Creation of God was looking gloomy in front of her..!!

Dil kahe kahaaniyan pehli dafa
Armaano mein rawaniyan pehli dafa
Ho gaya begana main hosh se pehli dafa
Pyaar ko pehchana ehsaas hai yeh naya

Suna hai, suna hai..
Yeh rasm-e-wafa hai
Jo dil pe nasha hai
Woh pehli dafa hai 

But he realised that He doesn’t know her than what’s she doing here in his room at this time..!! He Came towards are and enquire about her but got no answer..!! Ragini who was passing by saw him and told him about her and both felt to help this Poor soul..!!

This is It for today..!! I hope You liked it..!! Do share Your views via your Comments and also Plz if u have any ideas about the Fresher’s Party which U want to get implemented then plz do share it…!! Don’t Forget to comment Guys..!!


I am a Simple Person With a Complicated Mind... So I Can't Describe Myself in such a Small Word limit..??

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