Fan Fiction


Hii dears…sry fr being so late…my exams finally over…so i ll be regular hereaftr i think…ok nw to the stry without any delay…

It was 5 in the evng…pragya was waitng fr abhi in the cafe…
Pra:i knw he ll cme fr sure…but wat if iam.wrng…wat will i do if he dnt cme….wats thr to think in tis i wnt go home till he cme…
She scrunched her nose in anger…
It was 5.20…thr was still no sign of him arriving…
Pra:wats tis is he still in busy in wrk…let me check…
She cald her office watchman…
WM:haan madam..boliye…
Pra:bhaiya…is sir still wrkng…
WM:are u askng abt abhi sir mam…arey he left at 5 itself mam…
Pra:wat..ok tq bhaiya…
She ended the call…

Pra:he left at 5 but still dnt cme…tis place is jst 2 mins frm office…so tat means he left fr home…wat..hw could he do tis..
Her eyes filled wit anger and tears…she came out of cafe angrily…she saw him leaning on his car and smiling at her…a smile formd on her face..but she became angry again…she stared him…
Abhi:so whr is madam gng…
Pra:i ll go anywhr wat fr u.. someone said they wnt go home if i dnt cme…
Pra:haan..vo..vo..but u r late na…
Abhi:late means u wnt wait huhh…its jst 1/2 hr late…within tat u were so tensed..u had so many thoughts..u evn calld watchman…madam cant keep patience na…
He saw her staring him wit her mouth open…

Pra:u knw all tis…tat means u were here oly and u made me wait…u were watchng all tis na…
Abhi(thinks):oops..abhi u r an idiot man…nw u r nicely caught..she ll kill u…
She was staring at him…
Abhi:vo..i…sry i jst thought to tease u…so oly…i…sry…

She stared him…ten she burst into laughter…
Pra:idiot…look at ur face..hw scared u are…tat much fear fr me huhh…
Abhi smiled…

Abhi:haan..more fear…fear of losing u…
She stopped laughing hearing his wrds…she dnt knw hw to react…
Pra:anyway tq fr cmng…and iam again sry fr all tat…i undrstood hw much u were worried wen i cried…iam sry…
He smiled and held her hand…she was shocked…he left seeing her expression…
Abhi:look pragu..pls hereaftr dnt cry fr anythng…be brave like hw u r always…i dnt like tis crying pragu…i dnt knw y but i cant see u cry…it hurts a lot…i feel like someone is killing me…
He had tears in his eyes…pragya was shocked seeing him cry fr her…
Abhi:promise me tat u ll be strong and happy always…

Pragya threw her arms around him and hugged him tight wit tears…he was shocked…ten he too hugged her…
Pra:iam sry abhoo…i dnt knw tat my tears wil hurt u tis much…i promise i wnt cry heraftr…iam so happy and blessed to hve a frnd like u..tq abhoo..
She then realised thr position and moved away…
Pra:vo…i…iam sry…
Abhi:its..its ok…cme lets go in…
They went inside cafe..chatted fr sometime and left…
Pra:abhoo…wen are u gng to cme to my home…
Abhi:arey i ll cme surely one dadi will wait fr me…so pls…
Abhi:oye…frst u cme to my home na…
Pra:ok i ll cme tmrw…
Abhi:ok bye…
They left…

Screen shifts to mehra mansion…bulbul enters the house…

Dadi:arey beta..tum…cme cme…hw r u…
Bul:iam fyn dadi…hw r u…
Dadi:iam good beta..cme sit…wait i ll call purab…
Bul:arey no no dadi…no need strain him..he is hvng fever na…let him rest..i ll go and see him…
Dadi:ok beta..thr he is in his room..u go and see…
Bul:ok dadi…i ll cme nw…

She left to his room…as she opened the door she heard music…she looked around in confusion..she was shocked at the sight befre her…
Bol do na zara…song was playing…purab was holding his phone in his hand and dancing smiling at his phone…bulbul was shocked…she was seeing him wit laughter…he was dancing happily…bulbul saw his mob somehw…she was shocked to see her pic in tat…he was dancing wit tat…she blushed…aftr sometime he turned and saw her standing at the door and smiling…he was shocked…he immediately switched off the song and smiled sheepishly…she raised her eyebrows as wat…he scratched his head and smiled…she went in…

Bul:so mr.purab tis wat u call fever huhh…
Pur:vo..i….nthng i was jst feelng bored so oly…
Bul:acha…bored means u ll dance like tis wit fever huhh…by the way wit whom were u dancing…

Pur:whom huhh…thr is no one here na…
Bul:but someone is thr in ur heart na…wit thr pic oly u danced na…
Purab was shocked…he was worried tat if she saw her pic…
Bul:tell me who is in tat pic…
He felt relieved tat she dnt see…

Pur:vo..nthng like tat…
She stared him…
Bul(thinks):buddhu…can tell directly na…lying to me itself…
Pur:wat hpnd…
Bul:nthng iam leavng…bye..
Pur:arey nw oly u came na…
Bul:so wat..u dnt like to share anythng wit me..u r lying to me itself…ten y shld i be here…
Purab smiled…

Pur:ohh god fr tis u r gettbg angry…ohh my bubbly baby…
He pulled her cheeks…bulbul controlled her smile…
Bul:bubbly baby…hello iam not tat much fat…
Purab laughed…
Pur:buddhu..bubbly means chubby and cute not fat…

She smiled…
Bul:watevr…iam gng bye…
She left..purab held her hand…she was shocked…he turned her around and she hit his chest…he lifted her face to face him…she was not able to look into his eyes…her heartbeat rose fastr…she shivered wen his hot breath touched her…he smiled…
Pur:so my baby is angry huhh…ok u want to knw who is tat na…
Bulbul looked eagerly tat he ll tell…
Pur:ok but not wnt be nice to tell wit tis sad fever face in tis place…i ll tell u tmrw…

Bul:but whr…tmrw no clg na…
Pur:so wat…i ll txt u the place…u cme tmrw…i ll tell u…ok…
Bulbul nodded wit a smile…he looked into her eyes…both were lost…he caressed her cheeks…he was abt to kiss her cheek…dadi opened the door…
She was shocked seeing them…she smiled…they moved apart…
Dadi:sry..wrng timing…
Bul:no no nthng dadi..i was checkng if he is hvng fever…
Dadi:ok ok i undrstand..dnt wry…
She smiled..they felt embarassed…

Bul:ok purab…iam gettng late…i hve to go home…bye…take care…
Pur:ok see u tmrw bye…
Bul:bye dadi…
Dadi:bye once u reach home…
Bul:ok dadi…
She left…dadi patted purab and left…he was jumping in joy…

Time passed..abhi came home…
Abhi:hii dadi…
Dadi:u came beta…
Abhi:haan dadi..very hungry pls gve smthnng to eat i ll fresh up and cme…
Dadi:ok beta…

He freshed up and came…purab too came…
Abhi:hey puru..hw is ur fever nw..are u ok…
Pur:haan bhai..i…
Dadi:he is perfectly fyn…nw no fever at all…oly his lips are not feelng well…
Abhi:wat lips…y…
Purab felt embarassed..he gestured no to dadi…she laughed…
Abhi:hello wats gng bw u both…dadi nwdays u r also hiding things frm me na…
Dadi:arey nthng like tat beta..i think ur bro will marry really befre u…
Purab was shocked…
Abhi:purab wats tis man…
Pur:nthng bhai…dadi gone mad…u eat…
Dadi:oye..i became mad or u…u r oly mad fr her..
Abhi:her…who is tat her…
Pur:nthng bhai…
Dadi:she oly..his bulbul…
Abhi:wat..bulbul…purab wat is she saying..
He blushed…
Dadi:did u see hw he is blushing….
Abhi:ohh my god ten is tat true…wow iam so happy man…
Pur:really bhai…
Abhi:of course yaar…
Pur:i thought u dnt like girls na so…
Abhi:arey not like tat…i dbt like girls who are selfish and show attitude..but bulbul is not like tat..i liked her frst itself…
Pur:really iam so happy bhai..tq…u r ryt she is so sweet…
Abhi:ohh..ok ok…

He teased him…
Dadi:oh hello both of u..iam also here…u dnt want my opinion huh…
Pur:arey dadi i knw u ll say yes oly…
Dadi:who said like tat…i dnt like her…
They were shocked…

Pur:dadi…but y…she is such a nice girl…
Dadi:i dnt need all tat…i dnt like her tats all…
She turned away…purab became sad…abhi went to dadi…
Abhi:dadi wats tis..he is feelng sad na…
Dadi winked to him…he undrstood amd smiled…
Abhi:purab..i think u shld change ur mind…fr us dadi is oly important na..sry…
Pur:but bhai..
Abhi:sry purab..frgt her…
Purab was shocked…he controlled his tears…
Pur:ok bhai…sry fr hurting u dadi…
He was abt to leave…they both burst into laughter…he was shocked…
Abhi:oye pagal…u ll believe watevr we say huhh…
Purab was confused…
Dadi:acha…so u ll do watevr i say huhh..

Pur:haan u r oly important fr us na…
Dadi:ohh my sweet baccha…if u think tis much fr me..i wnt think fr ur happiness huhh…
Pur:tat means…
Dadi:meabs iam ok wit her…
Pur:wat..but u dbt like her na…
Dadi:haan yes…

He became sad…
Dadi:i dnt like her…i love her…

He was shocked…
Dadi:buddhu we were playing…
He felt relieved…he had happy tears…. he hugged dadi…
Abhi:ohh my crying baby…

Purab beat him…
Pur:u also played na…go…
Abhi:arey sry na…
He hugged him…
Abhi:iam so happy fr u…my bro taste is also like me… u…wat do u mean…
Abhi was shocked…
Abhi:vo..vo..nthng i…
Pur:bhai tell the truth…wait..ten u also love someone huhh…

Abhi:arey no no…she is jst my frnd…but she is such a nice girl…so sweet…loving..caring..i hve not seen anyone like her befre…i feel so happy wit her…she is jst like bulbul oly…
Pur:bhai…the way u describe her and the spark in ur eyes wen u talk abt her..i dnt think tis is frndship…i think u love her…hey na dadi…
Dadi:ryt..and i wil be so happy if my abhi gets someone like tis to take care of him…
Abhi:arey dnt blabber both of u…nthng like tat…
Pur:bhai iam sure its love..u ll realise soon…
Abhi:u r mad.. iam leavng…
He ran to his room…in his room he was thinking of pragya…

Abhi:is it i love her…no no tat cant hapn..she is my frnd..but wat if its true…
He remembered the moments wit her…the fights…smile…holding her in arms and hugging her…he was smiling…
Abhi:ten tat means..i love her?…ohh god i cant believe tis…but abhi tats oly true…u love her man…u love her character na…u love to be in her company na…u ll be happy if she is with u life long na..ten wat…all tis is love oly na…yes..yes..i love her…
He shouted…
Abhi:i love my pragu..i love my chashmish…
Pur abd dadi:we too love her….

He was shocked to see them at the door…they came in…
Pur:bhai..i said na…nw see…
Abhi hugged him blushing…
Dadi:arey my baccha is blushing…so sweet…iam so happy..i got both bahus today…
Abhi hugged dadi…trio shared a group hug…they smiled…

Screen freezes wit thr smiling faces…

So wats gng to hpn nxt…hw is purab gng to tell bulbul…hw will abhi confess his love..will pragya accept it…stay tuned to knw tat…

Hope u all liked it…tq fr all ur lovable likes and cmnts…othrs pls do cmnt…keep supporting…love u all..stay blessed..bye…muuaahh???????


Mad fr ABHIGYA? Going more crazy for my darling SHABBIR????A bit CRAZY and too SENSITIVE??

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