Fan Fiction


Hii darlus…i knw all are upset wit ystrday epi dnt wry i wnt separate them…tq all fr ur love and cmnts…here is the nxt epi…

Pragya reached office and sat down dejected in her cabin…she was not able to control her tears…shyam came thr…
Shy:pragz tis file is…
He saw her crying…she wiped her tears…
Shy:pragz wat hpnd..are u ok…y r u crying…

Pra:nthng..iam fyn…tell…
Shy:wat fyn…u r crying tell me…
Pra:i said nthng na leave it…i hve lots of wrk tell me fast…
Shy:ok..iam sry…u askd tis file na…so..
Pra:ohh ok…keep it and go…
Shyam kept it and moved sadly…pragya felt bad…
He turned…
Pra:iam sry..i hope u undrstand…
Shyam smiled and nodded…she too nodded wit a smile…

Abhi was gng to tat orphanage…he was so excited to bring pragya father and make her happy…bulbul was also gng wit him…they reachd thr…both rushed in and started searching evrywhr…but they cant find him…in lawn area they met the caretaker of the orphanage…
Ct:mr.abhishek…u here…cme sir..hw r u…
Abhi:iam fyn sir…vo..i…
Ct:wat hpnd any prblm…

Abhi:vo..we came in search of a person…
Abhi:he is my father in law…jst nw we came to knw tat he might be here..not we thought to search but…
Ct:pls tell who it is..i ll help u…
Bul:sir actually i think he came here 2 years back…iam not sure if he is here…his name is kailash…
The caretaker was shocked…
Abhi:u knw him? Sir pls tell me if u knw…
Ct:mr.abhishek iam frst shocked tat u knw his name…coz he dnt tell his real name to anyone except me…

Abhi:wat ten he was here…?
Ct:yes..and u knw him well…
Abhi:wat… u remember mr.girish…wenevr u cme here u spend time wit him…
Abhi:haan…girish sir i knw…but wat does he hve wit tis…
Ct:he is oly kailash…
Abhi was shocked…bulbul was confused…

Abhi:sir…is it true…i…
Ct:yes mr.abhishek..he is oly kailash…
Abhi remembered hw he used to share abt his daughters and feel…abhi felt bad tat he dnt knw tat tis much days…abhi told evrythng to bulbul…
Bul:ten its still more simple na jiju…we can find him easily…
Abhi:u r ryt bulbul..u knw i ll always scold him to go back to his daughters but he wnt listen..
Ct:but i think nw he has listened to u…
Ct:haan abhishek…2 months back he decided to go back to his family…
Bul:wat 2 months back?? But he dnt cme yet…
Ct:tats wat iam also confused…iam worried fr him nw…
Abhi:but hw…whr will he go wen he decided to cme to u all..
Bul:ohh no wat would hve hpnd to him…papa…
She cried.. abhi consoled her…
Abhi:dnt wry nthng would hve hpnd to him…
Man:i dnt think so…
They turned and saw an old man thr…
Abhi:ram uncle…aap…y u told like tat…

Bul:jiju who is tis…
Ram:beta iam ur papa frnd…he was wit me oly here…
Bul:but y u said so…
Ram:coz i feel smthng is wrng…
Abhi:y sir…
Ram:abhi as sir said kailash decided to leave to his family 2 months back…he was abt to go nxt mrng…but befre tat the prev nyt…
Abhi:prev nyt wat sir…

Ram:abhi some men came here…they said tat they were sent by his daughter pragya to get him…i had a doubt tat y his daughter dnt cme to see..but he dnt hear me…he said tat may be his daughter is angry so oly she sent these men…i tried a lot to stop him..but he dnt listen…he was blinded by his daughter love…he left wit them..i was worried coz he dbt evn come once to see me aftr tat nw wen u say he dnt cme to u i can undrstand tat my doubt was ryt…
Abhi and bulbul were shocked…bulbul sat down shattered…abhi consoled her…
Abhi:bulbul relax…

Bul:jiju my papa..i..i dnt knw whr we are gng to find him…i lost him again…papa..i dbt knw wat hpnd to him…papa…
Abhi:bulbul i can undrstand tis is becmng complicated than i thought..but dnt wry nw we knw all tis na…we ll find him soon…sir…thr is cctv camera here na..can u show tat footage…
Ct:sure abhi..cme…
They went and saw the footage of tat day…

Abhi:bulbul jst see if u can identify anyone in tis..
Bul:tat oly iam thinking but i dnt knw anyone..jiju but tis one man alone i feel like i hve seen somewhr but i cant remember…
Abhi:think well…jst think who were all ur papa enemies…
Bul:jiju the oly enemy my papa had is tat karthik..he also is in jail…he…wait..wait jiju i think i remember nw…tis man is karthik frnd…i hve seen him in thr marriage…
Abhi:wat are u sure…

Bul:iam sure jiju..he evn tried to flirt wit me…
Abhi:ten tats it…tat karthik oly might hve kidnapped ur dad…
Bul:wat..ohh no papa…but jiju he is in jail na…
Abhi:its been 2 yrs bulbul..wat if he has been released or bailed…we must find tat frst…evn if he is in jail his frnd must be doing tis fr him…
Bul:u r ryt jiju…tat bl**dy man…y dnt he let us live in peace…if he dbt do tis we would hve got our papa 2 months back itself…
Abhi:dbt wry bulbul we ll find soon…but u pls dnt tell tis to ur maa or dii…i dnt want them to get tensed..we ll tell aftr we get some info..

Bul:ok jiju…
Abhi:tq ram uncle…tq sir..
Ct:abhi u r doing so much fr us..tis is jst a small help..
Ram:yes..and i dbt want my frnd’s family to suffer…find him soon…
Abhi:sure uncle…tq…
They left frm thr…abhi dropped bulbul and left home…he went to his room and saw pragya folding clothes…
Abhi:fuggy…u came so soon frm office..?
Pra:time is 6..
Abhi:wat..ohh no…i dnt see the time at all..iam so sry fuggy…but hw u came…
Pra:ohh u remember tat i would not hve had any way to cme…but thank god..purab came thr and picked me…
Abhi:iam so sry fuggy…i was in an important wrk..i dnt see the time at all…
Pra:haan i can much important wrk na…
Abhi:fuggy…i knw u r angry..iam sry na…pls i wnt do like tis again…
Pragya controlled her tears…
Pra(thinks):may be iam wrng…wat if tat girl is his frnd..thr might be some reason na if he hides frm me…
She smiled at him…
Pra:ok fyn…i frgve u..leave…
Abhi:thank u so much fuggy…i knw my sweety wil frgve me…
He hugged her…she was shocked…she was abt to hug him tat time his phone rang…
Abhi:ohh god tis phone bhi na..wrng timing…
Pragya smiled..he saw bulbul callng…he undrstood it was abt her papa…he dnt hw to talk befre pragya…
Abhi:vo…one important client…jst a min…

He moved frm thr…pragya was confused of his behaviour…but she left…he went to balcony…
Abhi:haan bulbul bolo…
Bul:jiju u said to find abt karthik na..i tried…he is still in jail oly..jst nw i found…
Abhi:wat…ten i was ryt…he is making his frnd do all to take his revenge…
Bul:jiju iam very scared..wat if he does smthng to papa…
Abhi:dnt wry bulbul nthng wil hpn to him…
Bul:no jiju he is very dangerous iam scared…

At tat time pragya came thr to gve him coffee…
Abhi:ohh god…cme on ma…u trust me na…ten wat..dbt wry iam thr..i ll take care..
Pragya was shocked hearing those frnds..
Pra(thinks):he said client..but y he talks like tis…ten again he lied to me?
She got angry…she controlled her tears and left…abhi came back aftr call…he saw coffee on table…
Abhi:ohh thank u fr coffee..i was hvng headache…
Pragya dbt react..she was doing some wrk…

Abhi:wat hpnd fuggy…y r u tensed…
She moved frm thr…abhi held her hand…
Abhi:fuggy..iam talkng to u oly…wat hpnd…
Pra:leave me i hve wrk…
Abhi:arey jst nw u frgve me na…ten y r u angry again…

Pra:i said leave me..i hve wrk…
Abhi:arey its ok..u can do all wrk later…
Pra:fr u ur wrk is important na..tat too very important client call na…ten wat…fr me my wrk is leave me…
She relieved her hand and left…abhi was confused…
Abhi:y is she angry fr tis…strange…

She went to a anothr room and cried closing the door…
Pra:y..y he cheated me…
She sobbed…she ten got confused…

Pra:but y i feel fr tis…i dnt marry him wit love…haan tats ryt but he loved me na…hw can he cheat me…may be he got frustrated as i dnt love him..but still tis is not fair..he said he loves me oly na…but y do i feel fr tis…i dnt love him na…or may be i love him?
She thought abt the moments wit him…she was feelng happy and contented…
Pra:wat…ten it means i lovd him…yes…yes i love him…
She smiled wit tears…but her smiled vanished soon…

Pra:but wats the use nw its too late…all coz of me oly he loved me so much but i dnt reciprocate…so oly he changed his mind…but hw can he do like tat…will he gve up so soon..ten tis is not love at all…watevr i dnt want to be a burden fr him..let him be happy…heartbreak is not new fr me..but i dbt want him to be hurt coz of me..i ll leave him soon…
She cried hard…

Screen freezes wit her crying face…

I knw all wil be angry nw…but dnt wry i wnt disappoint u….pls drop ur views…and nxt one i ll update on nxt thursday oly coz monday christmas all will be on leave…ten i hve clg on tues wed…so i ll update on thursday…and tmrw satrday also i think i cant and sunday my bday so i cant..i need all ur wishes and blessings on my bday..keep supporting…love u all..stay blessed..bye???????


Mad fr ABHIGYA? Going more crazy for my darling SHABBIR????A bit CRAZY and too SENSITIVE??

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