Hii darlus…so happy tat all liked the prev part..tq fr all ur likes and cmnts…love u all…here goes the nxt epi…
Morning sun kissed abhigya’s face…pragya cuddled near abhi…she slowly opened her eyes…she smiled seeing thr position…she was lying on abhi’s chest hugging him and he was sleeping hugging her like a teddy bear…she kissed him…he smiled in sleep…she tried to get up…
Abhi:fuggy…sleep fr sometym na…
Pra:abhoo..its late…i hve to go and do wrk..dadi will wait…
Abhi:no need…servants are thr…dadi wil not disturb u or search u…she is my pyaari dadi..she knws tat u wil be busy wit me…
Pra:chi buddhu…anyway leave me…u hve office na…
Abhi:fuggy…dnt be so stubborn…pls be wit me fr sometime…
Pra:abhoo…iam.wit u oly frm.nyt na…nw i hve wrk na…pls undrstand…
Abhi:fuggy…dnt spoil my mood early mrng…
Pra:abhoo…y cant u undrstand..i..
Abhi lost his temper…he moved frm her…
Abhi:fyn iam oly wrng…u can go…wrk is oly important na…iam sry fr disturbing u…
Pra:abhoo..not like tat…u…
Abhi:i dnt want to talk any more abt tis…u may leave…
Pragya left wit tears…abhi stamped his foot angrily…
Pragya came down aftr gettng ready…
Dadi:gud mrng beta…
Pra:gud mrng dadi…
She left sadly saying gud mrng without evng looking at her…dadi felt strange…pragya went to cook….aftr sometym abhi came down..
Abhi:dadi…iam hvng important meeting in office iam leavng…
Dadi:arey eat and go…
Abhi:no dadi i ll eat out…no tym…
Dadi:ok but tell ur wife na befre gng…
Pragya came out of kitchen sadly…she looked at him wit tears…he gve her a stare…
Abhi:she wil hve lots of important wrk dadi…u tell her iam leavng..bye…
He left…
Dadi:arey but…
Dadi undrstood thr fight…she went to pragya…pragya wiped her tears…
Dadi:pragya beta i knw its not gud to interfere in ur prblm…but still will u pls listen to tis dadi once…
Pra:dadi dnt talk like tis..u can tell watevr u feel…
Dadi:listen beta its not tat u dnt knw but u must undrstand hw much abhi loves u..i knw u want to be a good bahu take care of us all tat ok…but evrythng aftr him oly beta…u urself knw na he nevr gets angry on u but today…it is also oly coz of his love…he loves u so much tat he always wants u by his side…iam not saying u shld be wit him always but atleast u must spend some time fr him…else it will spoil the relationship between u both…i hope u undrstand…
Pra:i undrstand dadi..my mistake oly…but fr tat i dnt expect tat he will get so much angry and wnt evn talk to me…hw can i spend my day like tis dadi without evn a wrd frm him…
Dadi:beta jst sometime aftr sometym his anger will vanish and he ll talk to u…if not u go and initiate the talk…no ego between u both…evrythng wil be alryt…dnt wry…
Pra:tq dadi…
She hugged dadi and cried…sarla maa came thr…
Sar:buddhu cry nw…cant u think tis befre…y u hurted abhishek…
Pra:maa..vo..iam sry…
Sar:say sry to him..not me…
Dadi:sarla ji…u too dnt make her cry…tis is such a silly fight..leave it they ll be ok soon…
Sar:ji…but iam so happy tat she got such a good family here…u take care of her like maa…iam so happy…
Dadi:arey she is like my daughter oly…my sweetheart she is…hey na bacchu…
Pragya nodded and hugged her wit smile…bulbul came thr and hugged dadi…
Bul:ohh hello madam ji…half of tis is fr me too…soon i ll also cme as bahu fr tis house…remember tat…
Pra:arey buddhu…y half fully fr u oly…half frm dadi and half frm me…
Bul:wow supr..tq dii…
Pra:but remember iam elder bahu…so iam like saasu maa fr u..if u dnt wrk i ll thrash u nicely…
Bul:arey my dear saasu maa…u may be saasu maa…but iam nani ma…u cant evn stand befre me.. u knw na…
Pra:ohh god..i knw…sry madam ji..frgve me…
Bul:bettr…remember tat always…
All laughed and hugged togethr…
At office…abhi was wrkng wit some files…
Abhi:wat the hell thr are so many mistakes in tis…
He calld someone…
Abhi:mr.kabir…cme to my cabin nw…
Kab:yes sir…
He came thr…
Kab:yes sir any prblm…
Abhi:wats all tis thr are so many mistakes in tis file…wat the hell is happng in tis office…
Kab:iam sry sir…tis file was handled by newly appointed staff…they are nw oly learning slowly…
Abhi:are u mad…y r u gvng important files to new staffs man…
Kab:sir..vo..pragya mam oly said they must learn all wrk…so..
Abhi:acha..so they ll make mistakes and learn and wat abt my deal…can i send tis to clients…
Kab:sir no no sir…once they finish she ll check it again befre sending sir…she dbt cme today na..so…
Abhi:so wat damn it…oly she shld do all wrk huhh…if she is not thr y cant u or someone else check….
Kab:sry sir…i kept in my table fr checking…tis peon took it to u by mistake…
Abhi:hell wit ur excuses…go and finish tis in 1 hr…and keep tat new staff wit u while dng…let them knw thr mistakes…
Kab:yes sir…
He left…
Abhi:all idiots…no wrk wil take place without pragya…hw much wrk she ll handle…she…
He remembered his fight wit her…
Abhi:shit…iam mad…i must not hve shouted at her like tat…see hw much wrk she is managing..office wrk…house wrk…ten handling my wrk itself is a big prblm fr her…she handles evrythng so neatly and calmly but never shows those stresses.. but wat i did..i shouted her fr not spending sometime wit me..iam an idiot…mad…i knw she ll be more worried nw…let me call…
He took his mobile and dialled her…at tat tym shyam came thr…
Shy:sir…clients hve cme…they are ready fr the meeting…waitng fr u sir…
Abhi:yeah iam cmng..
Shyam left…
Abhi:fyn..let me finish tis meeting and go home soon…it wnt be good consoling her in phone..i ll console my baby aftr gng home…
He left fr meeting…
It was 9 at nyt…meeting went fr a long time…abhi came home tired…but he was searching fr her…
Dadi:abhi..u came…y so late…
Abhi:sry dadi held up in meeting..whr is pragya…
Dadi smiled…
Dadi:she is in room waitng fr u…
Abhi smiled and went up…he slowly opened the door…she was lying facing othr side…he could hear whispers of cry…he slowly went near and lied…he caressed her hair and hugged her…
Abhi:iam sry fuggy…
She got up wit a jerk…she saw him and wiped her tears…
Pra:aap..wen u came…
She was abt to get up…he held her hand and pulled towards him…she fell on his chest…she controlled her tears…he lifted her face and looked into her eyes…
She broke down crying and hugged him tight…he too hugged her and caressed her back to console her…
Abhi:ok ok i knw iam sry…stop crying baby pls…
Pra:hw can u be full day without talkng to me..i almost died u knw…
Abhi:iam sry baby…pls frgve me na…
Pra:i accept its my mistake…i shld hve spent sometime wit u..but fr tat…
Abhi:no no…not ur mistake…my mistake oly…i must knw hw much wrk u are managing daily..u are managing me…tis house and evn office wrk…but i..iam sry fuggy…
Pra:no u dnt say sry…hw much evr wrk i hve u r oly frst na…i shld hve gvn importance to u…aftr u oly anythng else fr me…iam sry…
Abhi had tears…he hugged her and kissed her forehead…
Abhi:ok fyn…enough of tis sry drama…nw listen hereaftr watevr may be the prblm..i wnt be without talkng to u…we ll fight…we ll end it ryt thr…we ll hug each othr and solve it immediately…no more angry or no talk business..ok..
Pra:haan ok…and i will also spend more time wit u hereaftr…ok…
Abhi:hw will i not say ok fr tat..of course ok…
She blushed and hugged him…he kissed her forehead…she kissed his cheeks…
Abhi:ok wait i hve smthng fr u…
Abhi:see here…
He gve her a locket chain…
Pra:wow tats so pretty…acha u r gvng gift fr gettng angry huhh…if so daily i ll get angry…
Abhi:buddhu…no need to get angry…i ll gve u watevr u want daily also..
Pra:tq baby..i was joking…but tis is really so cute…i love it…
Abhi:open it na…
She opened it and saw…it was written abhi pragya on one side and abhigya on othr side…
Pra:wow tats awesome…ok i can.guess its a combination of our name..but..
Abhi:haan tat too fr our daughter…
Pragya blushed…
Pra:u thought so much huhh..wat if its a son..
Abhi:no.iam sure it will be daughter fr us…evn if its son iam ok..let tis jst be as a combination of our names..tats it…
Pragya nodded and smiled..
Pra:watevr tat we ll see wen baby cms…
Abhi:arey but fr tat we must do preparations na…
He nuzzled her neck and went closer…she blushed and pushed him..
Pra:buddhu…all tat later…frst cme lets eat…
Abhi:u dnt eat still…
Pra:hw will i eat wen my jaan dnt talk wit me frm mrng…
Abhi:idiot are u mad…y cant u say tis befre…frst cme and eat…
Pra:one min frst u tell me…did u eat aftrnoon…
Abhi:vo..i..haan..i ate…
Pra:look at my eyes and say…
Abhi:ok fyn sry..i dnt eat…
Pra:idiot..ten y u r tellng me…
Dadi:coz u both are mad…
They saw dadi at door…
Dadi:both love each othr so much…but fighting..buddhus…here i bought food…both of u eat…
Pra:dadi y did u strain…
Dadi:arey robin oly bought upstairs..iak jst bringing to ur room oly…dnt wry…nw cme on hve tis…
Pragya got frm dadi…
Dadi:both of u eat fully and sleep well…we ll talk mrng…gud nyt…
Abhi:gud nyt baby doll…
Pragya laughed..
Dadi:badmaash do ur romance thr…
Abhi:of course i will darling…
He hugged pragya…pragya pushed him…dadi laughed and left…
Pra:besharam u are abhoo…
Abhi:y shld i hve shame to hug my wife..
Pra:enough cme and eat frst…
They sat fr eating…as pragya served abhi fed her frst…
Pra:arey u eat na…
Abhi:keep quiet and hve tis…
She smiled and got it…ten she fed him…they fed each othr and finished eating…ten they went to sleep cuddling each othr so closely…
Abhi:good nyt jaanu…
Pra:good nyt baby…
He kissed her forehead and switched off the light…she hugged him tight and they dozed off…
Screen freezes wit thr happy faces….
Hope u all liked tis part…keep supporting…love u all…stay blessed..bye..???????????
Awesome episode
Abhigya are awesome???
Plz add more rabul and aliya and shyam scenes
Very excited for next
Post soon dear
Tq darling love u???????
This update is sooooooooooo cute???
I just loved it and now eagerly waiting to read more and also i hope hereafter there won’t be any abhigya separation
Sure dear tq???????
Cute fight n lovely
Tq dear????????
Awwwwwwww abhigya cuteness luvliness just loving them so much loved it dr keep rocking eagerly waiting 4 ur nxt updt

Tq darlu love u???????
Just loved it ?? abhigya this is what we want I hope no separation drama will take place I want abhigya to face each n every situation together stay together in all kinds of problems r happiness love them ???
Yeah sure tq dear???????
Awesome sister
Tq dear???????